Saturday, April 29, 2017

Peace And Love Not Hate

Kim Jong Un looks like a cartoon character. What's up with his hair? Are we really supposed to be afraid of that guy? He looks like a clown- All Quiet On The Western Front- The moral of the story is don't buy into nationalistic propaganda that creates hate and rage. This is the only way the Great Satan has been able to fight their wars both conventional and unconventional. Paul the main character in the book was a German soldier who fought on the Western Front in the Great war just like my grand pops realized this the hard way. He realized that both the Germans and the French were just people not monsters like the Japanese were supposed to be in WW2. Nationalistic Patriotism has killed more people then we may ever know. Time for peace and love not hate and rage. I cant hate anymore, I need to be able to let things go. Once you forgive there is nobody left  to hate. I must take this advice because resentment is the number one offender. I am not buying into anymore bad guy myths either whether its Kin Jong Un or Assad, Putin the list goes on. Chris Hadfield- An Astronauts Guide To Life On Earth- Not buying it, it sounds great but  I have reason to believe that Nasa is a fraud- They have a lot of Scientists to cover their tracks however- More will be revealed.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Jesuit Extreme Oath Of Induction These people don't sound nice- Is this disinfo? I have read their Jesuit extreme oath of induction in a few other places so how can this all be not credible? I never bought into the Catholic Church- I believe in god and a power greater then myself but not this bs- I am a fan of man and don't want to inflict pain misery and war onto innocents- If this is true then that makes these Jesuits the most horrific hypocrites of all time- God is what helps me to stay sober and I cant do it without him so who are these war mongers hell bent on genocide, plunder and pillage? They are supposedly into Lucifer- I despise liars and Free Mason hoax actors as well- I am not sold yet on the Jesuit extreme Oath as being 100% legit- 

AJ Needs Airtime On Fox News Or CNN Again Great point AJ- Our new cia director is calling Assange a wizard and a coward hiding behind the curtain that needs to be extradited and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Our Potus was all about Wikileaks to get elected. Oliver Stone- JFK movie- Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison- white is black black is white. These career entertainers/business moguls that claim that they aren't politicians not so much. People are political animals especially power hungry individuals who can never admit when they are wrong. Sometimes people will do or say anything as long as  they have their eye on the prize. The most powerful man in the world our Potus is no different then the rest of them- But is he betraying America? I don't think so but time will tell. He promised Jones that he thinks that he is going to be impressed if he gets elected. I like our Potus better then Obama. I watch Fox news and see Ollie North talking about N Korea are you serious? They need to start giving Jones some prime time coverage- Hopefully Tucker Carlson will make this happen- I am tired of the same old propaganda war drum beats from these dinosaurs in msm that never seem go away. AJ has been in the trenches standing up for America for years- He went all out to help get Trump elected- That's a man of conviction and integrity- That is why there is hope for this country after all- Also many people have been trying to kick AJ when he is down with this custody battle. I had my doubts at times in reference to his rants over the years but overall he is legit- How can anybody realistically claim that he is Controlled opposition- He stated that 9-11 was an inside job as well as Sandy Hook and many other conspiracies so what else was he supposed to do? I don't think that he is an actor- Everybody has a certain persona on screen but I would venture to state that he isn't that much different off camera. Consistency and across the board Patriotism so why does everybody give him so much grief? I don't know 100% but the Jesuit Black Pope may be pulling all of the strings anyway not the Jews so leave AJ alone- Maybe the Pope/Vatican wants America to be great again as well just like our Potus  

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Our Future Is Clear These Free Mason Satanist actors are still alive. They made believe that they got blown up in 86. This is a common theme- A conspiracy within a conspiracy- Divide And Conquer dominate the airwaves while pulling at our heartstrings. Of course that teacher Christie Maclluiffe from NH- That was a real tear jerker. So the way it looks is that they knew that the shuttle was going to explode and they were going to claim incompetence as usual ie-- O rings or whatever other bs story of the day they decide to come up with. Also it looks as if the Jesuits are really the rulers of all- The Black Pope- All of our Universities Jesuit- Free Mason- This means that AJ really is legit because he never signaled out Israel as being the bad guy because more then likely they are not. The Vatican in Rome- Every other evil doer out there appears to be just a subsidiary- Out Of Chaos Comes Order- Order Out Of Chaos- Our Potus is not anti NWO or anti establishment he is the NWO that's the way it is and that's the way it outta be- He was elected specifically for that purpose- So maybe that will be good for Americana- With Tax cuts maybe there will be more jobs. And once he takes over Iran N. Korea, China and Syria we will have the NWO Globalist cashless currency that everybody has been waiting for. Bitcoin- The Illuminati greenback will be in the distant past- The Fed will be dismantled and all of that Ponzi scam counterfeit currency will be released to the masses. Everybody will be rich and happy. Jobs for the lower to middle class and the minimum wage will go up to 15$ with no fear of automation taking over. We will be the number 1 superpower without a Revolution and our Potus will go down in the history books. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hero's Among Us

Low profile real intel professionals never get any kudos for what they do behind the scenes. That's not what they signed up for, for these warriors its all about doing the right thing for god and country.  They will never get the credit even though they don't want it and neither do the good Samaritans of this world. A good intel professional will always state that it was their supporting troops around them that did all of the heroics and that they were just doing their job. That is why running backs who talk about themselves all the time like Ricky Henderson did when he stole all of those bases are bad news. A good running back will never take credit for his accomplishments, he will usually say that it was his offensive line that did all of the work, that they created huge holes in the trenches and I just ran through them. The same premise holds true for a Lietutent in the infantry. If they aren't respecting the hell out of their NCOs and squad leaders all the way down to the PFCs then they are usually not going to last very long. Good samara tins are the hero's among us as well that nobody ever reads about. I was riding my bike back from the 12 pm meeting and saw all of these good samara tins that surrounded a car where an older woman was passed out behind the wheel on busy Northlake Blvd- I joined in claiming that I knew a few things about first aid but they did all of the work. I directed traffic while all of these good Samar tins helped this woman until the First responders showed up. It could have been much worse. She was passed out behind the wheel, I was expecting the worst where all of the sudden her foot would hit the accelerator while she came to. I thought that she might be too old for heroin but it looks like the medics may have administered some Narcan. Their were also claims of alcohol being on her breath. Good samara tins are rare finds. More often then not people just drive on by because for the most part they wouldn't have a clue on what to do or how to act. Sprinkle a little apathy on top of that and this is the perfect recipe for an ugly American. Good samara tins are the unsung hero's  of our world that don't want the credit either. They work in the shadows low profile and way under the radar. 

Crime Scene I like this NH law that will allow law enforcement to treat ods as crime scenes. This is the way it should have been all along. We need to decriminalize drugs but also use these type of tactics to make the dealers aware that they have blood on their hands. This heroin is being laced, not sure if I believe them but supposedly fentanyl is coming in from China-  Putting up a wall to stop Mexicans from coming in is not going to prevent  drugs and crime. Not impressed by our elected officials. The biggest problem that we have is our inability to call these people out as frauds and get them in front of a judge so they can swear under oath. This only perpetuates their greatness myth and then they start to wholeheartly believe in their own bs. Rep- Neo-Con Peter King comes across as a demon- He is so hell bent on letting us all know the dangers of Islamic Jihad seriously what is the matter with these people? This is supposed to be the real world not Hollywood so stop it, they should seriously start to lose the act. Then our Potus states that he is more impressed with astronauts then many of the politicians that he met in DC- For starters I am not impressed by him anymore and secondly I know that he knows that NASA is a fraud-. So what does that really say about our President elect? I thought that he was going to come in and set the world on fire and take on these historical fraud cases. Instead he is more impressed with the frauds which only substantiates my latest conviction that he himself must be the fraud. He is buds with Larry Silverstein, he is never going to challenge 9-11- its all backslapping greasy palm handshakes, high fives and a wink and a nod- At least AJ had Tosh Plumlee on his program telling us how the Company has been bringing in the dope for decades. The only thing our Potus can do is have his Attorney General tell us how great a wall would be- not impressed to say the least- Oh yes Saturn and Mars are next cgi spies and lies- everybody's tax dollars are hard at work and our Potus apparently supports this. When I was growing up if  did something wrong or immoral my parents would admonish me and let me know about it- Who is going to be able to hold our elected officials accountable if the fraud goes all the way up to the top and above? I suppose that I can go along with the joke- I am in love with Nasa and all of their Moon and Mars missions- The female astronauts are good looking and do great somersaults in their ISS zero g planes. I am no longer impressed with Joe Rogan- Apparently he sold out to the higher ups- He was a talented guy- UFC- comedy, he was on the moon Nasa hoax band wagon that was of course until his podcast show became much bigger- Then it looks like he backtracked and went 180% in the other direction. Its never going to work for the sell outs because there is always going to be a digital footprint or videos of ones previous position. This is the most obvious kind of sell out that there is but why would he do this? If Neil Disgrace wanted to talk to me I would laugh- These people are pathetic- Seriously some people call Dubay a shill, I am not sure 100% the only thing I know is that he has great intel and he is very smart and well spoken. If somebody else can be as smart as he is then they would be my go to guy. A Plane Truth basically states that the Jesuits are the bad guys and they are using the Jewish people as the fall guy, Free Mason who knows- It looks like Rogan sold his soul out for the money-        

