Monday, June 26, 2017

The Power Of Prayer

We need more prayer and spiritual enlightenment and less money makers in Science. Drug Users are lured to S. Fla then lost- Front page Sun. Sun Sentinel- Heavy cpc based marketing campaigns appear on the internet around the country to capitalize on this Opiate Crisis. However many clients end up on the street after their insurance runs out with no where to go. If they end up having a recurrence some end up dead after seeking beds at publicly funded facilities like DAF in Delray. I don't get how funds are being decreased and why their are less publically funded beds now compared to 10 years ago? How can their be less beds available now when the opiate crisis has never been worse? Nobody has ever seen this type of carnage so why less funding? Hopefully the Task Force is cracking down on the body snatchers but many of these people still need a place to go if they get kicked out of their sober house. Medical Marijuana will be a better replacement for chronic pain patients but this still doesn't seem like this will help out the overall heroin epidemic. Most of the addicts today get hooked by meds that were easily accessible with their friends not because they were legitimate chronic pain patients. Most chronic pain patients don't want to be on their meds and don't have the disease of addiction or Reward Deficiency Syndrome. Marijuana will help these people but the old conundrum comes into play when one asks what about the chronic pain patient who's bodies are  physically hooked on their meds are they drug addicts/alcoholics? No because its mostly a biological condition one has from birth combined with epigenetic/environmental issues. Its not a brain disease or chemical imbalance of depression that makes one become a drug seeker. Dr Blum describes it a shortage of Dopamine D2 receptors. This means that most chronic pain patients can start to smoke medical marijuana once it gets legalized in all 50 states instead of taking their opiates which are much more physically addictive. The true alcoholic/ drug addict cant stop once they start but if they do it wont be easy and it usually wont be for very long. Some can stay dry on their own but this is the exception rather then the norm. I could stay dry for a few but I would always find a way to justify a pill in an attempt to fill up the hole in my soul called alcoholism. A true alcoholic has an obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body where the chronic pain patient who gets hooked on their meds just has a temporary physical dependence on the substance. Hopefully its only temporary but many chronic pain patients cant live with out these drugs so what then? They would rather not be on them because their brains aren't wired that way. My brain is wired that way but I never enjoyed getting or being high because my affinity for getting or being high was ruined at 16. The preceding 3 years I ended up with harsh consequences so I never enjoyed being drunk or high. Some state that as alcoholics/drug addicts they really enjoyed getting or being high. I don't think that this is the case for most people once you get hooked. We do it as a means to cope because life on life's terms is too much to deal with and as alcoholics we cant unless a spiritual solution is substituted. After the initial stage of euphoria one just chases that dragon and that dragon will always be second best. Being dope sick is hell on earth, in between seeking money for the drug in sometimes unscrupulous ways makes it hard for me to believe that people actually enjoy this. That is why the spiritual solution must be administered. These rehabs in my humble opinion should condition the patients for daily morning prayer. Get rid of the meds and bring in the mandatory prayer and meditation until they feel comfortable doing this on their own. After one leaves rehab they must continue the routine until it becomes second nature, this would undoubtedly bring up the recovery rate tenfold. 

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