Friday, May 26, 2017

"Bring Em On"

Paul Rieckhoff is a very good writer. He wrote Chasing Ghosts about the Iraqi quagmire. He graduated from Amherst and became an Infantry Officer before the Invasion. He knew all about guerilla warfare and what they were doing wrong maybe that is why he did well at Amherst, he is a smart guy. W created more cowboy havoc after his Mission Accomplished speech with "Bring Em On." Why would our Potus act like John Wayne with his double and triple diamond secret service and bw security details? I would never get any sleep if I thought that I might be responsible for one soldiers death needlessly and unnecessarily. When I got that DWI I felt horrible about myself because I was putting innocent peoples lives at risk. If I killed somebody I pretty much would rather be dead myself, do you think our Presidents have ever felt that way? Most are extreme narcissists who view our soldiers deaths as nothing more then collateral damage. Rieckhoff taught his men to focus on the 10 meter targets not the 200 yarders because they needed to eliminate those threats first because they were the ones that would kill them first. I view alcoholism and recovery as very similar to war because this disease tries to take you out in so many different ways it would make most peoples head spin. When people take their eye off the ball for only a little while they go back out and then it is off to the races. Unless an intervention takes place it usually gets ugly. The longer one stayed sober or dry the worse it gets when you back out. The good news is that when people are sober they don't go back out, and real relapses should not be a surprise and they usually just don't come out of nowhere. The problem is that with alcoholism and alcohol when you know somebody went back out or needs the program you can safely share your experience and hope they get into or back into the rooms. Unless one gets sober its not a question of if they may die its just a question of when. With  booze its usually a slow, torturous, miserable and agonizing death but not with this new dope. With alcohol you usually don't have to worry about people dying today or tomorrow although you do have to worry about them killing somebody else like I could have done in a car. With this new dope however when you see somebody that  might very well be for the last time. Chances are the next few times they use they will either die or come pretty close to it especially if they were abstinent for a few. This is because their bodies wont be able to handle the amount they inject or snort because they have been clean and this carfentanil and gray death kills people with only  milliscule amounts the size of a grain of rice. I don't think Big Army should get involved with if a soldier gets married or not to an Iraqi girl. In the book the Company Commander shot down a squad leaders marriage plans. They shouldn't be involved with peoples private lives as long as its not interfering with OPSEC- Operational Security- I don't have a problem with the Chelsey Mannings of this world or the DEVGRU Warrior Princess types. Rieckoff has a lot to be proud of, his guys were stealing and he called them out on this-  His theory was ("Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent- Adam Smith)  We cant live in a lawless land and as Americans we have to be better then this and set an example. Whatever I stole in my life went right down on my 5 step-   

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