Monday, April 24, 2017

Business 101

These banks need to calm down with their egregious ATM charges. Seriously 35% $3.50 just to take out $10 not to mention charges sometimes from your own bank if you don't go through them as well. These banks make so much money taking advantage of the working class folks. These Mom and Pops are getting a little out of hand with their $5 minimum. That is kind of extortionist because it shouldn't be our fault if their merchant processor is too greedy. What a cut throat business- Merchant Processing- They will hire anybody as long as you are willing to starve to death while you bang on one door after another straight commission and absolutely no chance for benefits. There is something wrong with a system that encourages people to cold call business to business even though the signs on the outside say no solicitation. It is almost as bad as being on the front lines, cannon fodder, high turnover, boiler-room and constant harassment and  pressure from the higher ups. I banged on a few doors after college, what a waste of time. These people have gatekeepers and if you keep hammering eventually you may be lucky enough to get an appointment. If it ever gets time to set up a business proposal then you have to compete against 3 or 4 other competitors where everybody claims that they will be able to save you a couple of sheckles. Merchant Processors shouldn't be charging Mom and Pops high interest rates for minimum purchases. I tried Merchant Processing sales for a little while. What a low level Leisure Suit scenario. Car sales is just as cut throat. You work your ass off for 48 hours straight and only take home $130 if you don't sell anything or basically spot deliver them. It sucks I hated it, maybe I am not cut out for low level boiler-room sales. These kind of places have snakes and sharks that tip each other off about who is pulling into the lot if their isn't an up system. Then when you threaten to harm them physically for being a low life scum bag then you are the one that usually gets fired. That's what happened to me at Westchester BMW- We need to be able to create egalitarianism across the board because right now I have doubts that a lot of jobs are going to be created. Too much capital cronyism and Shark Tanks that take advantage of the small fry's. What did Wells Fargo do deceptive marketing practices- Dot-Com e-bay is hard to make money because you always have the bottom feeders who under cut everybody. My dot-com makes sense- OVE Manheim Auto purchasing- One stop shop software where people can pay a broker fee for buying a pre-owned car. Transparency, they are able to see what we are required to pay, no agendas or hidden glom fees like the Acquisition fee. Manheim- Ove uses condition reports that are more thorough and professional then what e-bay motors is required to use. Basically the business model is to cut out the pre-owned independent dealers. As long as you don't piss them off too much because a lot of mobsters have their hooks into the high end auto industry so one must tread lightly. I had a good software program and a very solid business model but I cant do everything alone, I already tried that and ended up in ugly places. 

Narcissists Among Us This former FBI accountant and whistleblower stated that he stood by his claims that Gov Rick Scott was the leader of a criminal enterprise. I lost trust in Scott after  he told us that people were definitely going to lose their life during the hurricane. How many people died? So we have Scott, Rubio, Jebb Bush is their any wonder that I cant get a job that pays  more then 8 dollars per hour? Why is that the worst criminals always find a way to the top? Its part of the narcissism that drives people into the power positions to begin with. They don't get into Politics because of benevolence but rather for money and powers sake and money and powers sake alone. Narcissists have very little ability to empathize with others but many appear that they can, they are charmers and have a smooth ability to manipulate and even come across as sincere. Malignant Narcissists are almost interchangeable with sociopathy- These people are actual sadists and get off on the torture, pain and suffering that they inflict on others. Let me tell you something I have read and heard of reports of torture in this GWOT- These sadists better stop short with that bs because that is inhumane and barbaric. How do people get re-elected as Gov while running a Medicare scam? I broke a few laws and even went to jail a few times but I would never be a politician and then proceed to be a two faced leader of a criminal enterprise. My faith in all politicians has currently ceased to exist. I had our Potus up on a pedestal and thought that he was going to be a game changer. He appears to be no different then the rest of them and many would say more then likely even worse- Trump University, stiffing contractors, the establishment mouthpiece media didn't really talk about that at all. So what is really the Fake News? Maybe Gordon Duff is right after all about many of the things that I flat out refused to believe under any circumstances. If he is right then we are really in bad shape in reference to our current Potus situation 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Wiki Leaks- Vault 7

Fox News should make up their mind if Julian Assange is a bad guy or not. He was a good guy when he was unleashing a lot of dirt on the Clinton campaign so why is he supposed to be a bad guy now? Is he really supposed to be hunted down and extradited back to the USA to face justice? That sounds a bit too convenient for me. You need to take a stand and make a decision if our Deep State who ever they may be needs to be more transparent or not. The Trump campaign and some of his hatchet men were really into Wiki Leaks in order to get the head shed elected. I think Assange is a good guy that needs  to be left alone. What did Wiki Leaks come out with that the Iraq War was immoral, it was an illegal occupation  of a sovereign nation  and that the USA is a terrorist state  that stands behind Gitmos and False Flags to perpetuate their Wall Street Agenda? Why should we think that he needs to be taken out for telling us the way of the world? That would be a disservice to future generations. Also Snowden should be left alone as well and so should that Vault 7 spy. I am not into phony tears, fake smiles and bs distortion campaigns. Capital Cronyism and all of these back stabbing establishment elites that always have to give us their two cents. I tried out MSNBC but couldn't get into it. The Democratic party needs a leader but not that Las Vegas demagogue that demonstrated a profanity laced diatribe.. One can rant with their writings but once  you get up on that podium and start shouting not only are you unintelligible you seem insincere, these people come across as complete rubes. Abby Martin stated that this country needs a  United multicultural Progressive movement. That makes sense to me. Oreilly had a central theme over the years and that was that Multiculturism and being politically correct is detrimental for society in general. He is right in many ways, people should speak their mind without fear of reprisal as long as it comes from the heart. Just because somebody disagrees with you on a particular issue does that make them wrong? No, but their are certain prima fascia facts that all of these establishment mouthpieces seem to shy away from. Anne Coutler wrote a great article but stopped short on calling Syria a False Flag. What is the big deal the USA has been launching these for centuries. Pearl Harbor probably, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, created outrage with babies in incubators in Gulf War 1, 9-11, Sandy Hook the list goes on. So how come people don't talk about this? There are war junkies that are here to stay, that is why we need people that are actually better war fighters that prevent these pre-emptive wars. That is what so many Vietnam Vets tried to do with the Iraq War. I don't believe that the Wall is going to do anything productive. Jeff Sessions, what ever happened to Loretta Lynch? The new story of the day is that The Wall is going to prevent drugs and crime from coming in. Drugs are going to come in anyway the same way the establishment stood down in the 80s and let the inner cities get destroyed by crack and the Ollie Norths of this world. Jail, prisons, desperation, crime, the string pullers get off on inflicting pain and misery onto others. This is malignant narcissism in its finest form. We have a bunch of Free Mason two faced Janus Principle back stabbing pathological liars that are the decision makers. The only thing that they know how to do is create drama and Divide And Conquer scenarios. Distractions, distortions and lip service while they loot, plunder and pillage. Lets take a look at how depraved our politicians are. Rubio stands behind the Orlando shooting as if it were a real event and then has the audacity to request blood donations. When are these people going to go to jail for racketeering and Propaganda 101? How many politicians stood behind Sandy Hook- Malloy, Bloomberg, Holder, Obummer the list goes on. I believe that we should get rid of criminal illegal Aliens that are recidivists but the Xenophobia within this administration is palpable. Stop the bs because Islam is a peaceful religion and the only time these people want to kill us is when we invade their counties illegally. And any other stateside attacks have been manufactured false flag events with no real victims.  Its time- we need to get rid of these liars and cool aide drinkers that keep pulling the same bs over and over again- Hey Diddle Diddle straight Up The Middle  . 

