Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Adversarial Allegiance

As a journalist just like an expert witness your job is to provide information that is in the best interest of we the people. In other words whatever the truth is and nothing but to the best of ones ability. I was backing our Potus all the way on what I thought were unsubstantiated allegations of so called Russian collusion that I felt was just a witch hunt created by the deep state. It turns out that maybe these people aren't the deep state after all? Fox News and AJ Infowars basically had me on the Trump Train hook line and sinker. The consistent theme was that there was no evidence to support spurious claims of Russia meddling into the US election and that the deep state and bias anti Trump press had nothing better to do then to make up stories. That is why we need to eliminate all partisan news outlets and get rid of both parties. Its all divide and conquer, Fox News is a right wing Republican mouthpiece and so is Infowars despite Jones claims of being a libertarian. Sen Blumenthal believes that there is prima fascia evidence in regard to these allegations, this more or less means that in a court of law unless refuted there would be enough evidence to convict. Why would our Potus attempt to obstruct justice or try to impede an investigation that didn't even get off the ground yet because that is very suspicious right off the bat? Maybe MSNBC and Chris Mathews isn't that bad after all. He stated that Obama was trying to put out potential fires in the middle east specifically in Iran. VT claims that all intel agencies came to the conclusion that Iran wasn't building Nukes but nobody ever mentioned that in the Trump Train press so who really is the deep state because inquiring people want to know? I admire Fox News Patriotism but there is something called blind jingoism that is not fair and balanced and this goes against what journalistic integrity is supposed to be based on. Bill Oreilly is abhorrent, these sexual harassment claims from a seasoned veteran that got paid millions and millions of dollars per year is a perfect example. He never did any real investigative journalism anyway so what does that really say about his character? If those sexual harassment claims weren't true then Oreilly could have buried these alleged victims in the court of law instead he settled not one or two of these cases but many more. These people have colossal egos and our Potus is no different. You cant make a deal with our intel agencies that much seems to be true. I don't stand being Apartheid and repression of the Palestinians either so I no longer condone our Potus"s cozy relationship with Israel. That country plays the victim card, this is not the truth. Israel is an aggressive war monger bellicose state that has a deep alliance with our American War Machine. I want to read that book American War Machine because it is all about Narco trafficking in Afghanistan and the heroin that is coming in from various channels specifically into the USA and has been for many years. The press has freedom but they need to stop  having  partisan Adversarial Allegiance contingent  on who is paying them just like our expert witnesses. 

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