Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mail And Wire Fraud? If you want to be our Potus then you have to set an example and not act like a cheese ball bait and switch used car lot. If you want to be our Potus then you probably shouldn't be committing felonies and if you do then you are putting a target on your back. Their is no way our President is ever going to go after bad guys because he is a bad guy himself. Potential Mail And Wire fraud criminal charges is definitely not a good situation. As much as I wanted him to win the election I cant overlook behavior that is not acceptable for Joe Blow off the street. So if Joe Blow off the street gets indicted and charged criminally for mail and wire fraud then why should our Potus be exempt? That is an obvious dumb question because all of our Presidents have been criminals to one extent or another. You cant be a charlatan and act like a clown as our Potus with bogus Trump University and then have all of your media hoars like Sean Hannity and AJ talk about how the dishonest press or deep state is out to get you. I want to hear AJ talk about Trump University and how our Potus stiffed his contractors for millions of dollars over the years, then I will feel better about his so called anti fraud and corruption media empire. These aren't witch hunts, these allegations by NY States attorney general appear to be  egregious violations of the law. This type of crime hurts people the most, the working folks who just wanted to learn a little bit about Real Estate and were naïve enough to think that Trump would show up and be a man of his word. So they shelled out a lot of their hard earned money and even upgraded to the higher levels of this obvious scam. Let me tell you something you cant call out crooked Hillary and then be a crook yourself. Wire fraud and mass mailings via snail mail, people do time for this kind of thing all the time. I payed a heavy price for my crimes, I got a DWI 6 years ago and I still am not driving, I am trying to save up to pay off the fine. Our Potus lost respect for Nicole Richie for getting a DWI but its ok for him to steal poor peoples money under the phony guise of trying to help them succeed in life? I don't really care overall because today I am serene and humble and soon I wont be writing anymore about our Politicians lack of character because I am going to have something much better to do. I am grateful and humble and sober, that is the only thing that really matters. I just shared and feel more spiritually fit then ever because I am surrounded by people that are humble servants. I don't have a gf or a job and I still am not driving but that is gods will and plan for me at moment, at least for today. I would much rather be working somewhere and soon I will be because that is just how the program rolls. I am not out for gold stars or pats on the back. I am honored to share my experience strength and hope whenever I am asked and this is in order for me to stay sober myself. Its not about what's in it for me but rather what's in it for we. I feel that we should eliminate all political positions especially the President. We are going to be bogged down in more political scandals from now on so everybody should just step down and resign from their political positions because its all egocentric narcissism anyway Our Potus is a flat out mobster- his maphia connected judges, lawyers and leos s seem to have kept him out of jail thus far. The more I do due diligence on Trump University the worse it appears to get. I completely overlooked this fraudulent scam before the election because our Potus sold me up and down the river with how great of a president he would be. And I couldn't deal with Hillary because of her past alleged criminal activity specifically the Arkansides and drug running. Trump really isn't a nice guy like he portrays himself in the book that he wrote recently. He is not really a good writer either, it was so dumbed down and rudimentary, at least Oreilly had a ghost writer from what I gather. The thing that upsets me the most is his lack of remorse and empathy for the victims. This is a tell tale sign of how the mind of a criminal works. The Trump University scam was so blatant that they had no choice but to pursue civil suits for starters which isn't an easy thing to do. After settling for 25 million dollars Nolo Contendere he was making racist comments about that Mexican and also that is why he more then likely fired  Preet Bharara because he was working anti corruption cases and he had his number. No remorse whatsoever, he also basically stated that he wants to get Trump U off the ground again and the reason why people didn't succeed in real estate after wasting thier money on his course was  because they didn't try hard enough. This is exactly what network marketing scams like Herbal Life claim as to why nobody ever appears to make any money. They are cut from the same exact cloth, unfortunately he is now our Commander in Chief. We cant have a system where everybody can get bought. Our system is so slimy, Pat Bondi accepted donations from Trump and quite possibly had her back off a real Trump Univ. investigation? As Attorny General of a state where you are representing the people you have a legal and moral obligation and a job to do regardless of how much somebody pays you or who you are friends with.     

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