If You Want A Friend Get A Dog

Our Potus doesn't even have a dog or like dogs? My dad told me that I never should trust a woman that doesn't like dogs, that was one of the reasons that my marriage didn't work out. The same premise should hold true for a man in a leadership position. I am beginning to think that Hillary was right about the Deplorables. Fox News is really scraping bottom now and has hit an all time low at the 8 pm time slot. I don't even know who was filling in for Oreilly but I could barely make it through the entire hour. This guy was completely off the mark and a complete cool aide drinker. At least Oreilly made an effort to bring in opposing views, rumor has it that Oreilly was really a closet liberal that backed Obama. There was no hiding anything last night, they were slanted so far toward the ultra right  band wagon. Then they bring on Lt Col Ralph Peters for his spin on the Paris attacks. At least he told the truth, the only thing we have to do is listen closely and these people will sometimes tell us the truth. He stated that Islamic Jihad is here to stay because events like the police shooting in Paris are so easy to "stage". That is correct "stage" he told us the way it really is with these staged false flags with more then likely no real victims. Why is Peters so soft spoken, he doesn't come across as a confident protector and leader who will get us out of harms way during the next Jihadi attack on stateside soil. I am sure he will be there for analysis and commentary after it happens however. Then they had this girl on the program that acted like she was 12 years old, one of the guests even called Springsteen The other Boss a coward. Really just because he isn't into blind jingoism and xenophobia this makes him a coward? This girl talked with an affectation but she also sounded like a Valley Girl at the same time. Then they had this guy who was trying to act funny say that he liked Springsteen better when he was singing Jack and Dianne. Really is that what Fox News has come to? Melelncamp is Jack and Dianne and he was married to Christie Brinkley so he definitely was doing something right. I am beginning to see the Hollywood view on things in reference to our current scenario. I wont give up hope yet it has only been 100 days or so. The only issue I had with Springsteen was when he made a blind assumption that NYPD went overboard with the  Diallo Vestibule quagmire in the late 90s. He made it sound like the cops really wanted to shoot 41 times from an overkill standpoint. One needs to be able to walk in the shoes of the humble servants that protect and serve before making assumptions that they are all out to shoot and overkill first and foremost. Nothing can be further from the truth for the most part. I am talking about most cops and not the aggressive police state cool aide drinkers but I never witnessed any of that. I saw a few on AJs program go overboard so this means that probably 10% of the cops out there are bad news. Sometimes a cop may make a bad shoot in a situation that calls for a good shoot for the simple reason that he/she has never been in a life/death scenario before. This is why they say that there is such a high miss ratio (around 80-90%) within a 10 yard radius during a legit shoot to kill scenario. Its much different shooting at paper targets, adrenaline takes over in the real world and nobody really knows how somebody will react. That's why realistic training is so important. I was so nervous going to bw's Advanced ep course that I completely missed the target at 10 yards at first. I was still recovering from PTSD after being arrested and treated like a terrorist on my way to work. That was the first time I shot since being incarcerated and I was really bad, this was an all time low. We had a Seal and a Recon operator as instructors. They had all of these high speed shooters even some DEA guys that really knew what they were doing. DEA caught a bad rap when that one guy shot himself in the foot while trying to show little children how to safely manage a weapon. I don't know if they will ever live that one down. Missing the target within 10 yards in front of high speed professionals was very bad, humbling and embarrassing but that DEA guy that shot himself in the foot at a weapons handling safety seminar in front of little children was even much worse then that.  

Friday, April 21, 2017

Who Really Is The Deep State?

I am not on the left or the right, nobody will be able to back me into a corner with any political ideology. I am hey diddle diddle straight up the middle. I am not into campaign contributions, kissing ass, greasy palm hand shakes, back slapping or influence peddling. Con Artists, liars and distortion campaigns don't work for me as well. My zest for life or any enthusiasm for our current geo-political scenario has me completely off the Trump cool aide band wagon. I am not into false flags or phony wars or any more bs that Iran, Russia, China, N. Korea, Syria and China are supposed to be the bad guys. I don't even want to read or check out AJs site anymore either because he still puts our Potus on a pedestal. Somebody that swears an oath to the US constitution is not supposed to make up lies in order to get us involved in world wide wars. Instead of going to war with the Army or equipment that you have you are supposed to make decisions about war with the intel that you have. The intel is not supposed to be bogus and it needs to be the straight story whether its in we the peoples best interest or not. As long as its the real intel then it is in our best interest. I don't want to stand behind MOAB bombs that make a lot of noise that more then likely kill innocent civilians. Infact if we had the right people in charge cia wouldn't be bringing in all of that dope. VT was right about our current scenario all along and I was wrong. I am tired of these liars and neo cons like Sean Hannity who do nothing but drink the cool aide and pump up our Potus's ego more then it already is. Stop flexing your muscles with your war like bs with made up intel because VT is convinced that Syria was a False Flag- You aren't supposed to do that, AJ taught me the tricks of the trade as far as the way our wars have been waged so how can he realistically still stand behind our Potus? AJ had an article that stated that our Potus was an International Law Breaker in reference to the Tomahawk cruise missile strike on Syria. Even conservative Anne Coutler wrote a great article expressing her indignation. Stop the bs because we already are 20 plus trillion dollars in debt and we don't need to initiate a false flag to still be the number one super power. Showing restraint is what strength is all about. America should show restraint and dignity because that is the firmest and finest demonstration of strength that their is. The Chain Gang did a lot of horrible things with their 9-11 and bogus WMD intel and I now see us going down that same path and maybe even worse. Abby Martin had a video that outed Steve Bannon, that guy is a war junky. He is into Darth Vader- Cheney and is Islama phobic. Seriously why do we always have the most dangerous people that usually end up trying to blow up the planet if it were up to them in charge and pulling all of the strings? ISIS- Israel Secret Intelligence Service- I am tired of your bull shit America. Break free from Israel's warlike stranglehold and stop waging wars with bogus intel and false flags. Stop demonizing Muslims and making believe that you aren't Xenophobic. Get the hell out of this country if you want to act like Hitler because that is never going to fly in our land of the free and home of the brave. Get rid of these cool aide drinking talking heads like Hannity and Mike Huckabee because he is another ass kissing back slapper enabler of our current war like scenario. I am not really sure who  the deep state really is but I have a feeling it may be the AIPAC JINSA crowd that is buds with our Potus. All of our mass shootings total bs frauds. I am tired of these freaks and con artists, they are nothing but terrorists that finally need to be brought to justice.  

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Marketing 101

My dad used to say that he could sense things business wise that others couldn't. In other words he built top notch companies and manufacturing plants without killing himself or without working an inordinate amount of hours. Business instinct is very rare, I never had that one in a million P and L bottom line instinct in reference to the business world. Although I do have a creative and entrepreneurial spirit and mind. There are things that just make sense to me and that is why I still really cant figure out our Potus. For starters our President has always prided himself for being the best of the best and a cut above the rest in business and life and everything else in between. Even though I never set the world on fire from a business standpoint I can still sense how off the mark Trump University was especially coming from a self professed wiz bang in the business world. I was actually wrong about not making as much money by giving the people what they want. In other words our Potus would have made a lot more money by showing up for these seminars. That would have made all of the difference. If he was there and if he shook a few hands Trump University could have been everything that he claims himself to be. Above board, Art Of The Deal, straight shooter the whole 9 yards. So he decided to make less money by not showing up and had to settle an egregious 25 million dollar fraud settlement. Is that the man we can expect to take this country to the next level? The first thing that he did was do everything that he said he wasn't going to do in reference to the Syrian False Flag. I thought that our Potus was going to be the one to ask a few questions about Sandy Hook and basically start to shake things up in this fraudulent world that we currently live in. So how are we going to expect somebody who engages in fraud to straighten out any fraud? Not paying his contractors this entire scenario has been a major let down for me for sure. Apparently Gov Scott was engaged in egregious amounts of fraud as well, this country is destined for failure at this point. Think about what they do to young adults that go to school. Not only do they not guarantee anybody a job after they graduate they do just the opposite but make sure that the families get strapped down with enormous amounts of student loan debt. These loans are set up just like the liar loans with adjustable rate mortgages that led to the meltdown of 08. How is our war effort against the so called evil entities out there going to put money in our pocket? N. Korea, Iran, Syria our Potus is pulling the same scam that W did except now its Syria that's the bad guy not Iraq. Not impressed, the first 100 days has been a major let down for me. Also since we have people that want to expand our Military Industrial Complex and need jobs what can we really do? I want a job that supports our military as well as our country so where are the openings? I want out of Palm Beach County. I want and need job with stability that doesn't set me up for guaranteed failure  

