Thursday, June 22, 2017

Dual Diagnosis Fraud

This is a snippet that I cut and am now pasting from a knowledgeable individual who does their best to explain how the dual diagnosis scam works- It went like this:(dual diagnosis explained)

We are "Recovery Resources Inc" treatment center/rehab. We think every emotion is a mental health problem, caused by a brain chemical imbalance.

This is only our first meeting.
You and your family are desperate to try anything.

Using little information, We are dual diagnosing you as alcoholic/substance abuser and 'crazy.' Here's a prescription for several brain-disabling drugs.

They don't get you "high" these brain-disabling drugs, but good luck when you try to stop taking them when your tired of life as a zombie and/or the dozens of side effects.

We did this to you without any lab test, brain scan or any procedure known to medical science that you in fact "have" the "illness" implied by our diagnostic labels.

You're now locked into a life-time diagnosis, needing life-time psychiatric "treatment".

Then we (psychiatry) as a whole gets life-time payments: either from you or from your health insurance."

We never get questioned by anyone. And, if the scam is found out, we got peers and attorneys to cover it up."

The on you.

You now have a Dual diagnosis psychiatric label, have a nice life.) This snippet is based in complete truth however these scam artists have a lot of seemingly educated people who are aiding and abetting in this type of egregious fraud. Isn't having one disease enough to deal with? Alcoholism/ drug addiction can be a life long struggle so when unscrupulous treatment centers who have their hooks deeply entrenched in places they shouldn't be by taking advantage and misdiagnosing clients with something that was never even real in the first place then people should be held accountable. The first step is getting rid of the shady half way house operators, progress is being made on this. Addicts have drug seeking behavior so when a nurse PR actioner opens up her magic wand with every psychotropic known to man how can we really resist? We have symptoms not a chemical balance brain disease of depression, general anxiety disorder, bi-polar and every other made up illness that big pharmas war machine is capitalizing on. When I was coming off of Xanax I saw Lucifer himself so nobody is going to tell me that Satan doesn't have his claws dug deeply into this money making scam. The genie is out of the bottle however not enough people are talking about this therefore this is  giving the inmates who are still running the asylum too much power. There is no bigger sin or higher crime then taking advantage of somebody when they are sick. The Hippocratic Oath must be adhered to, there is a valid reason that real MDs look down on quack shrinks in derision. They are considered wanna be doctors which doesn't really matter as far as the big picture is concerned. However when these dual diagnosis psychiatrists that are in bed with the majority of substance abuse treatment centers are doing more harm then good and taking advantage of vulnerable addicts and alcoholics then yes this is a problem and its a big one.  

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