Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Propaganda 101- BS

Police in Miami shot and killed a man that was wanted for murder. How come that wasn't plastered all over the network news like the church shooting in Paris? So let me get this straight something that happens many countries away where police allegedly shot a man that tried to attack them outside of a church is more newsworthy then what is happening in our own country? That is how I know that the Paris, London attacks are more then likely fake bs propaganda stage shows right on the heels of all of the other terrorist events in London etc.. Attacks on the West, how much more obvious can they make it? Anytime there is massive news coverage day after day and hour after hour then for the most part that means that it is a staged propaganda event with a plethora of bad actors to choose from. They better nor start any bs false flag Islamic Jihad attacks in the USA otherwise you will see anarchy. What happens when the Muslims start attacking us on stateside soil will it be real or not? How does it go from not real to real all of the sudden because inquiring people want to know? Fake crocodile tears and phony grief, everybody step right up and apply for your SAG cards tv Winner is arrested for espionage in the latest breaking news headlines of the way the world really works.. Reality tv show contentenstants and scripts where they are so blatant in telling us the way they operate. Jason Chaffetz wants to see her in cuffs although he couldn't do anything with Extortion 17's intel that Charlie Strange provided him with. He is coming out of retirement to become the referee for the Comey Trump Russian intel reality tv show so everybody must fasten their seatbelts and buckle up. Chaffetz had cuffs on him when he stole a car is this really the man that we want involved in a high level intel investigation? I watched Bill Burr he is the only comedian that has made me laugh in years, I never knew of him until today. He had a polemic going on with some annoying girl where the issue came up as to how squeaky clean Obama was supposed to be. Was Obama really that squeaky clean? If I were President there is no way I could feign crocodile tears in front of the grandest stage of all the American people. That is an insult to me and it should be to everybody else.  I did due diligence on the SHES school shooting and it doesn't add up. It may be legal in the reality tv propaganda world of fake news and fake political Potus"s but it is still low level and very sleazy. So Reality tv Winner wanted Bernie Sanders to win, so did a lot of other libertarians. I am convinced that everything is staged and fake even Shark Tank- I like it a lot but some of those business proposal people seem to be actors with canned speeches and so do some of the responses. Mark Burnett Mr. Reality tv show legend himself so I am not surprised by this. I saw an actress do a proposal in front of the Sharks and I could almost state unequivocally that her tears and act were fake. I like Mark Cuban, I like them all but they should at least have more realistic presentations. I like and respect Marcus Lemonis,  he used to be in the car business, I would like to have him as a business consultant, he will be 100% in charge. People should listen to proven winners even if that means that you have to get out of the drivers seat. I have a few business ideas that I would like to run by Marcus but that is all they are-just  ideas. My dad met Bob Gucioni- he told him that he wouldn't mind doing that business- Gucci one said then why didn't you just do it then? That is respect right there, tough, hard nosed business men telling it the way it is. As Sean Connery stated in the Rock losers do nothing but whine and complain but winners go home and f the prom queen.        

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