Change The Status Quo Cover up con artists The devil made them do it I don't care  what their excuse is the families needs answers. Ordered to stand down in one of the worst places to be engaged in Afgananastan- Stand Down- The Extortion 17 official story doesn't add up. There may be some light at the end of the tunnel. Oreilly is stepping down making room for Tucker Carlson- I liked Oreilly, he was my go to guy for many years. However Alex Jones took his place as my go to guy. Oreilly is very successful and he always tried to be fair and balanced for the most part. He was engaging and wrote a lot of good books. I still have to read Killing The Rising Sun- His hands were tied in many cases, he had to toe the party line and not be too controversial. As it was he was the most successful cable network host of all time so that should stand for something. Even if he wanted to bring some real investigative journalism to the table he probably wouldn't have been allowed to. Hopefully Tucker Carlson will be able to change the status quo. I am a little skeptical with all of this Hannity cool aide drinking with his Israeli pals. I try to be fair and balanced, I do try to see both sides of the spectrum that is why I have to bring what VT has to say to the table. Is Israel our friend or foe that is what I want to know? Gordon Duff stated that Bibi made a quote in Finks Bar that clearly demonstrated that he was not our friend. The question is did he make that comment or not  because this should be a very simple question to answer. Did Bibi make that comment at Finks Bar because inquiring people want to know? Tucker Carlson needs to have Gordon Duff on his program. That shouldn't be that difficult to set up. If Fox News doesn't have VTs Gordon Duff on his program then that means that there may be a cover up about our supposed ally Israel- Nobody is ever going to have me drink anybody's cool aide that is why Patriots reign supreme over any pin heads as Oreilly used to say.  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Leisure Suit Larry

 Gordon Gekko to Bud Fox- "Save the cheap salesman talk will ya its obvious" I feel let down by our Potus by his leisure suit Larry Trump University. I would never get hired by a cut throat bottom line sales seminar consulting firm for the simple reason that I am not cut throat. Our Potus needs to make amends for Trump University and he needs to pay back the contractors that feel that he screwed them over. One of the reps for Trump University resigned because he stated that is was cold, cruel and callous, typical used car salesman bait and switch. Not good because if you are going to make America great again you have to be able to set the example and the bar yourself. Trump University was a guaranteed failure for the common folk, the hoi polloi who wanted to learn a few tricks of the trade directly from the legend himself. Our Potus was no where to be found, instead he had a cut out cardboard box caricature of himself that people could have taken pictures with. My philosophy is give the people what they want and make them feel happy and satisfied even if you don't make as much money. The fact that there was a 25 million dollar settlement substantiates that there was more then likely fraud committed. This is what is called- (Nolo Contendere) Too many allegations of unscrupulous business tactics by our Potus- He has the brand name the only thing he had to do was show up for the seminars and shake a few hands and have one of his subordinates read the script on how to make it in real estate.. Mr. Pray brought in some leisure suit Larry's as GMs when I was working for his company in the late 90s- Sometimes things just don't make any sense-- Going down to Dr Ks school was one of the best experiences of my life. He had top notch instructors show us the way of the world within Executive Protection- He was there to assist us and to also answer any of the questions that we had about the field. So not only were we able to learn how to protect and save lives we had the founder of the school with us. That is what builds trust, confidence and interdependence. I would loath going to one of those leisure suit Larry cult seminars like Trump University or Herbal Life- Our Potus is buds with Carl Icahn- I can see why- cutthroat and only out for the buck and just like Gordon Gekko he takes no prisoners. Dr K never guaranteed us success however he did instill in us a feeling of pride and integrity. This is something that I never felt while working for the Leisure Suit Larry types. Our country is filled with these kind of people. The worst most uneducated slime balls I had to work for in the car business. Then working at LA Fitness was another perfect example of thug like mentality. High turnover, high pressure, this for a fitness facility that sells itself. The only thing you have to do is  the tour and you will earn membership sales.. Instead the Leisure Suit Larry's always have to dial up the pressure because of their own fragile ego and of course their is always unrealistic sales expectations. Most people aren't that dumb, they can spot a rube from miles away. Whenever their is any unnecessary high pressure sales tactics this is the first tell tell sign of Mafioso thug culture, high turnover, greed and narcissism at the top. I am not that good of a salesman, infact I probably suck although I did ok for Mr Prays company until he started bringing in the high pressure leisure suits. Just like an NFL coach or Major League baseball Manager the owners and upper level management cant expect unrealistic results from the new recruits. You need to support your staff and stop having thugs as managers that are more often then not GED dropouts. These people just turn over the sale force in rapid fire succession. The first question you have to ask is what is the turnover rate? Most of the time these thugs will tell you that people were turned over, fired and quit because they couldn't sell but this is usually the furthest thing from the truth. The real world is pressure but these people don't have a clue. Everybody wants to succeed so one needs to be able to support somebody's strengths and weaknesses so they can eventually have a feeling of inner confidence and interdependence. We need to be able to live in a country where we don't have to lie cheat and steal in order to get the Glen Gary leads. My football coach from high school is another example of great leadership, he never blew his top and always got the best out of his players. Compare that to my football coach at Milford Academy the following year not so much. This guy beat the hell out of us and thought that he was Vince Lombardi. It wasn't a surprise when we got our head handed to us by Army and our best players quit before we even got out of the starting gate. If we had our high school coach as our coach we would have beaten Army I am convinced.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Bogus Space Race Bogus NASA fake space race and bogus scam Cosmos programs, it is all a Free Mason Hoax- Oreillys word of the day- Saturnine- It means everything to do with Saturn the joke is on us. NASA SWAT Teams TSA DHS police state operatives that continue to drink cool aide they all make me sick- We have towns and cities named after planets what a farce- Do these planets even exist Eric Dubay and a few other smart people don't seem to think so- Our Potus just signed off on a major funding program for Nasa-   No wonder I still cant even find a decent job shining shoes or scrubbing floors- no operating capital in our county due to bogus cash infusions of non existent space race programs-

WW 3

I am a Patriot because I wouldn't have intervened in Syria based off of intel that was more then likely fabricated and without going through Congress first. Our Potus is a demagogue and a Nationalist. He loves war and that is why the neo-cons brought him in. All of this anti establishment rhetoric is just a cover for the neo-con hawks that want to continue on with world wide hegemony. I would be for economic imperialistic hegemony over MOAB bombs that just create a lot of drama. We bombed Vietnam into the stone age and it turned out to be an exercise in futility. I believe that our Potus is a combination of Patton and Macarthur in one of his other lives. Legend has it that both Patton and Macarthur crossed paths in WW 1- The Great War- The War to end all wars. America will never stop fighting wars its just the way that we roll. Thou Shall Not Kill- meaning I don't want any more American soldiers dying because of some neo- con agenda- Keep the warriors home for good stateside jobs and give them the care that they need in the VA- PTSD- TBI and suicides this really isn't a good situation for our vets. Now potential WW3 in Syria and Korea- Our Potus was never anti NWO- It appears that he was elected knowing all along that he was going to specifically fulfill the  neo-con warlike bellicose New World Order agenda of perpetual wars in the middle east. KBR and Halliburton the more that you spend and waste the more that you make. Its great for stocks and wall street because seriously who wants a dove that appears to get pushed around as our Commander In Chief? So the anti Globalist pre election rhetoric was more then likely a ruse. This doesn't mean that he wont be able to still help make America great again. I believe that some people feel betrayed but not that surprised. All of our conflagrations have started out with False Flags so why should he be any different? I believe that he really is buds with all of the war mongers in Washington Dc the Chain Gang etc.. It appears that Henry Waxman is a Patriot and really tried to bring some accountability to the Belt Way Bandit section of town. There is still a lot of time left for our country to turn around. If they pumped some of that military Industrial Complex funding into creating  jobs and ultimate stability for the lower to middle classes that would be a decent start. I am not asking for that much $14-15 dollars an hour with a job that I don't have to end up in wheel chair or go to my chiropractor asap or even worse get harassed by a leisure suit Larry my standards aren't that unrealistic..

