Saturday, July 6, 2019

Modern Day Shamans

It wasn't too long ago that honest shamans were eliminated- This led to only the corrupt ones that got ahead to continue on with their hocus pocus trickery and deception- Today we have a lot of modern day shamans pulling the strings- A recent op-ed in the wsj wanted to know where are the modern day John Adams's- The problem is that most politicians mostly all of the ones at the top are modern day shamans instead,  pulling strings and getting kickbacks from big pharma.. Their has been so much corruption that has transpired its tough to wrap ones head around it-
  Lets take a look at the dope dealers who don't care when people die because its just a business you know what I am saying you feel me- The addicts who don't die sometimes make it to rehab- what's been happening in the treatment center world as of late- Its a business so peoples piss generates a lot of cash just like the drug dealers make- Insurance company kickbacks when young people are dropping like flies it is quite pathetic to say the least- I am not talking small time fraud- Billing thousands of  dollars for one test it is  greed gone wild-
   Their is a breath of fresh air and his name is Dave Aronberg- His task force has taken some bad guys down- he is morally outraged so this should be the beginning of the end  for many of these fraudsters who are making a bundle off of other peoples pain and suffering- You can send a test to the lab as long as  their is a legitimate reason for it and  as  long as you aren't  billing for thousands  of dollars over the normal rate-
   The other thing that I have changed my view on- Obamas affordable Care  act is what created a great deal of corruption- If somebody's insurance company is going to cover multiple trips to rehab with no cap their is no incentive for the client to ever get better- That affordable care act is what created much of the patient brokering shady deals and many of the ods- So basically this means that the more times people go to rehab the sicker everybody gets- The owners are making a lot of money and losing any emotional connection to their clients- I suppose they look at it like a surgeon does- sometimes people will die and sometimes they wont, you cant become attached to the outcome-

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