Saturday, July 27, 2019

Echo In Ramadi

I don't want to boast Echo company was the most bad ass company of Marines ever to walk  a battlefield, or that we endured the most pain. Many other units were plenty tough and endured an equal level of pain and loss, if not more then we did- Scott A. Huesing-  is a humble warrior.
 Unacceptable opsec disaster from fox news- Nov 06 media is never supposed to tip the bad guys off- They did that in Somalia 93-  the press should be on a need to know basis because lets face it what can we do about it at home so why do we need to know every single op that Americas fighting warriors are up to- we need transparency for rogue cia but never tell the world where are troops are about to move forward in any specific geographic location.
  Another quote-" Its not easy to kill another human being- not for anyone-no matter how its portrayed in fiction, on television or in the movies- their is nothing romantic or cavalier about it- its horrific- killing is an unnatural act"-21
   Scott is a very good writer- "what makes us good, what makes us great, is the brotherhood- Marines are not just warriors, their artisans, musicians, poets comedians, and yes sometimes writers-" 101

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