Friday, May 19, 2017

Hail Of Gunfire And Greed

Thou shalt not judge the capitalists who made a killing in the Wild West known as Iraq. Custer Battles earned a contract at the Airport with no experience to back them and on their last legs of financial stability. These two men were granted a contract over two seasoned established contracting firms and it only grew from there. They had the green light from the CPA with no accountability or without any checks and balances system. The investigators who got suspicious were shunned and blocked from access to their various compounds. The FBI didn't seem like they could do anything  because if they were working for the Coalition then it seemed like they were out of USA's jurisdiction. One guy stated that these two men Custer and Battles were "as holes who were in way over their head." That one airport contract from a company with zero track record behind it had one man state that it was reminisint of a boilerplate joke that a fifth grader could put together. This led to multiple multi million dollar  lucrative contracts. The pace of the war was relentless and when Uncle Sam called these for profit war mongers needed to deliver. Even if this meant hiring foreign nationals who didn't speak any English or have any training in the Iraqi dialect. Expansion and insurgencies reigned supreme in the lawless land known as Iraq. So the FBI couldn't do much but eventually in 2005 a lawyer was able to get  multi million dollar fines levied against the company.(up to 10,000,000) If the business plan is that the more one spends the more you make that made it much easier to invoice products at 5 times more then what they actually paid. Because if the higher ups get the balance sheet the only thing that mattered is that there was a lot of money that was spent. So 20 million here and there is great news, but nobody ever went to jail. I don't judge because I am a capitalist and I would have been in way over my head in their position as well. I would have went to Iraq wanting to seek vengeance on Islamic Jihad not to make money but I may have went down in a hail of gunfire and greed just like Custer Battles. If they wanted contracts delivered I would have did the best I could but in their particular scenario they  more or less stated "if we delivered the trucks and they were inoperable then so be it." There were broken down inoperable trucks and zero checks and balances and no UCMJ for any of these contracting firms in the beginning. Cooking ones books like Enron and WorldCom the Wild West of Iraq was no different then our corporate world. Its like how is the FBI ever going to investigate the cpa or cia there is no real difference between the two of them only one letter. In our hypocritical world of the land of the unfree and home of the slaves nothing makes any sense. They sentence a Secret Service agent to 20 years for sexting teens and a federal prosecutor was actually pushing for life? Are you serious we have greed mongers gone wild that rip off the American taxpayers and a Federal Agent gets the book thrown at him for sexting? Their is a huge difference between engaging in the act and fantasying regardless of the intent. So basically this Secret Service Agent did what was equivalent to what many of those perverts did in To Catch A Predator with Chris Hanson how come those people didn't get multiple years? Infact it was worse because in Hanson's sting the perverted perps actually showed up to meet the young girls. This Secret Service Agent was offered no chance for rehabilitation on his first offense are you kidding me? Why is their such a double standard between the Slick Willies of this world  and our Federal Agents? The Feds seem like it's their job to protect the real slime balls and predators that never seem to go to jail that much seems very obvious. So its ok for our politically connected  predators to engage in pedophilia and the real act of  sexual relations with minors but nobody ever goes to prison? Am I condoning the Secret Service Agent's actions no he is a reprehensible pervert but 20 years and a federal prosecutor was pushing for life this country is so screwed up I believe that it may be way beyond repair. How come weirdo perv sext king Anthony Weiner isn't going to be sentenced to 20 years? What will he get 2 years max if anything at all? I am sure that he will appeal the sentence anyway but why the double standard? Our politicians are so smarmy they make my skin crawl. They should at least be honest about who and what they are. If they basically stated that they were really gangsters into money laundering, kickbacks and extortion, power and corruption I would have a lot more respect for them. Do you think the heavy hitters in the maphia made believe that they were anything other then what they were? They didn't carry themselves like our modern day politicians that (ACT) that they are out for our greater good? Teflon Don, Genovese, Gambino, Lucky Luciano, Al Capone, they were real men who weren't con artists deceiving the public about their politics and bull shit like the rest of them. 

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