Thursday, May 25, 2017

Toe The Party Line

If I signed up to try out to be a cop or a security operator and then proceeded to make the team I would resign and blow the whistle if I found out that I would have to go along with staged bull shit and fake tears. I would blow the whistle so loud it would be shouted out from across the rooftops. This is not because I make believe that I am holier then thou either. I curse sometimes, I am a drug addict/alcoholic in recovery, I wasn't always a saint and I will be the first one to admit this. Its just that staged bull shit with fake and fraudulent tears is cowardly and goes against everything that you are supposed to be standing for. These so called terrorist events are so pathetic and phony how do these so called security operators live with themselves? How are we supposed to take any of these clowns seriously if and when something really does happen? How much money do these so called terrorism and security experts get paid to give their expertise after one of these alleged bombings at a concert in the UK? What are they going to tell their children and grandchildren, that they are cowards who never blew the whistle and just lived their life as John Averageman and toed the company and party line? Those security people marching in Manchester with their yellow vests on, such a blatant and obvious fraud. At least they can put on their resume that they were on the ground in Manchester, now they may get picked up by another high speed security  firm. These people have cried wolf so many times the only thing we can pretty much guarantee is that when something bad allegedly happens it more then likely wont be the truth. They have so many people on their payroll as well, these people are pathetic to say the least. Usually they have on line trolls and even bad actors that infiltrate certain circles and they say something like "what do you mean how can you say that horrible tragedy was bull shit because I have a friend of a friend or a third cousin that actually died." What happened to Alex Jones,now that Trump is our Potus nothing is a false flag anymore? If that is the case then that means that Jones isn't legit and his sole purpose was to get our Potus elected and now he is going to toe the party line. Let me tell you something if Jones and his bud Potus don't start going after real bad guys by yelling out across our rooftops and with bull horns at the ready then that means that what everybody has been saying about him all along is true, that he really is a blowhard and a  fraud. I am not jumping to conclusions, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt as well as ample time to get situated and settled with his new Commander in Chief. Trump was elected because we are tired of bull shit but maybe he is part of the bull shit crowd himself, only time will tell. How and why did he not have one of his multitude of lawyers tell  him to stay out of an obstruction of justice impeding an investigation scenario? I did some things in my life that I regret but he is now our Potus you think that he would know better that is what his Army of lawyers are for. I give credit to Hannity for questioning the Seth Rich death but that man is such a partisan how much more obvious can he make it? If he questioned the death of that Muslim judge that was found floating in the Hudson River last month under suspicious circumstances then  I would have a lot more respect for him. I watched PBS Frontline about Thomas Drake, the NSA whistleblower and how the feds ruined his life for being a Patriot. Michael Hayden comes across as a bought and paid for carnival clown. He was a general, his outfit looks fake. I saw him in a previous program as well his face was twitching all over the place. His body language is shady but then again so is our entire security and intel apparatus and all of their bought and paid for pathetic crisis actors.

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