Friday, June 23, 2017

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Its interesting to understand what people will be willing to do as long as you have an open checkbook. I don't have a problem with prostitution infact prostitution is even more legit then many of these scam artists because their is no subterfuge or smoke and mirrors involved. I am checking out The Great Global Warming Swindle by Martin Durkin. John Coleman who co-founded the Weather Channel stated that climate change is the greatest scam in history. Our Potus in 2012 stated that The concept of global warming was created by the Chinese in order to make American manufacturing non competitive. Some state that it is The biggest scam of modern times. Junk Science money maker motives where people write articles and hide behind impressive titles the same way that MDs attempt to substantiate the clinical efficacy and long term safety of antidepressants and anxiolytics. These appear to be the same type of people who justify vaccines and have MDs write articles for them that the string pullers created and wrote to begin with. It appears to be all mind control and political manipulation. So its a good thing that our Potus pulled out of that Paris global warming scam. The thing that is upsetting to me is that people seem to have partisan ideologies where it doesn't matter where the evidence seems to lead. In other words liberals seem to be on the global warming climate change bandwagon. So let me get this straight if something seems to have legitimate holes in the story this doesn't matter because if one is a democrat  that is just their self serving agenda? We need to take politics completely out of the equation from now on. It is such a complete waste of time- divide and conquer us vs them many of the democrats seem to be backing climate change as if it were real.  When are people going to come out of the closet and identify themselves as Americans not a left wing right wing or any other bs label people seem to have. I have liberal views and conservative but I have no agenda except for what's best for future generations and I loath con artist Free Mason actors who stage deaths and have phony tears. Faking grief and getting paid to legitimize junk science are people that should be aggressively targeted. I respect Trump for going after MS-13. He stated in his Iowa rally that the people taking them down are a lot meaner and that is the way it should be. We cant have gangs and violent thieves operating in this country. MS-13 members are especially ruthless and brutal. My rating scale on Trump went up to a 6.5 up from a 4 because it appears that he is creating jobs and Wall Street seems to be having a Trump rally. Creating more jobs in America by pulling out of Junk Science Globalist agenda driven special interest scams are the way to go. What could be worse then hiding by faux globalist humanitarianism? Many people really know that much of our Science is total junk and that these hoax scam artists are really on the band wagon to preserve their own greedy special self interests.

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