Monday, July 1, 2019

He Would Get On It

Tell me more about Slick Willy's greasy palm handshake on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch. Actually it looks like Bill Clinton  was involved in some disturbing dirty deals in the 80"s as well at another airport in Mena Ark. Judicial Watch is suing the (Inspector General cia) and doing an foia request.
  According to William Duncan the Mena Ark investigation was never supposed to see the light of day. Duncan was a former IRS investigator-he along with Ark. state police investigators were attempting to probe all of the cocaine that was rolling into the airport, the fox can never guard the henhouse, this has been the problem all along. When you have the politicians committing the crimes as well as running the investigations the end result has always been the same-
    Gov Clintons response to Duncan in regards to a more in depth investigation-"I would get on it and would get a man back to me." Duncan never heard back.  In a ten year battle their were 9 separate state and federal probes that never went anywhere, I wonder why. Barry Seal was allegedly delivering up to 1,000 pounds of cocaine a month- Seal became dea undercover and flew at least one mission for rogue cia- Seal ended up dead in 1986, a victim of a hit in Baton Rouge LA-
  Mena Ark. was more then likely used to smuggle (arms to the rebels in Nicaguarga-) and Seal flew for Pablo Escobar as well- bringing cocaine back into the states from Columbia- The problem is that the 80"s was when the war on drugs escalated to a much more serious level and a lot of relatively innocent drug dealers went to jail for long periods of time. Double standards and hypocrisy, crack cocaine was the plague in the 80"s and 90"s but who was the one responsible for bringing it all in to our country,  inquiring minds want to know-

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