Wednesday, May 3, 2017

American Pain/American Greed

Chris and Jeff George were two of the dumbest criminals out there. One of them was busted for selling Steroids but then they decided to get into the pill mill business. These two brothers definitely had sociopathic tendencies and  may have even been flat out sociopaths- People were od-ing in the parking lot outside of their pill mills and they couldn't care a less. They had a doctor write the scrips for them and they both made a fortune. The wife of one of these punks  was a  former stripper. She told it like it was. She ended up getting like two years but at least she felt genuine remorse and she also seemed like a decent girl overall. She basically stated that money made her x- husband a monster and that he didn't care about anybody but himself- She basically stated that her x- husband was an entitled narcissistic punk from day 1-  The FBI eventually wired them and you should have heard the things that came out of their mouth- Some people got hit by a train and many were dying all over the place. They had special Appalachia flights that were booked to go down to their pill mills. Roxicodone seemed to be their drug of choice to push. When somebody od'd and died one of them stated- I bought my Lambo a few years ago if I end up doing something dumb now am I going to blame the dealership? These punks had no empathy whatsoever and the only time they actually cared was when the Feds came in and finally put the clamps down with a raid. I stayed up till 3 am watching it because I was very interested to see how the raid went down. This was one of the bigger busts out there. This was the catalyst to shut down all of the other dirty pill mills. They were upset for just getting caught and for no other apparent reason. They were brought up in Wellington in relative luxury but their father didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. Put it this way if you have your act together then you find out what your children are getting themselves into and then do the due diligence on it. Otherwise what good are you as a father- If your children are on their way to multiple years in prison shouldn't you at least be smart enough to know what they were doing before it was too late? Forget about those punks, I am talking about saving some addicts that ended up dying as a result of the easy streets of Roxys at that time. They both ended up getting over 10 years. Its a bad situation because their are many good feds who know that squashing out one necessary demon only opened the market for full fledge heroin addiction which is now killing more people then ever. Its not an exercise in futility but its more like wackamole- You have to keep slaying demons until eventually they are all buried down below never to be seen or heard from again and where they should have been all along. Sociopaths don't care about the damage that they create, they only care about getting caught and acknowledging that their lifestyle is going to change in a big way.

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