Monday, May 15, 2017

Johnson & Johnson A Criminal Enterprise Criminals- predators- cockroaches and thieves- Johnson & Johnson needed to pull another rabbit out of their Free Mason hat with their new drug Risperdal- They needed to replace their other so called miracle drug Haldol- This drug has caused so much damage to peoples mind and bodies and this damage is irrevocable. This is what these predators are all about, it doesn't matter how many lawsuits are waged, because the damage has  already been done. False Diagnosis, these frauds need any excuse for their massive prescription writing. That junk science quack in rehab tried to get me on Risperdal, I more or less told him to go fuck himself because these people are cunning and ruthless. I want them to call me up or better yet show up mano A mano and tell me that I need Risperdal- I will put them in the ground where they should have been a long time ago, hell is too good of a place for these people. These quacks don't even seem to be Americans which means they should be deported out of this country. Its all a joke but these hoax lowlifes who even insinuated that I needed meds need to make amends because they are all deeply disturbed. These drugs are deleterious to society in general and many people need to go to jail pure and simple. Huffington post has earned my respect with this multi page report about  Johnson & Johnsons criminal enterprise. Also when I am disturbed it doesn't necessarily mean that there is something the matter with me because many things about our current world are flat out disturbing.
 J & J settled with about 2 -3 billion dollars worth of verdicts settlements and legal fees after selling around 30 billion dollars worth of drugs worldwide- Upper level executives need to do a lot of time in prison because they withheld information about this drugs horrendous side effects while they marketed it to the elderly and small children. Old people and little children- ruthless predators who all seem to be cut from the same cloth.   

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