Nationalism Vs Patriotism

The only thing Jeff Spicoli needed was some tasty waves, a cool buzz and he was fine. The only thing I need is books, meetings, my blog, bike and my dog. Newspapers are ok if you want to learn what really is not going on in the world. I read some of the New York Times Sun edition. They had an interview with Dan Rather. So what is it going to be like for these establishment mouthpiece extroidanarees who never challenged the status quo? I believe that maybe he did challenge a few stories over the years but overall I would hate to be a talking head. It takes away any journalistic integrity or creativity when you cant write or say what you really feel. That is why my blogs would never make it to most op-eds. Rather was talking about being wary of  nationalism over patriotism. They are basically the same thing so why does everybody confuse issues in the intelligentsia world? The New York Times has pages and pages of articles just to fill up space in the dying dinosaur print media. Nationalism is good to have as a country but you have to watch out for the Ivan Drago Super SS types who feel that people should get wiped out just because of their genetic background and pedigree. When people start to act and play God as they continue to look down on the Untermensch or non Aryan blood types this is a recipe for disaster. Its ok to love your country and feel that you want to be the best and create exceptionalism and pride but not when you start to take innocent people out. That is never going to fly in the USA just to give the head sheds a heads up. These Nazis have infiltrated our society on every level and this is what has led to our current Eugenics program. Eventually the people behind these programs need to tried for crimes against humanity. The only people that should be wiped out are the scum of the earth Illuminati Robber barons who feel that they need to thin out the heard. God sees and judges all and he doesn't approve of that. If they continue on with this kind of mentality you are going to see a backlash of epic proportions much sooner rather then later. Nobody can play God just because you have billions of dollars of stolen money. I don't think that anybody can be a billionaire without being corrupt on some level. Its just too much money to be made legally. If you are playing with pernicious usury and are into money laundering then I can see how somebody can be a billionaire. So the money grubbing KBR cult operatives were spending money like doped up demons in Iraq and farming out their contracts to Foreign Nationals. What were they doing for the common folk in Americana? These Green Zone palatial palaces remind me of the Global Crossing's World Com's and Enrons of this former world. Companies that created wealth out of thin air just like a magician. I believe in civilian soldiers of the apocalypse as long as they can blend into the Military without causing backlash and animosity. If they go into Syria they need to surround the entire country and then start the Counter insurgence programs. Our Potus is right on the money- You have to listen to the Generals- The only thing civilian Potus's,  politicians and Ambassadors have done over the years is screw things up.
You can be a Patriot without being an extreme Nationalist I suppose. In other words if you disagree with aggressive Nationalist bellicose policies toward other countries then this would be the main difference. One can be a conscientious objector and never confuse dissent with disloyalty so there is a difference between the two so I stand corrected. Nationalists have been known to blindly follow and even carry out unlawful orders while Patriots stick to their guns with how they feel and what they really believe. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

For Love Of Country Or Money? Hopefully all subsidiaries of huge military industrial complex companies have been straightened out. I am not trying to be a Monday morning quarterback or a pessimist but rather somebody who can sense things that are morally bankrupt. Betraying Our Troops Part 1- Robert Bauman was a criminal investigator with the DOD and is a CFE- Certified Fraud Examiner- He wrote this book with Dina Rasor- If one doesn't read this book and get upset then you have issues. First of all it has become so obvious to me what a pathetic Satanist cult we have that are running things at the top. We need Rosie The Riveter pride and patriotism instead KBR Halliburton ran cult seminars where they had their new recruits chant "For The money "over and over as far as reasons for why they were deploying to Iraqs war zone. Secondly their was no training for these contractors that they just hired, basically it was anybody just to fill the available slots. Its a disgrace how the Iraq war was planned and managed. These Neo-Cons  knew in the late 90s with the PNAC plan that 9-11 was going down so how is anybody going to tell me that they didn't have adequate time to prepare? Its really bad because not only was their no training for the contractors they started quitting all over the place. This is when Foreign Nationals took their place for combat logistic operation's. So let me get this straight the traditional Army and Marine Corps soldiers deployed to the war zone for love of country but the Chain Gang set up money grubbing cult seminars and chants for the new recruits. Then when these new recruits quit due to lack of training and overall preparation these better paid positions were given to Foreign Nationals? The CPA in the Green Zone lived a palatial existence while the Army soldiers didn't even have enough proper equipment. They had 20 year old Young Republicans in the CPA making decisions with no experience and the only reason that they were hired was because they were young Republicans who's family was buds with the Chain Gang. This was really bad because their appeared to be no unit cohesion and a lot of animosity toward the higher paid contractors. They could have made it work if they had better training. I wouldn't mind driving a truck in a war zone but you have to give your people many months/years of preparation and training. This way the military soldiers wouldn't have viewed the contractors as the occupiers and their would have been better communication across the board. It was set up just like a Mafioso operation. The CPA allegedly had up to 3 billion dollars of cash stored away in the basement that they would hand out to the new players in town like Custer Battles. The problem with the GWOT and the way they had it set up was guaranteed to fail. When I grew up my dad put me through the wringer about waste, he ran top notch businesses and knew how to make things run efficiently just like our war machine is supposed to be. He could see through bull shit and would always have us turn off the lights. Why be wasteful and extravagant because that would only hurt the bottom line and the well oiled machine. Halliburton KBR made more money with the amount of money that was wasted. In other words trucks would be disabled and they would just be left their and replaced with a new one. Contractors would pillage and even loot themselves and it just wouldn't matter. The scam is set up directly opposite of the competitive US market place where the overall objectives and achievement of progress would routinely be investigated with a magnifying glass. This is what produces interdependence and a feeling of accomplishment and working for the greater good and for the betterment of society as a whole. However the KBR money grubbing cult operatives were paid more because your profit is a percentage of what you spend. So the more that you spend and waste the higher your profit and the more money you made. This meant that these contractors were encouraged to burn through the devils green like their was no tomorrow. Welcome to The Chain Gangs War Zone- Hopefully our new Potus has turned things around- Foreign Nationals should not be working for the US Military over seasoned American soldiers or American citizens. I came out of college and I started swinging for the fences. My dad kept telling me that I didn't have enough experience and therefore not that much to offer. So I needed to get some humility and learn how the world really works. He would never have me go into a heady position within the CPA just because I was a Young Republican. That is because our family has been fighting wars since the dawn of time. You have to stand behind your NCOs and gain the experience. It was the Wild West In Iraq so stay tuned for Betraying Our Troops Part 2 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Power Of Christ Compels You

How many neo-cons on Fox News have sold themselves out to the Devil? I am tired of blind xenophobia because we have been nothing but lied to over the years by both the left and the right. I want to know how many people are pissed off that they were treated liked terrorists going through the airports? Islamaphobia cool aid drinking its all about divide and conquer. Martin Sheen Bud Foxs dad from Wall Street- "I don't go to sleep with no whore and I don't wake up with no whore" I don't mind sleeping with a hoar and waking up with one is even better but I would never do that in reference to my country. We have a bunch of paid presstitutes seriously how much do these people make by continuing to tow the party line? In House to House Mick Ware the reporter was giving better intel to David Bellavia then anybody else what does that say? It means that he was a courageous and fearless reporter that risked it all to get the straight story to help out our military. In Fallujah 2 during the last stages the insurgents called David a jew. Have we really been fighting Israel's wars that is what I want to know? I wanted vengeance on the Muslims after 9-11 and I couldn't see straight for years. Then to find out that the official story didn't seem to quite add up so I though our new Potus was going to make some changes? Nothing is going to change its all a con. Gov Scott doesn't want to declare a public health emergency and Pam Biondi wants to regulate the sober homes out of business. What about making sure that their are good sober homes and keeping those and getting rid of the rest? Sometimes a good sober home is healthier then ones dysfunctional environment from the past. They should be cracking down on massive prescription writing by these rehabs. It seems to be a little too convenient as far as what I can gather. Opiate epidemic, massive Suboxone and anti depressant writing. These rehabs should be willing to go to any length to avoid writing a prescription for somebody. When I was taking Zoloft their was synapses buzzing around my head like a shorted out Christmas tree. Its a rat trap because then when you go back to the doc and explain the side effects they will just  write you another prescription for something else to see how that works. I like what our  Potus told Maria Bartiromo in reference to N. Korea- "You never know do you"- That is the way it should be because lets face it what Slick Willy did in Somalia in 1993 was criminal. Letting the world know in advance on the network news about a classified mission are you serious? Why didn't Clinton listen to his leader about more air support? Why was a civilian politician involved in any decision making process to begin with? I believe that what our Potus is doing will be better for us in the long run. We need to build back morale and self esteem after many years of ineptitude from our leaders.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Potus Downgrade

