Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chasing Ghosts In The Land Of The Devil

Our Potus no longer inspires me, the Memorial Day ceremony was somewhat worth watching but right now my ranking went from a 9 to a a four. His son in law has a face of an angel but is he really? Senior Presidential advisor at 35 years old with a shady family background. When I was using drugs I had big brother all over me, probations officers, the whole 9 yards. That is because I am a drug addict/alcoholic and always have been, this means that I am allergic to alcohol in any form. So when I engaged in that behavior my life was horrible and I eventually went to jail. It was wrong and not morally ok for me to use drugs as an alcoholic, that is why people were all over me like dogs chasing after cats. If Our Potus didn't do anything shady then why all of these allegations they must be coming from somewhere? Is it really a Democratically fueled and funded revenge based witch hunt like his son stated? I want to see him succeed but that means doing his best to try to help us succeed. I hate politicians, Chasing Ghosts in the land of the devil. Paul Rieckoff spoke out against the Iraq War but John Kerry didn't seem to really want to listen. He could have used that to help get elected in 2004 but the fix was already in, 4 more years of W and company. If their was no evidence of WMDs and it was all made up and fabricated bs then how come nobody ever got in trouble? I watched the Memorial Day ceremony, all of these Patriotic soldiers how come they aren't speaking out? I would never want to fight and die for a bunch of Free Mason con artists who made a fortune off of other peoples pain and suffering. I wouldn't be drinking the cool aide talking about how great our country is because they are a bunch of criminals. If  I had my leg blown off in Iraq I would wage war on Rumsfeld, I don't see any politicians letting the warriors speak their mind. Politically correct bs, Rieckoff had to give a watered down version of the situation on the ground in Iraq, something that would pass big army's pc propaganda standards. These neo cons have blood on their hands for at least 3 wars but nobody ever got in trouble. They are running dope out of Afghanistan and they invaded Iraq for no legitimate reason whatsoever and now a lot of soldiers are either dead or ruined for life. Depleted Uranium when is our Potus going to go for the jugular, I don't think he has the character or the intestinal fortitude. He just wants to increase the military budget by 10% and talk about how evil Islamic Jihad, N. Korea, Iran and Syria are. Its not our warriors rite of passage to fight and die for a bunch of blood sucking Illuminati criminals. If they fought it should have been for legitimate reasons because the Bin Laden story doesn't seem to quite add up. If our Potus was a real Patriot he would have volunteered after his New York Military Academy experience. Instead he became a shameless self promoter where the lights camera and action were always on him. I regret not enlisting first or at least going into the Reserves to get me better situated as an Officer. I wasted my time trying to go out into the real world, sales bull shit, entrepreneurial ventures, it basically ruined my life. I needed a career and the military should have been it. Our Potus was too busy trying to buy into a football team and hanging out with Felix Sater- It would make my skin crawl and make me feel very uncomfortable and slimy to hang out with a bunch of blood sucking criminal mobsters who were never out for the greater good. 

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