Tuesday, May 30, 2017

See Something Say Something

https://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-why-wont-ariana-grande-denounce-radical-islam/ AJ was the one who taught me that Islamic Jihad was an egregious fraud with their phony and fake false flags and tears. So now why is he doing an about face with his new Potus? Maybe Ariana Grande isn't a good enough actress to pull off stage shows that look like real grief and phony tears- These people are so phony its so pathetic that Jones now all of the sudden is talking about radical Muslims and that Manchester was supposed to be real. Maybe Jones is cointelpro after all and not the real deal- Kevin Barrett and VT seem to think so. I like Jones but I cant take his Bill Oreilly tactics anymore because I put up with that for way too many years. Fox News Hannity these people are so transparent- I don't think that there ever was a deep state, this is what Gordon Duff seems to think. There is no good vs evil JFK would have saved the world bs etc because he was just as much of a criminal as the rest of them. Mobster family, all of these Illuminati families are tied together in some way shape and form. Its all a stage show and these alternative media types have done nothing but pull our strings and waste our time. I remember Stew Webb stated unequivocally that all of the establishments past crimes would  get adjudicated much sooner rather then later so what ever happened to that Mr I have a lot of juice and had a bw helo shot down? Unfortunately we have some crisis actors that portray themselves as  real deal investigators that claim that they knew all about 9-11 in advance etc.. I don't think we have any real investigators unfortunately, maybe William Cooper was. I believe that these so called real deal investigators are nothing more then crisis actors themselves that were put in place by the cia a long time ago and now they are acting like real hero's. I just want AJ to be a little bit more consistent that's all, I am not asking for perfection. If Islamic Jihad is a bunch of bull shit that had the FBI JTTF stage stateside events with mentally retarded patsies and this was stated by AJ then why is he talking about it now as if it were still something that was supposed to be real? Jones even travelled to London to investigate the 7-7 bombings to put his false flag seal of approval on it. I looked up to AJ as the modern day John Oneill at that time and even gave him credit for having brass balls. I do want to watch Dick Wolfs new show about the NYPD FBI but this radical Muslim bs is old news and its really bad news. It doesn't work anymore so please find another bogey man myth to blame things on to perpetuate your Racketeering operations. See something Say something you people are still working off of that same script because that one is very old and died a long time ago as well. So if our Potus is really in bed with Israel that means that when he claims that he wants to scrub Islamic Jihad and ISIS off the earth that means that he needs to get rid of his own guys because ISIS stands for Israel Secret Intelligence Service and this was even confirmed by Dr P- Ariana is buds with Kim Kardashian another reality tv show super star what a surprise that is. When is Hollywood going to speak out against  all of the phony bs that they try to pass off as real news? These neo-cons are scary looking- John Bolton- Dov Zakheim our country is in bad shape if we continue down this path- Henry Kissinger was appointed by W and company to do a special investigation on the 9-11 attacks and was instrumental in the investigations conclusion imagine that. Wolfgang Halbig appears to be a real investigator so there is hope for us after all- He spoke out against AJ and I actually defended Jones for at least talking about Sandy Hook for what he said was one last time. Why only one last time, if you are real then you talk until you get the job done? Getting the job done means putting pressure on real criminals by continuing to talk about it. So AJ I am now asking you to prove to us that you are real and take off the gloves because we are tired of fake tears. Give Wolf the respect that he deserves as a real investigator by bringing the SHES shooting back into the spotlight.

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