Monday, July 8, 2019

Task Force 129

What is going on- lets see I had a dream that I was getting vetted by the fbi- My higher up the one that was interviewing me was none other then Kyle Chandler- He played a detective in Bloodline that wanted to share intel with the feds and vice verse- That is a good strategy- all leos should share intel w/ local state and federal leas without egos getting involved-
  In Maryland local cops were able to jump over the county lines for an investigation- Carfentynal dealer who allegedly had four fatal ods that he was responsible for- Tell me more about the dream- So Chandler who played an fbi guy in Wolf of Wall Street and cia in Zero Dark Thirty was feeling pretty good about my prospects- I was straight up about my rap sheet- You don't think they already knew about it? Yes but at least I didn't have( a lack of candor-) So after the interview the Chandler character went dark but then I found out that he had an issue with the bottle and got into a little bit of trouble himself- I never found out about what happened to him, I just know that I wasn't picked up and I then fell into the civilian abyss-
  What do you think your chances were anyway considering your rap sheet- dwi, weapons conviction and a history of drug addiction- Let me put it this way we have some rogue zealots within the fbi and they can use somebody like me because some of the dirty ones aren't just the 1% that Hannity wants us to believe- They have been covering up crimes after being involved in creating them in some capacity for many years now and they need to be outed- Chances are pretty high that fbi covered up JFK and the bogus Warren commission-
  I am talking about more then likely being involved in false flags and false flag shootings in some capacity- Recruiting mentally retarded individuals  and then getting them to act as patsies in order to keep the terror machine going at full force- And we are still trying to figure out how and why John O'Neill died on 9-11- How and why did he go to the world trade center as director of security a few days before the attacks wtf was that all about- He was the top cop within the bureau, the only one along with Ali Soufan doing aggressive counter terrorism work and he was aggressively tracking Al- Quada with limited resources at his disposal. He ended up resigning right after the brief case incident that appears that he was set up for.
   He died on 9-11 so what was that really about because inquiring people want to know- So basically we would need an (OPR- IA) division above the fbi or work directly with the white hats within the bureau in order to take down these rogue zealots- What job were you interviewing for with the Chandler character? I was just going to be a field agent but that would be better then nothing I suppose- If they told me that I would have to recruit a mentally retarded individual to be used  as a patsy I would refuse and then request a transfer. Another alphabet agency more then likely into (Task Force 129)

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