Our Potus has lost some points in my eyes- Reliable sources claim that not only was Syria a False Flag attack but that our president didn't pay many people that did work for him over the years. Not good because if you are going to make America great again by making believe that you have compassion and empathy for the little guy but then basically not pay them for the work that was conducted this is hypocrisy 101- It goes deeper then if he wasn't satisfied with their work, it appears that people were blatantly wiped out over huge jobs that were agreed to in advance. Neo-con agenda. My dad built the best house in Greenwich, he would never screw over his contractors. He put the fear of god in them but always made sure that everybody got  paid- That is business 101- Morale, interdependence, respect. If their wasn't so many people claiming the same thing then I would be able to overlook this but there appears to be hundreds of complaints so I cant overlook this.. WSJ has pages and pages of lawsuits and complaints against our Potus for unpaid bills and Trump University didn't make me too happy either. I also have people that told me directly that they knew people that weren't paid, at least two sources. My dad should have been President- People knew never to fuck with him but he also made sure to always pay his guys. It wasn't about greed and power for my dad because he has solid values. They respected his toughness but they always knew that they would get paid- So how is launching War World 3 in Syria going to make America great again? The problem is that our Potus reminds me too much of The Boss- I would hate to have played for that man. He didn't have his shit together, he was totally of the cuff and created way too much drama. You have to let your people swing for the fences without interference and constant control. In Never Enough our Potus stated "I don't like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see" We have to analyze ourselves because that is what the program is all about and you have to be able to listen to constructive criticism. I believe that The Boss would have won many more World Series if he wasn't such a drama queen. Seriously you need to have a hands off approach and let people attempt to reach their full potential without constant criticism and without having everybody walk around on eggshells all the time. That is narcissism in its purest form because this means that you are not capable of empathizing how your behavior may effect others. If Our Potus didn't pay a lot of contractors for work that was legit and on the up and up then what do you think that did to their overall psyche and  view on life? What are you going to say that they didn't do  a good enough job so they aren't getting paid or I know that we agreed on such and such a price but I am only going to pay you 75% of that? Think about how competitive all of the low ball bids are just to earn the contract? Then after lowballing to earn the business then you only get 75% of an already lowball bid are you serious? How is that being a good business man that builds trust confidence and success in the long run? It would make the contractors hate him and nobody wants to sue they just want to get f ing paid without drama ego and narcissism involved. The Boss and our Potus were buds I can see why, birds of a feather flock together. There is no way anybody is going to tell me that all of these people that complained about not getting paid all did a job that was not good enough. How are you supposed to run programs like The Apprentice if you haven't set a good enough example yourself? The Boss was more or less a child, I know that Rick Cerrone told him to go f himself after one of his childish narcissistic diatribes. We need a Populist Potus that listens to we the people, I don't know if we want more WW 3 Drama- Maybe we do but these Neo-cons like Bolton are so obvious. We need to take some of that money and sprinkle into our infrastructure because their were trillions of dollars wasted in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and I still cant even find a minimum wage job scrubbing floors. I applied to the most humble low paying jobs out there and I still cant get hired so the system is still broken. Instead of constantly building and not paying contractors he needed a team of trusted  members and then have his go to guys set the standard for everybody else. That means like a franchise concept where all you had to do is follow the recipe and you more or less will succeed. It sounds to me that he was way too greedy and building too fast and all over the place without having one trusted set of go to guys. His go to guys could have trained all of the other contractors to make sure that as long as you followed the recipe of the already proven standard of success then you would get paid. If somebody didn't do a good enough job then that means that you didn't hire or train the right way. But if you didn't train the right way or hire the right people then you have to at least pay them and then say sorry but you didn't meet the standard so I am never going to use you again for my projects. Everything else is just greed and narcissism.  

Monday, April 10, 2017

Losing Iraq  How was the US supposed to take over 7 countries in 5 years with economic imperialistic hegemony if we couldn't even take over two countries in 15 years? In Losing Iraq it looked like Bremer wanted to shoot some looters. You aren't supposed to shoot the looters because violence perceived in violence achieved. You can shoot near some of the looters but once you cross over to the dark side its tough to ever go back. McMaster stated that this wasn't the American way but that doesn't mean that we couldn't have taken over both Iraq and Afghanistan with far less American casualties.  I don't know if taking over Afghanistan was such a good idea anyway because it looks like it was all about the drugs. The problem is that we were never supposed to win, only cause chaos and destabilization. What we really need to do is ask the seasoned vets of both wars if their sacrifice was worth it? It should come down to how they feel but I am upset that it appears that cia has done nothing but run drugs at the cost of much blood and treasure. I believe that there are conspiracies behind actual conspiracies however the only thing I pretty much know for sure is that anything the network news has been putting out over the years has been false. I just feel that the Bush cronies knew in advance that IEDS would become the weapon of choice in Iraq. I wouldn't mind shooting those insurgents that were planting the IEDS. If one of my friends was blown up I don't know how much restraint I would have overall either because that kind of thing can make one go over the edge. Imagine being in a land where there is hostility toward you and lack of appreciation for what you are their for while you watch your buddies get blown up and killed? Viewed as occupiers and then have the ROEs be soft on top of that while your brothers continue to get blown up by IEDs while you do nothing but drive around outside of the wire? The entire scenario sounds like insanity to me that is why I don't think that I will ever be able to respect the Bush cronies. It would be one thing if they told the senior level officers in advance to expect a 15 year quagmire but I never read that they ever did that. Fiasco stated that they were telling everybody that they would be in and out Mission Accomplished. That is Satanism 101 because after reading Blackhearts I am convinced that the string pullers have no soul. Losing Iraq on Frontline PBS had the Iraq War still going on in 2014. So they never wanted to win only loot isn't that obvious? We have an Opiate epidemic going on right here and right now. So the string pullers started the 7 countries in 5 years campaign while also predicting an opiate crisis that more then likely surpasses the Opiate Wars of the past. The people at the top aren't dumb that is why they probably cracked down on the pill mills knowing full well that people would have no choice but to start shooting up dope. Eugenicists, technocrats these people are highly educated that is why I don't believe for one second that they expected Iraq and Afghanistan to be over in only a  few years. We are Americans we live in a constant state of 1984- Orwellian warfare- Now its time for full battle rattle toward North Korea, Syria, Iran, China, Russia and who ever else that wants to challenge the Great Satan. Fear and Greed dominates our soul, it keeps the American War Machine going at full throttle.

Alcoholic And Drug Addict Certification

Instead of certifications for drug and alcohol counselors and interventionists there should be a certification school for drug addicts and alcoholics. This is something that will be printed out so you can laminate it and place it on the wall. This way there will be no smoke and mirrors about who and what you are. Drug Addicts cant say well I wasn't an alcoholic so I can throw a few down. Actually you can do what ever the hell you want but the results will more then likely end up in carnage. Once you have the certification certificate plastered on your wall it pretty much means a spiritual way of life or hell on earth so make the choice. I am not like so called normal people because my resentments can kill me where as for most people they just get pissed off. I am trying to learn how to like the Bush family a little more but I cant get the idea out of my head that Jeb Bush may have had Barry Seal killed. How come nobody talks about this on the news? Does this mean that either it really isn't true and it all bull shit with crisis actors or that the Bush family owns the main stream media. So basically I want Derick Jeter to ask Jeb Bush if he killed Barry Seal or if he had him killed. That would be my pre requisite to wanting to go into business as a Fla Marlins owner. If there are reliable sources that claim that you are a drug dealer and a murderer then maybe this would be a warning label  for not going into business with somebody. It shouldn't be that complicated because I was tired of the Bushs and the Clintons way before the election but they keep coming back. Seriously does anybody care what Hillary Clinton has to say about the Syria Cruise missile situation?. I was never a saint but at least I didn't murder people and run drugs and then make believe that I was a role model as a politician or a policy maker. Just Say No, Read My Lips, I Did Not Have Sexual Relations- the list goes on. Maybe the entire thing is bull shit and its being made up by people in the alternative media so that is why I want somebody in the main stream media to ask Jeb Bush if he ran drugs with Ollie North and if the Clintons used Mena Arkansas as a cocaine cowboy pipeline? I am tired of these people because all of this bs about Pablo Escobar etc is child play compared to the amount of drugs that was supposed to have come in by the Clinton And Bush families. So who are the big players today? Who is bringing in all of the heroin that should be the question of the hour? Gordon Duff stated that reliable sources seem to feel that every senior American Officer that served in Afghanistan either has been dirty or is dirty. I don't think that you should be allowed to run drugs if you swore an oath to the United States Constitution. That should be a simple policy so how come everybody else seems to talk about irrelevant things especially the print media?. When is the New York Times going to talk about what happened to Barry Seal or even better ask Jeb Bush directly if he had him killed? 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Burn Baby Burn

