Thursday, May 11, 2017

FBI And Unrealistic Goals Jung had premonitions, he envisioned WW-1- He was a legend who had symptoms of in what todays world would be diagnosed as schizophrenic. Synchronicity is another aspect of his resume. This blog is very interesting. They have professionals who believe that the APA and the DSM are all fraudulent. I wonder what Jung would say about that? I don't know but if you have professionals that state that they were able to get people to admit that there is no real evidence to support that mental illness exists to the extent they claim or that the chemical imbalance myth is even valid then I believe that people should start to listen The people that pull all of the strings know how to make people crazy that is what it comes down to- These string pullers are hooked into Big Pharma and Wall Street where fear and greed dominate everybody's soul. Andy Grove from Intel wrote Only The Paranoid Survive, the upper level executives live and die by this creed. So they make everybody else jump through hoops with their mind games and then have fraudulent charlatan psychiatrists pull rabbits out of their hat all under the phony guise of mental illness and the massive prescription writing of psychotropic drugs both narcotic and non narcotic. Now these frauds have their hooks deeply embedded into the treatment center recovery industry where they claim a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate for addicts and alcoholics. This means that they are still pushing or I should say actually increasing their myth of a chemical imbalance of depression or bi-polar which I don't  think ever existed in the first place. Basically they are stating that the mental illness is what lead to ones alcoholism and drug addiction. A lot of mood stabilizers and maladaptive behavior by actors who went through Camp Perry training on how to appear mentally f ed up with intermittent outbursts of vituperative rage. Intermittent Explosive Disorder and every other disorder they made up all because they are the ones who really need the help. Only The Paranoid Survive in their Orwellian dystopia of subterfuge and betrayal. Psychology Today had another good article on what motivates people. It appears that when people are put under a lot of pressure and given unrealistic objectives  this is what leads to fraud. "Research shows that if goals are unrealistic, but you can achieve them by cheating, then people will cheat. They will commit fraud to obtain the incentive"p-56- And if one gives you an altruistic goal something like raising money for a fundraiser offering commission doesn't seem to help either. People feel much better when working for a common good for the betterment of society and sometimes actually do worse when offered cash incentives to reach that goal. The article basically states that the Wells Fargo fraud may have been committed by the employees because the sales objectives were unrealistic. This more then likely created a lot of boiler room pressure which led to the fraud. When you have Leisure Suit Larry's at the top of the food chain who make all of the rules this is what we get as a result. A bunch of criminals who destroy any sense of honor and decency that people inherently have. We have devious little children that run things like Yale University Phcyiatric Dept. where they created a psychiatric evaluation of a cartoon character that never even existed. Now we have a capital crony HSBC money laundering political appointee that was fired as the FBI Director- I hope it leads to better places because the FBI should have been disbanded years ago. JE Hoover had all of the dirt on the politicians so they could never oust him but the mob owned him and had all of his dirt so he could never go after the mob. Only The Paranoid Survive in a world where the mob still today even more then ever runs and owns everything.

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