Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Trump Train

https://www.yahoo.com/news/ann-coulter-calls-apos-grotesque-015318554.html I find myself somewhat agreeing with Anne Coulter. I never wrote about it before not that anybody reads my blogs anyway but this nepotism scenario is a little obvious. I am ok with hiring his daughter but his son in law? What kind of experience does Jared Kushner have to back up his new found responsibilities? How much more blatant can our Potus make it? This guy is way too young to handle all of these diplomatic envoy relations. Also We The People want to see him talk, to get up on the podium and tell us who you are and what you are all about. I don't know Ivanka but I could see her possibly ending up like her mother. In other words if I remember correctly our Potus stated that one of the reasons that he couldn't deal with Ivanna anymore was because she became power mad and out of control. Power corrupts absolutely in ways that make most normal peoples head spin. Maybe Chris Mathews is right about that dynamic duo marriage couple of Jared and Ivanka but maybe he isn't. Maybe she is a nice, humble down to earth girl who isn't out to railroad and steamroll people as well as to fly off the handle all the time. Unfortunately I have been around too many Sharon Stone types in Casino as far as women that basically prove themselves to be mentally unfit and emotionally unstable. VT had a great article about our Potus convicted Rico perp bud Felix Sater who ended up being an informant for the FBI to squash out his criminal activity but still ended up as a Managing Director of a huge Investment Operation. He concealed the fact that he was convicted of Racketeering to Bayrock Capital which is a felony (Martin Act) according to NY Law and Anne Dieners VT article. This from a guy who allegedly stabbed somebody in the face as well from somebody who was involved with a Ponzi punk penny stock pump and dump scam along the same lines as Jordan Belfort. I am not impressed with many aspects thus far in reference to the Trump Train but I am still not giving up hope. I am reading Blood Money, it just reiterates what I already read multiple times already about  the greed and avarice in Iraq. How are things different today, they are not. The more these war mongers spend the more they make meanwhile I am stuck looking for a job at Dunkin Donuts. Halliburton did a great job feeding the troops and the workers deserve a lot of respect but the higher ups deserve to go to jail. These convoys they set up in a warzone, these truckers had no means to defend themselves in a hostile land and they were totally ill equipped. Their minions were sent in specifically to spend as much money as possible, that is a premeditated business plan that to most people makes zero sense. They were sent in to make as much money as possible but the trucks were still ill equipped for ambushes and kidnap scenarios. Kellogg Brown & Root or KBR was known as burn and loot in the 60's and guess who spoke out against these contractors during the Vietnam War? Our Former Secretary of Defense as a young Republican- Donny Boy Rumsfeld who had no problem sending our troops out to war with just the equipment and Army that they had. These Young Republicans like the ones in the CPA are Jared Kushner squared and multiple times over. Our Potus should have a seasoned war vet doing that job, somebody who has been on the front lines themselves as well as somebody who has seen a lot of real carnage.  

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