Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Devils Chessboard

I am trying to remember a few of the Dons over the years. There was Teflon Don, Sammy the Bull, Gambino, Don Corleone, Traficante, Genovese, of course Donny Broscoe. I don't think Donny was made but he had Al Pacino's Leftys respect that is for sure. Lets see who else- The Big Trin I have no idea a few others. I am reading The Devils Chessboard- Allan Dulles cia all the way- establishment elitist- His wife was a client of Carl Yung and so was his mistress. McCarthyism was a focal point but nobody could cross Dulles without eventually losing. McCarthy drank himself to death at 48 years old-  I don't hate the cia anymore because they seem to have a way to bring order at of chaos- One can make a little noise but if you make too much noise then you end up with cement shoes. You have to have respect for the mob. Roy Cohen was mentioned in the book- He was our current Dons mentor- Attorney, he had a lot of power even as a 26 year old lawyer. Ike was intimidated by the Ivy League establishment Farm types. I didn't know how sickly Ike was- Apparently he didn't see direct combat either. He felt much more at home in the Army as opposed to his role as the Commander In Chief- McCarthy had Scotty McLeod come in and fire the best and the brightest over the Red Scare- It seemed like a complete waste of time to me- Why fire people that are the best that you have for no legit reason over some paranoid Red Scare? I see similarities in todays political world with all of this Russia noise and alleged hacking scenario- The Don is buds with the big time players like Shelly Adelson, not a small time salesman like Shelly The Machine Levine from Glen Gary Glen Ross- The big time players are the real deal and go way back to the Bugsy Siegel days. There is a big difference between Shelly the Machine Levine- Jack Lemons character and Shelly Adelson- Some people need to steal the Glen Gary Leads in order to survive while others just know how to make millions and millions of dollars with relative ease. We are in good hands with our current mobster situation. These people love America just as much if not more then other hard core Patriots. Watching Blue Bloods seems a bit too innocent for me. For starters Tom Sellecks character seems a bit too into himself. Then on an episode one of the cops made a big deal about pressuring/threatening somebody to testify under oath. Seriously pressuring somebody to tell the truth under oath is much different then trying to coerce somebody to perjure themselves. We should have more people threaten people to testify under oath. I actually hate the deep dark and dirty cia. Allen Dulles was such a weirdo. His son was a war hero and got badly wounded in Korea. He eventually subjected his own son to MK Ultra programming. Seriously they were using humans as guinea pigs with programs that had zero empirical track record for success. This is why I loath the quack field of psychiatry. These Nazis are still in the system today, infact they never left and it appears that they have only increased in strength. What kind of man would subject their own son to something like that? Those sleep rooms that they had and Dr Cameron, what a pathetic excuse for a doctor. I would have taken these people out a long time ago. This is a man that became head of the APA-  No punishment for all of the secret programs and damage that they did to innocent victims? In the 70s the cia eventually settled for a lawsuit settlement for under 1 million dollars. How much is ruining a human life worth? How many billions of dollars should these criminals been sued for and only under 1 million in yesterdays dollars. These criminals should have been sentenced to life in prison bare minimum. These are the people that are running big Pharma today and they love to prescribe a lot of meds. People get so docile from all of the meds that they are taking because they know that if people knew the full true story and motives of the string pullers that these people would be hunted down to the ends of the earth. I don't know if our Potus is going to be able to drain the swamp either. If I were Potus these MK Ultra freaks would be firebombed expeditiously- Task Force 129 all the way. Dulles son hated his father with a passion. He knew what he was doing to him wasn't right. He wasn't sure exactly what it was he just knew. He was much better off at a Jungian sanctuary in Europe, that is where he should have been all along. He didn't even want to come back to the states until after he found out that his father was dead. Now lets get rid of the rest of them. I would have a laundry list of charges against these people- Depraved indifference, murder, malicious intent- the list goes on- How many people died as a direct and indirect result of our cia secret programs? Murder is definitely a fair charge under the circumstances  

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