Legend has it that Nostradamus predicted 9-11. I don't really know for sure but maybe he said- "earth shaking flames and in the city of York their will be a great collapse". When the towers went down that was the beginning of the end for me. They say don't take things personally and don't sweat the small stuff, its all small stuff. The only problem is that I took that hit personally and my soul went down in flames just like Burn Baby Burn with  Kenny Boy Lay and Company. I believe that I was born to slay demons and that is why I was slugging down mixed drinks on top of Windows Of The World at my cousins wedding. I was a certified alcoholic at 15 years old that pretty much had alcohol poisoning. So I already almost went down in reference to the Twin Towers. So long story short I made a bad decision to stop going to meetings after 9-11 and one of the reasons that I used was that some people in the rooms weren't talking about how they were affected by that day. I thought that they were being way too self absorbed by talking about themselves instead of wanting to wage war against Islamic Jihad. I certified my own fate by picking up a Vicodin pill off the street at around 21 years abstinent and about 14 years of sobriety. I almost never made it out because that turned into 12 years of hell on earth burn baby burn- jails, institutions, homelessness and everything else in between. I learned the hard way not to take The Secret for granted and that is why today I try to be as humble and grateful as I can. There are too many people dying right now and that is why Dave Aronberg is trying to initiate a public health emergency. There is light at the end of the tunnel but my head has been spinning as of late hearing about how many people this disease has been taking out. I take it personally and this had made me lash out and has initiated my self inflicted button pushing. People that are sober and abstinent that have this deadly affliction have beaten the odds. Its ugly because I tried every trick in the book and not because I ever really enjoyed getting high. Let me tell you something I got sober at 16 years old so Alcoholics Anonymous ruined any chance that I would ever enjoy of getting high again. I never enjoyed it as a kid either, how could I because I just caused pain to myself and loved ones. It sucked big time, I was locked up in The Bahamas for cocaine, sleeping on slabs of concrete with huge cockroaches and Rastafarians. After I relapsed after many years I just rationalized every narcotic pill known  to man in an attempt to try to make me right in the head. The sober living model of recovery is actually a great model that will hopefully be utilized in the near future. Regulating an unregulated industry for the better is what its all about and for this I feel better. I didn't like hearing how addicts would take other addicts out and actually seeing this first hand. In a good sober home the sober people are the majority. So if I had to figure out who Task Force 129 consists of I would break it down into my previous and future 9 Lives- 1- NYPD cop, 2- Seals- 3-Delta 4-Secret Service- 5-FBI- 6-DEA-7-CIA- but not spying on the American people or running drugs for the Company- 8- Force Recon 9- A team combo of Rangers and SF- There could be a few more on the list but you get the idea. Oreilly has theorists and academics on his program but AJ has operators that were hero's in Benghazi that is the difference. We need to be able to hear from the guys on the ground because seriously who really cares what a politician has to say? Operators and soldiers aren't into the political bull shit because its all about the guys standing next to him. Republican- Democrat who really cares , we need to hear from the guys that have definitely been there before. Our Potus knows this and that is why he has so much support from the military community. Syria airstrikes it all makes sense to me, I have full faith in the years ahead. I think we should utilize some of our cia technology to prevent industrial espionage from the Chinese and start to track down cyber fraud conducted overseas in jurisdictions that are tough to track. I am talking about unscrupulous cyber criminals that make the Dark Web look like child's play.   

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ibogaine- Disease Of Addiction

Its good that there is going to be 3 million dollars allocated for the Opiate crisis which had the Palm Beach Post yesterday state that the scope of the problem has been unprecedented. They need to fast track Ibogaine and get it through all of the pilot programs to make it legal in the USA-  Its a miracle extraction of the Iboga plant that makes people trip and rewires the circuitry of the brain. This should be used not only for opiate addiction but also for alcohol and cigarettes, basically for the treatment of all addictive substances. Why are they making people feel like criminals by having them go off shore to get this  treatment when the real criminals are the ones who have continued to make this substance illegal? This is a contradiction that our Potus must address asap because this crisis is coming through this country like a runaway freight train. I don't like to see people suffer, Law And Order SVU had an episode where Dr Wong risked his status with the FBI to help an opiate addict get past the withdrawal stages of heroin addiction with Ibogaine. Why should people be penalized for doing the right thing? People are dying and a lot of people are hurting so all back and fourth drama with the Dems vs the Trump Administration should be put on the back burner. If we didn't have so many cover up artists people would be talking about getting Ibogaine approved on msm- How can we expect that when they have been covering up and protecting all of big pharmas crimes, especially the pernicious vaccines like MMR where  Dr William Thompson already came out as a CDC whistleblower. Seriously what kind of person would protect Big Pharma? They have helped some people at times I will give them that much but overall they are money grubbing capitalists that incessantly hammer our commercial airwaves with their new drug of the day. I am seriously getting tired of these people because Stratera made me feel like offing myself. They make sure to talk about all of the warning signs of suicide ideation with their ads, I cant stand them. They make me sick, now we have a generation of 20 something's that are od ing and dying all over the country. This opiate epidemic would cease to exist by legalizing Ibogaine because most people cant afford many thousands of dollars to go off shore especially when they rely on insurance and already have to pay a hefty premium. Ibogaine, Amino Acid therapy and getting off of cigarettes combined with the 12 step program and therapy would greatly enhance the chance of somebody getting and staying sober. They have done studies that show that addicts who smoke have a much higher recidivism rate because the chemicals  hit similar receptors. I haven't seen statistics but I know that non narcotic pychotropics also greatly enhance the recidivism rate as well. People need to get Ibogaine treatment and then proceed to get off of everything all at once however they have to make sure to do the follow up treatment with the 12 step program etc.. The disease of addiction never goes away. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Cho Mo Round Ups No coverage in the msm about round ups of cho mos- It looks like AJ is the only one that is doing a great job of bringing attention to cults and freaks that are into A leister Crowley and company- I don't care about Oreilleys alleged sexual harassment claims- If you are a male as long as you are being appropriate I would find it somewhat strange if you didn't make an advance toward a good looking woman or at least reciprocate- The big question is why no coverage of cho mo round ups in msm- Hollywood cult freaks Corey Feldman etc..Sex human Trafficking is much different then prostitution- Prostitution should be legal as long as it is consensual and there is no forced coercion by strong arm pimps and sex human traffickers who routinely take advantage of women and innocent underage girls etc basically ruining them for life- You shouldn't be allowed to be a prostitute if you are a drug addict either because this would be enabling- That is why I believe that the Bunny Ranch makes sure that you are not hooked on drugs and are only hooking to feed your addiction. Overall its not a good profession for self esteem and overall body image- Many of the women involved in hooking or stripping have been abused at one point or another- Sex Trafficking and human trafficking especially of minors is a totally different ball of demons- Millie Weaver was talking about how these Satanists drink blood and this is not the first time that I have heard this- If there is more then one source this means that it usually is accurate- I cant wait to burn down the entire church of Satan and all of their wanna be cool crowd cult freaks   

