Monday, July 22, 2019

Low Hanging Fruit

(the unhealed healer wants gratitude from his brothers but is not grateful cim)  What's the story?
  We have big problems in the opiate world- It looks like the DOJ/DEA  is going after the low hanging fruit and not the real perps of this opiate crisis- As a result of this many intractable pain patients are suffering immeasurably- The major distributors targeted specific areas throughout our country because they knew where they could capitalize. This was rural Appalachia (one example) economically deprived or working in the coal mines chronic pain victims who were much more susceptible to becoming addicts-
  They inundated our country-  One company-( Mallinckrodt)76 billion oxycontin and vicodins between 06-12-  one rep quote-"keep em coming just like Doritos keep eating well make more-its like people are addicted or something oh wait people are-"66% of fla pill mill drugs came from this one comp- other companies-Cardinal health McKesson Walgreens CVS Wal-Mart Purdue Pharma- alleged to be involved in a (civil racketeering enterprise- Rico) that had a pernicious effect on communities-
   AG Sessions June 2018- 601 indictments- largest federal action Medicare Medicaid fraud in medical history- Massive DOJ attack on medicine, many patients that have legitimate chronic intractable pain. Could this be another witch hunt by the dept. of justice that is harming many innocent doctors and their patients while ignoring the real perps that have lawsuits against them in Cleveland? Not everybody becomes an addict and most intractable pain patients don't want to be on meds and aren't using to self medicate get high or to cope- Many addicts have issues in their background childhood trauma etc- (
  A company like Mallinckrodt described as the kingpin in the drug cartel appear to be  a much higher level of fruit in this drug epidemic. Attacking independent pharmacies for doctors that keep meticulous records for their patients doesn't sound like a fair fight. dea apparently has extra judicial tools in regards to their prosecution-
  If Arthur Anderson can go out of business for being under criminal indictment only to get vindicated shortly thereafter what could really be happening to many doctors that seem to be victims of an over zealous doj with alliances to various special interest groups- The kind that control the media and tell everybody how evil many doctors are and how many people are oding- Its an unfortunate situation all the way around but when chronic pain patients cant get their meds legally this is not morally just. 

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