Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Manichean Candidate

Carl Von Clausewitz stated that "war is the continuation of politics by other means" ("Dick Meyer on the other hand stated that "in war and politics, an essential measure of power is allies, Bush has few, and they are not powerful"pg-19 A Tragic Legacy-) Glen Greenwald wrote a detailed well researched book about our former president, apparently W didn't have that many cronies. Greenwald explains that even the establishment abandoned ship during the Iraqi quagmire based on a bi partisan panel of 5 democrats and 5 Republicans. Manichaeism breaks everything down into good vs evil. Greenwald is the investigative reporter that Snowden trusted with all of his blanket surveillance intel. I have only read one chapter so far and feel that I have already read more then one book, that is how comprehensive it is. In 2002 6 months before the invasion Cheney stated, "there is no doubt that Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction". The Duelfer Report concluded otherwise 18 months after the invasion and occupation. That's because there were none and nobody ever found any. At least they didn't lie about actually finding them so some credit must be given. I study Iraq because I remember seeing pictures of wounded vets that are permanently disfigured and definitely ruined for life and this makes me feel sick. You cant lie to a warrior and if you do then you have to pay the consequences. Just out of curiosity why are they so strict in regard to ethics and integrity when it comes to the training of soldiers especially at the Academies but then the bureaucrats can lie like little weasels but they always seem to get away with it? My friend went down 1 month before he was supposed to graduate from the Naval academy on a bike, he was drinking but he got thrown out permo. He had to enlist in the Corps and lost out on his shot of becoming an Officer. How many unethical things have our leaders done and nobody ever gets in trouble. The double standard is ridiculous, they put our soldiers through the wringer just to ship them off to foreign lands to protect our Opiate fields. Now they are researching a drug that will wipe out the memory of specific drugs in peoples brains. MK Ultra here we go Scrippps- neuroscience and molecular medicine. If it works I am all for it. I believe in Naltrexone to help with opiate and alcohol cravings. My critique is that it reminds me too much of the lobotomies that they use to give to people to wipe out their memory. Combine that with barbiturates and massive doses of electric shock therapy while playing the tape and now we are talking, a new identity. People are supposed to remember that they are drug addicts and alcoholics so if this new drug takes out peoples memory on specific drugs then people may feel that they are cured. There are a lot of people that are trying to capitalize on other peoples pain and suffering. I just read an article where the disease of addiction needs a new paradigm shift to deal with new advancements in science and technology. That may be the issue right there. When you have a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate for people with Substance Use Disorder that means that there is a problem. Depression is a symptom not a chemical imbalance in the  brain so there should be no long term medication administered. This new paradigm shift is taking into account that most people will use drugs and alcohol again after treatment and that is why they need to be medically monitored throughout their life. If you come in to the program after treatment and rigorously pursue the suggestions there will be no need for medical monitoring over the years. A holistic therapist combined with the program is as good as one will ever get. Everybody is always talking about Science and how this is supposed to make us better off but just the opposite may be true. Spirituality supersedes Science however  the medical establishment will always try to bring in something bigger and better. That is what the Suboxone supporter stated about how and why this opiate crisis needs to adapt to advancements in Science. A lot of Science is junk so more people should try to get off of the science mind control and jump onto the A train, the Carl Jung bandwagon.       

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