Saturday, May 6, 2017

Magic Mushrooms/Pychology Today

As heroin related deaths skyrocket it is time to bring in the trippers better known as the Magic Mushrooms. Psychology Today has a grand slam article on Psilocybin- This psychedelic drug seems to be as miraculous as Ibogaine- The success rates seem to hover around 80% where as Ibogaine seems to be 90% or so as far as rewiring the brains circuitry- Success rates are determined by ones ability to abstain from their drug or drugs of choice. That is why they use Ketamine for depression. The cia has been testing this kind of thing for years. I don't have a problem with controlled tests in a safe environment however Dr Cameron's MK Ultra is a different story. The argument against the use of these drugs due to safety and efficacy concerns to help arrest the disease of addiction is not a valid one. National Geographic just had a special on this and my friend was in it. This was corroborated by the professionals in this Psychology Today article. Nobody dies when there are real professionals with years of experience that administer these types of transformative experiences. One just needs to do the follow up therapy and recovery otherwise the chances for long term success are greatly diminished. Infact one man in this article was able to go back to moderation after his trip but I would never recommend this. Some people might be able to however in my humble opinion abstinence for life one day at a time is the only way to go otherwise one should feel free to go back out and test the waters with much caution and plenty of warning labels. When I was in rehab I saw what a huge market nicotine cessation would be. My Magic Mushroom/Ibogaine sanctuary would help cleanse people off of everything all at once. Some rehabs don't let you drink caffeine but still let you smoke like a chimney. How many places actually encourage nicotine cessation? A drug is a drug so if you can abstain from heroin you might as well get off of the cigarettes as well. The article stated that Bill W may have tripped with the Belladonna cure/ treatment in 1934 in Towns hospital when he first got sober. He may have had the white light experience which only led to his trips in the 50s. He stated that he experienced "an essential all rightness of the universe." It looks like he wanted to bring the trips to the AA folks but was repudiated just like he seemingly was shunned when he started recommending orthomolecular therapy or vitamin enhancement/ Niacin therapy for depression. It makes sense how the trip works for people that are suffering with addiction. The program talks about ego deflation and becoming humble and grateful and without these essential traits chances of sobriety become very low. When one trips it puts ones ego back in check and this then becomes one of the transformative experiences. It appears to be quite similar to many peoples experience during  the fourth and fifth steps- A catharsis and cleansing of the soul that seems to be very similar to a sweat lodge as well. We need to get back to Indian type eastern holistic remedies for addiction and get away from medication and the quack junk science field of psychiatry. I experienced the sweat lodge in my long term rehab in 2011, it was quite intense. This is the type of spirituality that they talk about in the program, becoming less egocentric and at one with the universe. Tripping creates peace, inner confidence and in many cases extreme emotional experiences that lead to forgiveness of all former resentments. This sounds a lot better then electric shock therapy where one forgets their past. The only way to is through that is why one must be able to face up and remember the demons of their past. That is why I loath psychotropics and big pharma in general but feel very confident with this type of therapy as a replacement. The reason why tripping seems to work is that it creates pathways in the brain that talk to each other that normally don't thus the reason for such cathartic results. Getting right sized with ego deflation, getting a new lease on life, becoming more mindful all sound like positive attributes to me. That sounds much better then high pressure institutionalized mind games that many of these rehabs play. The first thing we have to do is get rid of big pharma and all of the shrinks and then proceed to administer magic mushrooms to all suffering alcoholics and drug addicts who also happen to smoke like chimneys as well. I could use a trip because I still have a lot of rage and hate. So the big question then becomes if one trips in sobriety will  that be considered a relapse? It depends on who you ask but as far as I am concerned  as long as its only a one shot or two shot deal and not an every week or monthly experience. Even if it is I feel that it will  probably be more beneficial and clinically effective then antidepressants that can do more harm then good and in many cases already have. I am never going to trip however I would recommend getting these tripping sanctuaries off the ground expeditiously to help save more people from this deadly disease of addiction.  

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