Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Naked And Afraid People tend to give more credence to an MD as opposed to a holistic chiropractor or herbalist. This Doctor states that antidepressants have proven themselves to create behavior patterns which are out of character. Also a legitimate study showed that so called normal healthy people who took meds had a much higher rate of developing Akathisia which can lead to suicide. People who are on antidepressants get this from the withdrawal effects as well. The problem is that we have a bunch of money hungry predators who now have dug their claws deeply into the recovery based community. When people are alcoholics and drug addicts they have a much higher likelihood of not only abusing pychotropics but also feeling psychosomatic once they run out of their pills. This makes big pharma the biggest drug dealers on earth happy because they have a constant supply of orders coming in to their pharmacy. So business is booming and there appears to be  a lot of shekels being made. This is taking advantage of peoples vulnerable state, especially coming up with a 60 % dual diagnosis comorbid rate. This is a criminal enterprise so now we at least have many MDs that are writing about this, they are the ones who may have a shot to make a dent into the medical establishment. When drug addicts are off their meds not only does this lead to major withdrawal symptoms, this sometimes creates fear and panic. Actually our brains homeostasis was being disrupted from day 1 because we never should have been on these drugs to begin with. The withdrawals are horrific. This is because of the shrinks who all basically are giving everybody the impression that there is something the matter with you and that is why you need the meds. This makes  people feel Naked And Afraid when they are off their meds. This is the mind control that these criminals have instilled on a vulnerable populace. And whenever there is a violent act that is committed like a school shooting this is usually a cia false flag with no real victims however  the focus always heads toward the assailant who either needed meds or was off his meds but definitely had a mental condition that wasn't being addressed properly.  cia has their hooks so deeply embedded in this entire scenario, these people are bad actors and con artists. People in recovery should be encouraged to not be on any meds and they need to run for the hills from all of these junk science fraudulent quacks.

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