Monday, May 22, 2017

Dog And Pony Show At first I thought that if our Potus had anything to hide then he wouldn't have fired our FBI director but now I am not so sure. Some professionals are stating that this may be a potential obstruction of justice/impeding an investigation scenario. One thing is clear and that is I took our president off of a pedestal a short while ago. When ever I put somebody up on a pedestal I always seem to get let down. I no longer feel that our Potus is anti establishment or NWO infact in my humble opinion he may be just as much a part of the capital crony scene as the rest of them. I just don't see him ever going for the jugular with all of his campaign promises. What makes this potentially even worse is Comey"s potential replacement. Sen Lieberman a career politician doesn't that say it all about the sad state of affairs in our country? And then Mueller is he supposed to gain our trust and respect as an independent investigator for an impartial investigation? This man was brought in just a couple of weeks before 9-11 do you think that he came in with no advance warning or foreknowledge? Are we are supposed to not only feel sorry for him but then praise the way he handled it? Sorry but that train buzzed by years ago, these people are all part of the same cabal and if you think otherwise then its time to go back to network news with Lestor Holt and company. So is Lieberman one of Trumps Ashkenazi friends? The problem is that Trump is friends with everybody and his background no longer seems as lily white as I once thought. Seriously how are you supposed to go after the mob if you are a part of it and seemingly always has been? Felix Sater and company not so impressed to say the least. So now we know what our Potus means when he says "he is a friend of mine". I don't have that much faith in Alex Jones anymore either. He was granted a White House press pass but what is that really going to do? Its all a dog and pony show, their are record levels of dope coming in from Afghanistan and our Potus isn't strong enough to take people out and do anything about it. If I was Potus I would wage serious war against the cia, I wouldn't be part of the maphia myself with Shelly the Machine Adelson and co. and then make believe that I was out to take out real bad guys. The cia would be going up against some heavy hitters on our side if they continued to run all of that dope into this country because it is killing people at record numbers. The war in Afghanistan had everything to do with opium supplies and protecting the USA's future cash cow. How many American soldiers were killed or ruined for life because of this? I thought that we had a bunch of pissed off vets that were ready to wage war and take out the cia what ever happened? We are getting side tracked by a dog and pony show and a Potus who more then likely was never going to do anything about real bad guys anyway. If you are part of the in crowd and if you are a friend to everybody how was he realistically ever going to anything except lip service and make believe? He is pals with Larry Silverstein as well wow what a surprise that is.      

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