Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Eliminate The Predators

http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-04-30-humanity-has-reached-peak-idiocy-what-happens-when-the-idiocy-bubble-bursts.html The worst thing we ever did in this country is to anoint politicians. Gov Scott oversaw the largest health care fraud in US history and never went to jail. His company paid 1.7 billion dollars in fines and now he may want to run for the US Senate. I had a few legally registered weapons and eventually got convicted of a class e- felony and lost out on many job opportunities as a result of this. This upset my equilibrium and definitely contributed to my ongoing lack of sobriety. I wasn't swinging for the moon or the stars, I just wanted a job that paid a wage and not even a decent one. I am humble, down to earth and always have been and there has never been a question about my work ethic. So nobody died with the Zika virus but Scott declared a public health emergency as a result but now people are dying all over the place of heroin ods and our politicians don't do a dam thing? I doubt that they would do that many great things with the funding anyway if one considers the overall track record of politicians/ business people in general. That is why these people got into politics to begin with- Me first what's in it for me myself and I-  I would find out where this fentanyl is coming from and I would shut down the supply. I would marshal the resources the right way and this includes more publicly funded treatment center beds. When addicts are out on the street this makes them much more susceptible to body snatching and brokering. It becomes a vicious cycle. Getting sober is hard enough under the best of circumstances, that is why one needs to eliminate the predators that pray on the sick and vulnerable. 

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