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Naional Geospatial Intel Agency Fraud Massive waste of tax payers money where they continue to steal under the phony guise of protecting our National Security- These are the clowns that were supposed to have tracked Bin Laden- They have Super Top Secret clearance people working for them and that is how they continue to get away with not doing anything except to perpetuate the Nasa greatness myth with bogus cgi photos of our blue marble planets and satellites. Some of these Nasa followers are worse then the bread and circus fans that drool over their favorite sports team and  athlete- Wesley Snipes and Robert Deniro- The Fan comes to mind.. I don't want to buy into frauds that continue to lie to the American people and get away with it. We have a bunch of spineless bureaucrats that stand behind massive eugenic programs where they just manufactured an opiate crisis that is killing young people all over the place. These criminals initiated it and I am blaming Main Stream Media for starters. Michael Levine was supposed to get a 60 minute segment but was blown off just like Russels Crowes character was in The Insider. These Scientist as holes as well as their psychiatrists that are in bed with  big Pharma know how addictive this heroin is and that is why they are now making a bundle of money off of other peoples pain and suffering. Being a drug addict is torture, it is hell on earth but these despicable degenerates and moral reprobates and all of their cia maphia minions are capitalizing off of  this and then they have the audacity to act like they are doing people a favor by keeping the addict hooked on Suboxone. What these soulless creatures don't understand is that when people lose their friend or brother addict to this addiction this ends up killing even more people. This is because people then go back out to use again because of the emotional trauma associated with losing a friend and or loved one to this deadly disease of addiction. Actually they do understand this and that is why they continue to do it, because it goes along with their Massive Eugenic Agenda. We have a bunch of greedy capitalists who can easily recruit hoars and prostitutes to their line of work by big money incentives. There is a backlash with our millennials however with this Vape Revolution. This is blowback toward big tobacco and all of their addictive chemicals and for all of the people they have killed over the years. Remember when tobacco was labeled and marketed as safe and effective? The only difference between cigarettes and heroin is that heroin is a narcotic otherwise cigarettes are either more or at least equally addictive. There is very little difference between big pharma and big tobacco.  They are in the same league as Nasa and all of their phony cgi spies and lies. A leister Crowleys Occult where everything is a hoax. Unlike some people I don't think The Occult is cool even though Carl Yung was into it. I don't buy into any of the garbage on the front pages of the newspaper either. The latest is some mentally deranged woman was arrested for threatening Lenny Pozner with death threats because she was reading about the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories on the web. The entire thing sounds like a fabrication of reality. This is the medias attempt to associate so called conspiracy theorists with not being mentally squared away. Its a hoax within a hoax. Did anybody notice how the airport shooter is supposed to be mentally unstable  and was refusing his meds? People are either off their meds or on them and that is how and why they end up doing whatever lie the  hoar crisis actor media pays somebody to commit. These cia soulless creatures  have an angle and answer for everything don't they? .

Monday, April 3, 2017

AJ is Legit I believe that AJ is legit and I don't like it when he gets hammered by VT and a few others. For starters I highly doubt AJ gets up in the am and swears an oath to Israel like some people seem to suggest. He is Americana through and through and has many solid Patriots in his corner that feel the same way. The other issue is that I believe that all of this so called Zionist bad guy bs is just a red herring and a distraction. I have heard AJ address this issue directly. He has many solid people on his program like the Navy Seal who are doing their best to expose all of the slimy snakes that are allegedly into pedophile rings. I also believe that he is legit because he has exposed the number of pedophiles that have been arrested since our new Potus has taken the oath of office. I no longer think that some people on VT are the real deal. AJ never stood behind any official 9-11 account as if he was the final authority with Q- clearances legit and credible sources the whole 9 yards. He did  however have Dr P on his program and he went into great detail on 9-11 truth, that was quite impressive. AJ  also had Eddie Bravo on his program talking about the FE theory which Eric Dubay breaks down into laymen terms with 200 proofs. I really don't see any weaknesses in AJs game because he is all about exposing corruption and preserving the American Way. New World Agenda has vehemently  criticized  AJ specifically in reference to those blacks ops nukes that were stolen. I am not the final authority by any stretch, I  do the best I can with limited means however  that Black Op stolen nuke story seemed to be legit to me. The reason I state that is because it appears that there was a seismograph reading that went off on the east coast that seemed to be accurate in my humble opinion. It had me thinking that we were all nearly blown off the map, I believe in AJ and Infowars. There is nobody better then Dr P so I really cant see why people seem to say horrible things about Jones. I know that VT isn't selling anything and they are indifferent if people read their articles. Freedom of the press is refreshing, I believe that our Potus is going to go down in history as one of the best Potus ever. I don't believe that we were nuked on 9-11 because I really don't think that the Bush Chain gang would ever kill their own people. I don't want to live in a world where Space X missions are supposed to be cool as well as all of these Hollywood Mars missions with Matt Damon and company. Our Potus has been standing up for America his entire life and I watched his indignation 30 years ago in reference to how Japan was blowing our doors off. If anybody can turn things around it is our current administration so anything else specifically Russian Hackgate and Pissgate etc.. in my opinion is nothing more then sour grapes from the other side. I don't think that Kevin Barret is the real deal. Out of everybody that I read from VT it would be Fetzer and Preston James as far as coming the closest to 9-11 truth. I admire Roger Stone as well, he is very smart and I look up to him as far as his passion to give us the straight story. VT Dems vs AJ Infowars is just another perfect example of divide and conquer tactics and how having two parties is a total waste of time. Nancy Pelosi and all of the Dems kind of make my stomach turn. I never heard AJ criticize anybody from VT so I believe that he knows that sometimes it may be better to take the high road. Our Potus is strong and is going to aggressively put the clamps down on our current addiction epidemic. Nobody else seems to have the courage to tell it the way it is, especially our former Potus. Last but not least AJ incessantly has hammered the vaccine issue, the  big pharma agenda by calling them out for the blood sucking criminals, money grubbers and pariahs that they truly are. I haven't witnessed anybody that has even come close to his passion and rage in the alternative media.This puts AJ over the top and into the fourth dimension of freedom fighters as far as I am concerned. He has been  fearless over the years and he is going all the way with our new Potus. It is an all out freight train going well over 100 mph and I want to jump on.             

Saturday, April 1, 2017

No Easy Day

In No Easy Day the only easy day was yesterday. The Teams have a saying That it pays to be a winner. I always wanted to be a winner, however I ended up being a Walter Mitty type instead that just read a lot of books on spooks and war over the years. This was what helped me deal with the harsh realities of the so called real world. My dad never stopped reminding me how brutal and cruel the world really is. The only problem is that I don't buy into the No Easy Day account of the Bin Laden raid. One of the few people that I really believe is Dr P and he basically stated that the entire Bin Laden scenario has been an egregious fraud. My over all analysis is that there are many facets of our military industrial complex that are controlled by the David Rockefeller types. Ding dong the witch is dead at 101 years old. Basically these people have more money then they can possibly spend in one lifetime so instead of being a real philanthropist they use it to deceive and hire crisis actors. They use it to control world markets as well as the worlds population. I get the feeling that this No Easy Day operator may be just another actor. He may be a real Seal but AJ has a different account of what really went down with the Bin Laden raid. That is why Booze Allen Hamilton does next to nothing as far as protecting our National Security. Its all about creating Hollywood actor scenarios where they can also make a bundle of money on Wall Street. Lets take a look at The (National Geospatial Intel Agency or NGA) If the world really isn't round then what are they really doing with all of their blue marble bull shit? It appears that their are helium balloon type flying airships that are more then likely doing what they claim satellites are doing. They also have drones so I am sure they are using those as well for pics. cgi satellites blue marble trips to Mars and the moon the entire thing is a hoax and the joke is on us. The problem is that a lot of people have died because of these as holes. I was watching Shadow Company last night about the so called mercenaries that have helped us out in this GWOT- The bw guys getting ambushed, their bodies desecrated all so the fat cat war mongers can create more phony Bin Laden stories. The Extortion 17 mission doesn't add up either, why was Seal Team 6 flying in a dilapidated piece of garbage for a mission seriously? Basically these people get off on deception, cover and subterfuge. They will never have a shortage of crisis actors to pay because their wallets are nice and fat. So these war monger fat cats don't do a dam thing except lie, cheat and steal, make up bs stories, manipulate our emotions and they get off on it. They fake deaths and use body doubles, anything to confuse and then we are supposed to be upset about spy's that leak Treasure Troves like Vault 7? That is why Booze Allen talks about state actors in their intelligence briefings. They are telling us everything that we need to know, that everybody is a  f ing actor. There are conspiracies behind actual conspiracies, the rabbit hole with these people is multi layered and goes quite deep. Its all entertainment anyway for them but I am getting tired of their lies and bs. JFK, 9-11, Sandy Hook, Extortion 17, Phony Bin Laden raids, the list goes on. I cheated in school at times, I even cheated on my wife, if somebody claims to be holier then thou this is usually the first tell tale sign that they are totally full of shit. I would never want to be a spy that did nothing but lie to the American people however because  a lot of great people have already lost their life. I have loved my country more then I ever loved my wife. That is the difference, I have lied cheat and stole in my life but it never led to the death of innocent American hero's. So for that reason as well as many others they have blood on their hands. I hope that they cant sleep at night.