Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Acadamy Of Ideas

   Aren't you a little too old to get recruited into the fbi? What do you have that other seasoned vets don't have especially the ones that have been doing it for their entire careers?  You are right I may not have much to offer- I will say that the goal is to be interconnected to all life beings at a metaphysical superconsious level so that is my edge. In reality most beings are interconnected but the ones who aren't stick out so this helps when it comes to chasing the bad guys and girls for that matter-
   So you are kind of like Santa Claus you can sense who has been bad and who has been good ie- criminal psychological profiling- What it comes down to is their is a separation between  good and evil acts so to speak, this misrepresentation by some of the new agers is misleading. I believe that we have a eugenics program that is working in full force by some of the technocratic elites- Their is a reason for the rule of law and this means that nobody is exempt.
   It seems to be what Huxley was talking about in Brave New World- He was intrigued by eugenics and differed a bit from Orwell- He more or less predicted that societies masses would be dopamine seekers that become too distracted to act anything but apathetic toward something like the mass carnage due to our modern day opiate epidemic- We can see it all around us everywhere but whenever we go online we see AOC and a bunch of progressive zealots, yellow journalism, outright lies by many that just cause mass distraction exactly what Huxley was referring to.  Keep us fighting against each other while the elites go ahead and steal all of the loot-
   Huxley didn't think the masses would be reading too many books let alone his- Considering he followed the adage "every position may be held to be equally right as well as equally wrong" 

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