Thursday, May 4, 2017

Unit- Corps- God- Country

You don't have to wear a badge to have honor. It is always a good thing to have a good lawyer. What separates a good lawyer from being a great lawyer is his/her willingness to go all the way to trial. I thought that I may be going upstate for my violations of probation- I don't recommend being a drug addict in the system who cant stay sober. I ran out of paid lawyers so I basically was just relying on public pretenders and jailbird lawyers. The term public pretender is not my own creation, I heard it in the rooms. It means public defenders who already have a plethora of cases on their plate and you are just a number. I must have been shuffled around at least 10 different times going back and fourth to court while in jail. Going to court for me over the years was emotionally and mentally draining enough but going while you are still in jail makes it ten times worse. Chains, Good Humor vans surrounded by a cacophony of shouts by inmates who act like animals and who's voices reverabate across the chambers at a rapid fire pace. If hell had a name it definitely would be my experience going back and fourth to court in shackles. Going back to jail is pretty much where I felt like dying anyway. I remember one man tell me that his entire experience in jail he just thought about ways how to effectively off himself. Anyway Wolfgang has honor and that is why he needs to team up with a fire breathing demon chaser lawyer, Bruce Cutler comes to mind. I am talking about lawyers who fear nobody or no one and who actually come alive when live rounds start flying down range. These Rico predators who plastered pictures of little children all over CNN need to burn in hell along with those freaks that are still hiding underneath those underground tunnels. Why did Wolfgang have to shut down his site and what happened to James Tracy's site Memory Hole blog because inquiring people want to know? James Tracy is very intelligent and his site was one of my go to sights the past few years. I check out Yahoo and I see things like important info must see- Then its Mark Zuckerbergs wife is actually worth more then him. How pathetic can these people get is that really worth anybody's attention? According to Zuckerberg we are all dumb f ers and he supports The Gates Foundation from what I gather- So there was a lawyer Drew Pinsky, he actually had live rounds flying into his office and his secretary mysteriously ended up dead. This seems like some kind of cover up but I am not sure yet. That is why Wolfgang needs a fire breathing demon chaser as a lawyer. Lt. Kaffee was good but he was still too young. Wolfgang needs a lawyer that knows how to work the system just as well as the opposition. Everybody is a lawyer including our former Potus that is why I don't think that this case will ever go anywhere. Everybody is an expert at  gaming the system, Monte Frank is great at this. At least Wolfgang can go to sleep at night knowing that he doesn't have a badge but at least he has honor. Unlike those other slime balls who staged a school shooting and then made believe that little children were murdered. 

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