Friday, May 5, 2017

Monte Bank

I was hoping that our Potus will pull out one of his Trump cards and ask Monte a question or two- Monte- Select any two of four cards turned face up and bet that one of them will be matched before the other as cards are dealt one at a time from the pack-  Better known as Monte Bank or Monte Frank the scam artist lawyer that is indirectly threatening Wolfgang- We have card game subterfuge Free Mason politicians and attorneys, I pretty much hate them all. We have people like Judge Jeanine who tell it the way it is but nobody ever gets locked up. She stated that Hillary should stay in the woods, she also called out the Clinton Foundation as a money laundering operation- That is Racketeering and many other illegal activities. So how come only the small frys get pressure from the feds? Now she wants to come out of the woods and declare her position as Queen of the Democratic party- Margret Thatcher type royalty but I don't know if Ms Hatcher was involved in cocaine trafficking with her husband in Mena Arkansas- Why don't these people just retire because they already have millions if not billions of dollars. Just Say No and now a public health emergency finally declared in Fla for opiates. Apparently all of that cocaine coming in during the 80s wasn't Pablo Escobar after all so why don't these media outlets start telling it the way it is. If Judge Jeanine can call out the Clinton Foundation I don't see why she cant go one step further. I am convinced that all of these scandals are just entertainment because alternative media always makes a big deal out of them but nobody ever gets arrested. Its hard to explain to the average person what its like to get handcuffs put on you and to have your freedom taken away. If you didn't have a therapist before you probably will need one after. I remember one guy in jail just violated his probation and was incarcerated with me. He basically had to be carted off to the Gucci gown section of jail. That is the psyche ward where people are considered a threat to either themselves or others. A lot of people feel like offing themselves in jail but very few people are homicidal. Anyway the Gucci gown section of jail is where they med you up and make you  docile and also make sure that you don't off yourself. I never went to the Gucci gown section of jail but I was still very depressed. I was so depressed that I used drugs as soon as I was transferred from Putnam County- The problem is that as much as I wanted to stay clean I couldn't because I needed to reconnect to a power greater then myself- This took another 5 years of basic misery in between stints of binge drug use. Towards the end it was marijuana maintenance every day for holistic measures. What a con job that is. Weed is never going to work for a drug addict/alcoholic. People who are getting clean off of heroin are going to find this out the hard way if they decide to test the waters just like I did. Its interesting because every time you check in to either a jail, detox or rehab facility they ask you at least ten different ways if you feel like offing yourself. I remember one guy say I didn't feel like it before but now I do since you keep bringing this up so many dam times. Everybody has liability and they need to protect themselves, they are just doing their jobs. I like Judge Jeanine so much better then Judge Judy- Judge Judy is so rude and mean to people, seriously you don't have to be a witch to do your job effectively. That is why Judge Jeanine was DA of Westchester County- She is a straight shooter and has seen it all. 

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