Monday, July 8, 2019

Dilapadated Wastelands

"when it comes to dish out punishment John Barleycorn has no equal" welcome to 2019 when JB has met a formidable foe and more then likely has been surpassed by opiates- we have never seen anything like this, our country has ben ravaged by this drug-
  As far as punishment and pain the first responders and our law enforcement have been on the front lines of a serious war- The modern day shamans in the media should be ashamed of themselves for their lack of coverage on anything except made up delusions of collusion and Trump derangement syndrome- They are derelict of real journalism as people are dying at a rapid fire pace- I have contempt for their actions- they have done nothing except blow smoke everywhere as they continued to try to make us believe that our Potus was dirty- They are getting paid very good money to essentially string us along with yellow journalism and operation mockingbird tactics-  It is too late for many people because they have already been brainwashed-
    We need a police state not Israeli trained but rather Americana trained with red white and blue Tasers and bullets- My view has changed considerably after witnessing the carnage first hand on Dope- Many politicians are on the hook for being dirty because right after they shut down the pill mills in 2011 the heroin epidemic started to rear its ugly head- Big pharma mis represented the addictive nature of this drug and they are responsible for addicting  a generation, 80% that started off with legitimate prescriptions-
  Considering they had legitimate chronic pain to begin with the withdrawal symptoms are another pure hell all within itself- We have a country filled up with people that need their fix not to get high but rather just to feel normal and not get sick- It can all end much sooner rather then later if we had more leos and even more room for jails- These dealers are ruthless- Here is a quote from one of them in Baltimore- "the more fiends the dope kills  the more the fiends want  the dope" It is true the dealers don't know how much fentanyl it takes to kill anybody it is hit or miss they are just meeting the supply with the demand-
   We have cities in this country that are dilapidated wastelands- No police presence like Flint Michigan where the bad guys outnumber the good- So even though the suits at the pentagon can screw up our wars they at least had a lot of money for contracts to fuel into it and keep it going- Considering their was no spending cap overseas even though the tactics were all screwed up the more money they spent the more money they made-
  Considering that is the case you mean to tell me they cant put money into our cities to clean them up- Camden NJ they revamped the leos and had a much better strategy and now its working- In Atlanta you have a bounty hunter going in to take down a bad guy with very little back up- That is stressful and unnecessary, our leas need to be overhauled with the latest and greatest and we need more of them-

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