Monday, May 1, 2017

Gamers Of The System

If people want to help make America great again they need to stop punishing people for trying to better themselves. This student loan scam is blatant and obvious. Private Equity firms and hedge funds are all over these innocent students like vultures, sharks and piranhas. Then to add insult to injury these Universities are not even guaranteeing anybody a job after they graduate. So then when the higher ups ask you what you are going to do with your life you usually say I don't know I guess I should go back to school. After you graduate you usually have well over 100k in debt with no job in sight. The system is being gamed, people shouldn't be given slave labor salaries either when teaching as well. Are you serious, people get their Masters and then they start to teach at a Private school and then they only get like 20k a year. The parents of the students pay more then that for tuition each year so why are they giving the teachers such paltry sums? The system needs to get rid of these vultures and they need to start making it easier to get a job once you work hard in school. People used to ask me what I was going to do with a history degree. I had no idea but at least I learned a lot in school. I learned about the Rober Barons who are still gaming the system today. Fox News yesterday stated that the student loan debt was well over 1 trillion dollars. You shouldn't have to work 80 hours a week just to die of a heart attack either. Universities need to have real recruiters come in and place people not bs artists who just take up space and make believe that you may get a job if you apply. Stop hurting people before they even get out of the starting gate. I doubt things will ever change. Our Potus is a big time gamer himself, Trump University, not paying his contractors, he is even impressed by the Nasa astronauts. Then when you have a real professor try to teach you something like James Tracey they just fire you and shut down your blog. Pathetic to say the least. My business plans consist of training schools that guarantee people a job if they graduate. People wont mind paying for a school or a certification as long as they see light at the end of the tunnel. These gamers of the system get off on other peoples pain and suffering while they laugh all the way to the bank. The problem is that most places have horrible management. Not only do they not pay you they have the worst people running these places, these people aren't even making it themselves. When the system is corrupted from top to bottom this is what we  get as a result. Insurance Fraud, False Flags, FBI Directors/ Agents who are politicians instead of LEOS of the Supreme Law of the Land. Its all a joke and the only thing we get is cartoon character distractions from N. Korea instead of real leaders who know how to make a change. Also they should up the punishment for drug dealers who are caught selling dope within a certain yard radius of either a sober home or a rehab facility. These predators are taking advantage of peoples illness and they should be punished even more harshly then if somebody were caught selling drugs near a school zone  

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