Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Our System Is Gamed I watched a little bit of the new AJ documentary last night. I never watched anything about Jones that wasn't on a pc so this was a unique experience. It was a propaganda hit piece that was difficult to watch. It portrayed Jones as a loony toon who definitely didn't have his act together. It was loud abrasive and took many things way out of context. One may be able to look at it as doing the same thing that he does to us but that is not entirely fair. Basically if anybody watched this documentary it would be difficult to come to the conclusion that Jones ever did anything good for our country. A lot of his critiques over the years have been somewhat accurate, ie- the fear porn that creates awareness and rage and but that is the actual intent. The intel that was on his show had me in such a rage that I wasn't seeing straight. I declared war on the Illuminati Globalists- People critique Jones for seemingly avoiding the Zionist agenda but are they really the bad guys? Preston James of VT last two articles substantiate that the Jesuit Superior General Black Pope of the Vatican is the head shed and is in charge of all of the evil in this world. Apparently everybody reports to him so there goes the Zionist bad guy myth. I watched Jones and wanted to wage war on this country especially after I witnessed Charlie Strange emotional reaction and how he was convinced that his son a Seal Team 6 member was taken out by Obama. This was Michael Stranges father, three months after the Bin Laden raid, Extortion 17 went down in very suspicious circumstances. If anybody is going to know if their is a cover up it would be a warriors father. Where else was I going to find that kind of intel so I am grateful for AJ and Infowars and try not to say bad things about him. He goes on rage filled tirades but so should more people unless of course you are getting all docile because off all of the pychotropics that you take. AJ is a capitalist and was probably making some money with gold as well as his other various products. I tried some of his products they are legit from what I gather. I wanted to get teams together to get ready for the civil war when AJ had me convinced that the globalists were going to launch a false flag and blame an American Patriot Movement. I was filled up with rage hate and indignation, a pure warriors soul. My character from Deep Cover Op Gone Bad was influenced by AJ"s in depth knowledge of how the dark spook world really works. He is a warrior and isn't afraid to speak his truth so people shouldn't get off on propaganda hit pieces as much as they do. VT appears to be the real deal as much as free intel can possibly be in my humble opinion. In other words where else can we get free intel the network news or Sean Hannity no I don't think so. They aren't selling anything and have a lot of very smart people that write for them. Even if the intel isn't always 100% its the best that their is without paying per month like a Stratfor subscription but even then how do we know if something is really legit? The only problem with VT is that if they provide intel that we cant get anywhere else and we definitely don't see it anywhere else then how do we know if its really legit?  That means that they may be able to game the system and have large egos by claiming to be the final authority and basically have a monopoly on everything intel wise. I want to see bad guys get arrested because our system is definitely gamed. All of those scandals the past two administrations and nobody ever got locked up or even fined for that matter? Our system is a complete joke because awareness doesn't mean a dam thing unless people within the system rise up and actually do something about it. 

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