Monday, May 15, 2017

Addicted To Rehab

Flas Trend magazine had a huge article on Greed And Corruption in the substance abuse treatment industry. It was a good article however its important to touch on the positive aspects because I believe that most people only read about the cons and the scams. A sober living environment can be beneficial to a client by being part of a sober community and having peer support. Its basically like the old saying of knowing thy neighbor as far as helping and sharing. The only way to is through so when people have a bad day we can feel comfortable about venting without fear of reprisal or harsh criticism. This is what life is about, so when I hear stories about people that have been kicked out of sober homes just because they had a conflagration with their housemate this means that house has horrific management. Most of these place have horrible management, that is why the solid places will reign supreme in the years to come. Communal atmospheres in general are known to make people happier as opposed to seclusion an one up manship where many people not only don't  know thy neighbor but many have an inner desire to keep up with the Joneses. I have been homeless in jail and in many institutions/rehabs, I never wanted to be rich but successful yes that was always my goal. Today being successful is being sober and the rest will fall into place. I graduated from college I don't want to scrub floors or shine shoes but if there is a job opening I will take it because its all about service, that is The Secret. I would rather not work for a Leisure Suit Larry but real work has never been beneath me. I can understand why neighbors especially in Delray have had enough with sober homes because they have seen a lot of carnage and they are directly affected. Even though I wasn't sober myself when I  lived in Delray I used to say that Delray is not the sober capital of the USA its the not so sober relapse capital. The California sober recovery model has been around for years and seems to have the best approach on  how a sober home should be run. In an unregulated industry there is still no way to track success rates in the sober house world but that should be the next step. Many of these rehabs have follow up centers that call people to see if they are still dry, clean, abstinent or sober but sober homes don't . I don't know how accurate those statistics are but from what I gather the general consensus is that there is  about a 80- 90% recidivisms/relapse rate within the first year when people get out of their 30 day rehab. Insurance companies try to cover 90 day centers to instill the recovery regimen into people to give clients a better chance of getting sober once they leave but these long term results have still been less then impressive. Its up to the client, people generally fail because they don't plug into a recovery group right away, this disease is ruthless and takes no prisoners. When clients have the ability to live in a good sober home that is stable and with solid management they should be humble and grateful because this can make the difference between life and death. No God no peace- know God know peace- Thy will not mine be done 

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