Thursday, June 1, 2017

Opiate Company Lawsuits

Wall Street Journal today- In one of the highest profile cases to date against the makers of prescription painkillers, Ohio filled suit against 5 drug companies alleging  they fueled the opioid addiction crisis by misrepresenting the addictive risks of their painkillers. Purdue Pharma and Johnson &Johnson are some of the bigger names involved in this lawsuit. Its a tough situation all the way around because people that have chronic pain on the levels of cancer etc. could use these life saving drugs. This Opiate crisis is hitting Ohio especially hard, among the hardest hit states in the nation. These companies should do the decent thing and use some of their profits to create better treatment options for addicts but this would mean that they would have to admit that they are wrong, however companies like this would never do something like that. They would rather put people through the wringer with long drawn out litigious battles. Obama wasn't so bad after all because his Obama Care was beneficial for the indigent drug addicts, it appears that our Potus is cutting these types of programs. So my question is what is Chris Christie going to do as the new drug zhar? I want to hear and see some of these people put some options on the table because Opiates are as bad as the devil himself. Dr Feelgood overprescribed, it appears that even people who may not have Reward Deficiency Syndrome or a high propensity to abuse drugs and  alcohol seem to get dangerously hooked on Opiates. Public health officials blame the aggressive marketing tactics of these companies to chronic pain patients. So why is our Potus going to slash funding for the Office of National Drug Control Policy? Maybe I shouldn't have criticized Obama as much as I did because the GOP envisions a complete overhaul of the  Affordable Care Act with cuts to Medicaid as well. With a public health emergency that was just declared in Fla one of the biggest obstacles right now are addicts that need treatment but they cant get it because their are no beds for the indigent. And sober houses are basically being regulated out of business so what is their next move? I watched a special on Vice where this young man in Alberta had to wait two months to get a Suboxone appointment at an IOP treatment facility. Canada is not that much different to what is happening right here and right now. People end up dead while waiting for treatment, this is happening all of the time. I don't think the referral system is that unethical but this is considered patient brokering so now a lot of sober homes are too scared to operate. The law is too ambiguous and many places are going to go under because they don't want risk it or pay a high priced lawyer to tell them what is legal and what is not. I don't think that many addicts are in this to game the system so to speak. In other words their was an argument that these under 26 year old clients with Operation Thoroughbred Insurance are just out for three hots and a cot and as many freebies as possible until their next relapse/drug use and then they can start the process all over again. I don't buy this because addiction is hell on earth and I don't think most people want to spend their life either in rehab, detox or a sober house. People that make this claim in my humble opinion have never suffered from the disease of addiction themselves. The program is not only for the people who want it but it is also for people that need it. So if the young adults are bouncing around in the sober world system in between heroin binges they just haven't gotten sober yet but they are still young. As long as you are still standing and breathing then you can get sober, the alternatives are too ugly and unfortunately too many people have found this out already-RIP  

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