Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Alex Jones Sold Out

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-13/alex-jones-implores-nbc-not-air-interview-li AJ let us down, he caved into msm pressure, he now basically states that he believes that kids really died during the SHES shooting and that he is leaning toward the official story as being somewhat accurate but it still needs to be investigated. This is the biggest criticism that people have of  Jones, that he is cointelpro/controlled opposition  and never seems to go all the way. Limited Hangout with some Truth Nuggets sprinkled in. If you aren't going to go all the way then why go at all? Its like admitting and accepting the fact that you are an alcoholic, there are no half measures. I drank like an alcoholic at 15 years old because half measures availed me nothing. I am not intimidated by charlatans and egregious frauds and will never sell out my soul to something that has no credible forensic evidence. Not only that Zero Hedge was using Wolfs questions, how come nobody is talking to or about the real investigator of this joke hoax of a school shooting? So AJ is getting huge media attention with this Megyn Kelly interview but he seems to be selling out, why am I not surprised? There is a question in the Zero Hedge article- There was no WayBack machine activity the previous 4 years. How can have kids died in a dilapidated run down and shut down school that wasn't even open? Wolfgang has enough prima fascia evidence to sink these criminals like the Titanic, so how come nobody is talking to him? He has smoking gun evidence of false affidavits that were signed by Ct state troopers and two whistle blower state troopers trusted him to do the right thing by providing him with this. If you are going to be representing We The People then we want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. That is right AJ you lost some cred with your Sandy Hook sell out. I can almost guarantee that Wolf would not say that he believes that kids really died during that hoax con game charade. I also feel confident that Dr P wouldn't either. When Jones states that he believes that Sandy Hook happened that isn't that much of a misrepresentation. This can be taken a variety of different ways. I will even state that Sandy Hook happened as a drill made to appear like a real live mass shooting with little kids that were running around in circles for a photo op and no sign or any evidence of the other 300 plus kids. Where were they and how come no evidence seems to exist about their existence? How come no trauma helos were dispatched and who declared those kids dead, only a doctor can declare kids dead? So AJ how do you still believe that kids really died in that hoax joke of a charade? This substantiates my biggest criticism of Jones, he doesn't go all the way so for that very reason he doesn't have our 6. There is still time for AJ to redeem himself. Instead of focusing on Megyn Kelly and her alleged sociopathy which I highly doubt she has, try to focus on what you know to be true and stick to your guns and never  back down under any circumstances. There is enough evidence to back what most people know to be the truth. We don't have to prove that SHES didn't happen, they have to prove that it really did, put the burden of proof on the opposition. Dr Fetzer made it very clear in his book Nobody Died At Sandy Hook- There appears to be people that mysteriously died and disappeared afterward, a lot of strange circumstances are surrounding Newtown, better known as Spooktown USA  

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