Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Big Pharmas Dirty Hooks Bought and paid for junk science quack that is making up things about our Potus- People can have symptoms of certain behavioral disorders but overall the APA is a total and complete scam that really makes up names for disorders as they go along- How does one explain such an exponential increase in the number of bi-polar, adhd and social anxiety diagnosis etc.. the past 30 years? Do you think this came out of nowhere or is it part of an international criminal syndicate that is in deep cahoots with big pharma? Yale Univ. Skull And Bones weirdo's where they came out with a psychological profile of a ghost that never even existed how much lower can our country really go lets be honest? Their needs to be major class action lawsuits waged initiated by We The People because lets face it how much faith can we have in  any politician? They are less then worthless and will sell us out and down the river for a buck any day of the week- Schizophrenia is probably the only mental illness that I believe may be real. I watched Scientology's opening day ceremony on Sunday, it was very good. A two hour special about this cult that practices mind control and intimidation tactics. The only positive aspect of Scientology is their belief that medication is not needed. Other then that they are a bunch of weirdo's and freaks in the same league as the Skull And Bone Pirates from Yale University. These psychiatrists have infiltrated our country like wildfire and they are completely out of control. They came over from the Nazi regime. I never met a headshrinker that didn't need a headshrinker themselves. Seriously how do these people sleep at night if they do nothing but write scripts and administer zero therapy? Real therapy is talk therapy and DBT/CBT mindful based solutions because everything else is big pharms dirty hooks that have done a lot more harm then good. I would love to wage war on Scientology- Hubbard was a meek and pathetic clown who's policy was to aggressively go after their enemies or suppressive people- We The People should burn down this church of Satan much sooner rather then later- 

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