Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Edward Bernays- Psyop

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/megyn-kelly-no-longer-hosting-sandy-hook-benefit-due-to-alex-jones-interview Psyop, propaganda- Chelsea Clinton is making believe that she doesn't know that the SHES shooting was bogus. We all need paid presstitutes to push various propaganda angles. Pulling at our heartstrings and demonizing investigators is one way to prove that you are part of the criminal elite. Anybody that doesn't speak out against this joke of a psyop is either in on it or is being paid to toe the party line. After Bush's Manichean psyop that had everybody on board to invade both Iraq and Afghanistan I thought that we would know better by now. Actually I got caught up in a Manichean world view as well, I am proud to say that I am off that band wagon. The good vs evil simpleton analogy on life is somewhat ridiculous. Anybody that spoke out against the Iraq war like Scott Ritter and many others were demonized by the Oreillys of this world. I remember it as if it were yesterday, there was nothing stopping our American War Machine of imperialistic hegemony. You are either with us or against us, wanted dead or alive, W was a real cowboy from Texas I must admit. Its not that I am a dove, I am proud of being a world super power. Its just that when you flex your muscles in a way that is based on fraud and deception one is always bound to lose. The entire GWOT was based on protecting us at home so Hussein didn't send bad guys over here to blow us up. That is how rudimentary W was when it came to explaining our so called enemies. Anybody who didn't buy into the false rhetoric was made to feel like a traitor. Our current Potus is not that much different, he is a demagogue and a nationalist in a way that is not as sound or healthy as real patriotism. Our Potus is not anti establishment or anti NWO- He is big oil, very much part of the wall street crowd, lets roll. I don't mind as long as  jobs get created for the poor folks like me. If an addict is coming out of rehab their should be guaranteed jobs lined up for us, that would help us with our self esteem and prove to us that the system isn't rigged because it is. Slave labor wages, non union right to starve state while the fat cats just come here to vacation. Suboxone is not the answer for this opiate crisis either, that is part of the problem. The number one reason why people are dying young has to do with anti depressant medication or some variant of it. Like mother like daughter- We live in a hoax world where nothing is real and everything is act, its quite pathetic to say the least. The Sandy Hoax con game charade was a drill organized by DHS, Wolfgang sent me a copy of the drill manual that they used. It was a drill made to appear as a real live shooting to the media as well as to the masses. Its not contempt prior to investigation for the Chelsea Clinton's  of our world. Its more like the elites need a benign appearing mouthpiece to push their fraud and bull shit by demonizing real men like Alex Jones and Wolf. She knows the truth and so does everybody else, they are just in cover up propaganda mode right now, however I am glad that at least they are bringing it back into the spotlight. They threatened Wolfs grandchildren, that is why he no longer has a web site and James Tracey was fired as a professor and no longer has an on line presence. James Tracey had one of the best web sites out there- Memory Hole Blog, he is very smart and has a lot of courage. The copy of the drill was sent to Wolf by somebody on the inside, this means that there are people that live in Newtown that are disgusted by using little children as pawns to perpetuate a political agenda. These Orlando perps are rather disgraceful as well. The Pulse shooting, they used another fraud con game just like Sandy Hoax to push their Gay Lesbian anti- gun agenda. I saw an actor on tv yesterday, he was as bad as Gene Rosen. The problem for these frauds is The Smith Mundt Act was squashed out by the NDAA Act so this quite possibly makes this type of egregious deception somewhat legal. We can thank Edward Bernays, the father of false propaganda for our current state of affairs. The only time we will ever win a real war is if we stop all of the lies. This means that we need to take down the criminal elite and then proceed to beat them at their own game. Trump can prove that he is not part of this con game charade by getting involved. This can be his chance to attempt to take down the entire Democratic party. Obummer, con artist charade, Chicago mob product, fraud, faux and phony crocodile tears, CNN bogus, Anderson Cooper actor extradinaire-

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