Monday, July 15, 2019

Abnormal Society

"(We are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society-( p253 ) what does this mean?
     Huxley had it right because this explains what all of our ills are- In other words their was never a problem with us perse there was always a problem with the so called hidden forces within our society. All of our problems and the labels that go along with it are a direct result of attempting to adapt to a world that we really cant relate to. In other words we are told we are almost there, its just around the corner, what you are seeking is way above your head anyway so you might as well quit trying.
  Original sin, guilt shame, this is a major issue, we used coping strategies such as drugs and alcohol to cope because there is a problem with society not with us. If 60,000 people a year are (oding(death) and veterans are committing suicide at a record pace, the problem is the hidden forces within our society, not within the individual. How else can one explain what has been transpiring as of late?
   That is why we cant relate to so called earth people, that is what members of our abnormal society are called. So what it comes down to is that we are born perfect and as a result of trying to conform to the abnormal that is how we got all screwed up. This is because everybody was always telling us that we had problems-  So when we get into the rooms our first thought is right and our natural inclination isn't maladaptive, its actually the other way around. We just need to see the light and realize that we aren't dysfunctional just normal people trying to adapt to a highly abnormal society-
    Lets take a look at the extreme self centered myth- We are told we are maladaptive and extremely self absorbed so we must get out of ourselves and become productive. The real issue is that we aren't self centered and getting out of ourselves was the problem all along because that is what we were doing to cope- We used drugs, booze, sex, food, tobacco anything and everything to get out of ourselves, that was our problem the entire time-
   We need to go within and tap into our inner light and that is when the decision is made. We don't need to be told what to do because we already know, our true and authentic self will guide us. So our first thought and instinct is right not vice verse- Its original sin, religion and the churches that created many of our problems. The inclination to fit in and conform into a highly dysfunctional society is not an easy thing to do. Anorexia, body dysmorphia, alcoholism, substance use disorder, bulimia, bpd, anxiety, bi-polar these are all symptoms of hsp (highly sensitive people) trying to relate to a world that is not really relatable- HSP's that were born perfect that is the essence of it all, not the original sin garbage.
 We are told we have chemical imbalances and that we need (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) to get our neurotransmitters up to speed what a con game that is. What could be worse then telling us that we aren't normal and that we need more drugs to go along with the drugs we were just on in order to get better. That is why mental illness is a charade, we have symptoms based on a highly abnormal society and that is why we used drugs and booze to cope. The last thing we would ever need is more drugs because our brain needs to get back to the original state of homeostasis. The soul that we were all born with, because the problem has been with our abnormal society the entire time.  

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