Saturday, June 24, 2017

Only In America

How does one get to run for President of the United States? You become a Rico perp yourself by letting all of the Rico perps slide and get free passes. Mr Fast And Furious Contempt of Congress is considering a 2020 presidential run. Lets see Eric Holder was in the know about the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 check out A Noble Lie- Lets see what else he gave all of the Rico perps a green light during The Dustbowl That Almost Was-  Angelo Mozillo from Countrywide, Barney Frank, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae etc.. these people ran away with a fortune. Lanny Breur Mr Assistant Attorney General had a few sit downs and made believe that he was going to attempt to lock up some bad guys but ended up only taking down a few small fry loan originators. If that wasn't enough Holder then proceeded to launch false flags all over the place with his best bud and partner in crime Obummer and company since they are both two peas in a pod. They made a good team, especially Project Longevity where they staged a school shooting and made believe that little children were murdered with plenty of staged and phony grief and faux crocodile tears to boot. That was a grand heist in the state of CT the unconstitutional state where only the rich and lawless dare to live. He had to brainwash us about the dangers of guns as well. How much money did they steal during the Sandy Hook False Flag? I don't know but it was enough to keep his handlers happy because he ended up getting millions of dollars per year after retirement with some cushy Wall Street firm. They did such a good job with the Sandy Hook Swindle and the Dust Bowl That Almost Was that now they may let him run for president in 2020. I don't think he was ever part of the Barbados mob, just the American war cartel where the more money that you spend and steal the more money you make just like Halliburton and company. What more can we expect in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves- I hope our Potus can turn things around, unfortunately he may be part of the dirty crowd as well. I give our Potus a 6.5 right now however that scale is not a border line failing grade. In other words this scale is not based like school where the grade would be 65 out of 100 which would mean a D- Its more like a bell curve scale where a 6.5 is more like a C+/B- with room for improvement. His Iowa speech rally upped his grade, especially since he is taking down MS- 13. On top of that I am hoping to end up with  a job where I don't have to break my back and go to my chiro. He needs to start dropping truth bombs with Jeff Sessions and proceed  to go after the Rico perps at the top who protected all of the Rico perps at the bottom otherwise this country's criminal justice system will continue to be a joke. Instead of going to jail these people get to run for President, only in America

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