Monday, May 8, 2017

Love Bombing By Trained Operatives

Religious people often say "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". Spiritual warriors on the other hand don't buy into that innocent and naïve view of the world. Spiritual warriors state- "These people know exactly what they do and that is exactly why they are doing it". Psychology Today had an article on Poison and toxic people. These are the people that are usually the top dogs in many organizations, companies, etc.. Trained operatives know how to assault people and take them out by exposing their weaknesses. These are the people that usually make it up the chain of command regardless of who they screw over to get there. The two faced Janus Principle politicians who run  the drugs and then tell us to just say no. When watching the show Survivor this tells us all that we need to know. Anybody that is a direct threat usually becomes the number one target. The strongest individuals need to be taken down and out because that will leave room for the trained rogue operatives. "The number of toxic leaders is growing because these people get a further boost when organizations define competence as technical skills and exclude human values-p-57" Toxic people are usually smiles on top of the table while they are really f ing you underneath. The problem with this article is that they made it sound like these people had mental problems only without even realizing it and they didn't focus enough on the trained operatives who do this on a routine basis and know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. Many people look up to wealth and power and try to emulate this maladaptive behavior. Others start to mimic this behavior themselves at home or in the workplace since they are exposed to it so often. Toxic people are cunning baffling and powerful- They send in good looking girls to love bomb you only to have them put you through the wringer once they have their hooks deeply clawed in. Then everything becomes your fault. This tactic works especially well when one is already weak at the knees. These people are relentless and tactical. These operatives use gas lighting ploys to make it appear that one is losing their mind. These rogue operatives are usually on top of the food chain and they are horrible to be around. Toxic behavior usually becomes the fixed way of operating. Its maladaptive and cost companies billions of dollars because of the turnover rates. The reason for this is because most people are normal and nice and they become deeply effected by poison or toxic people so they usually end up quitting and  moving on. Or they cant concentrate or do their job effectively due to the toxic individual or individuals so they get fired. I experienced this so many times over the years, my self esteem took a major nose dive due to the number of times that I got fired. It sometimes becomes hard to concentrate when exposed to such toxic people at home and then to have to deal with them at work as well only compounds the problem. Drugs then become an effective coping mechanism. Many of these upper level decision makers aren't the sharpest tools in the shed otherwise they wouldn't allow such high turnover rates due to toxic people. Harvard Business School stated that one toxic person can cost the team $12,500 in turnover costs, more than a company gains in profit from hiring a superstar talent. Predatory cults love bomb, this is a deceptive ploy that is very effective. Whether its to take somebody out or to brainwash or blackmail love bombing is one of the cruelest mind games of all. That is because the target actually thinks that they are really in love while the trained operative is nothing more then well a trained operative. This usually includes plenty of good acting skills and a plethora of drama to boot. The reason why love bombing is so effective is because the operative knows their target the best therefore can pray on their insecurities. They know exactly what buttons to push to create the most effective reaction- "Agent Provocateurs"- These operatives sometimes come in with cover as having Border Line Personality Disorder and or heavy alcoholism. That is why I don't buy into the APA and all of their diagnostic charts and mood stabilizers. I believe that most of this is just a creation of the cia and their MK Ultra program- The white coats(doctors) blue coats(cops) and (black coats)(the morgue) Without possessing effective coping skills or spiritual tools there is one thing that is pretty much a guarantee when under the control of a trained nefarious operative. That is a visit with all three of these coats. There is nothing worse then a pernicious and toxic operative. "The word toxic comes from the Latin word toxikon which means arrow poison- "In a literal sense, the term means to kill (or poison) in a targeted" way:-p-57

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