Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Opiate Treatment Cuts

:// The Young Turks has an expose today on how our Potus is trying to cut opiate funding treatment during the worst opiate crisis to ever hit our shores. Todays Palm Beach Post- Opioid Crisis now a burden on hospitals- ER treatment soars 99% and inpatient care rises 64%. So why cut funding at a time when  we need it most? Obama wasn't that bad, I was really sold up and down the river by how evil he was supposed to be. Unfortunately I don't think that I trust our Potus anymore. Dr P stated that the last 3 presidents were sociopaths but  I no longer think that this is true. I believe that there is  and was a Trump neo-con Agenda at Infowars and with AJ that was sold to us under the phony guise of libertarianism. I believe that Slick Willy was a sociopath, possibly W and company but not Obama. Unfortunately our current Potus has NPD, I knew this a long time ago but I deleted it from my blog that I wrote when I came out in support of his decision to run for President. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I still like and respect him and feel that he has a lot of admirable qualities however their is no cure for NPD. This means that he really doesn't give a shit about me or you and has a serious lack of empathy. Self aggrandizing, being a blowhard and a refusal to ever admit ones mistakes is also a hallmark trait of this disorder. Its a serious one that has many professionals worried about our future. Not only that I read some articles that claim that he has a tremendous amount  of debt and that his self professed success and business acumen is nothing more then a lot of hot air and self promotion. I don't see how he can turn our country into something great when he acts just like the Fed himself. Pernicious usury and having funny money printed out of nowhere is the hallmark of being a Free Mason hoax.. Getting rich by not paying your bills and creating faux Universities is not my idea of being successful. Bankruptcies and hanging out with mobsters is not what I envisioned for future generations. There are a lot of people that are suing our Potus for unpaid bills where they did a lot of work for him over the years. He showed no remorse or empathy for Trump U either as if he did absolutely nothing wrong and even stated that he still wants to get it off the ground again. Now he is cutting Opiate funding with a drug zhar Chris Christie who I really don't trust as well. I wrote positive things about him, that was because I was still all in at the time by supporting most of Trumps decisions however I now feel that I can no longer trust his judgment. I would rather have Trump as our Potus as opposed to Mitt Romney however. Gordon Duff stated that Romney is part of the Mormon Maphia who runs drugs, screws a not so good looking mistress, and launders a lot of money through Bain capital. Are these the kind of people we want to have running our country? What a hypocrite Romney is, he looks so golly gee and innocent. Gordon Duff states that he has all of Romney's dirt because he had him on surveillance going into Cuba etc..

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