Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The New Pearl Harbor

As the great towers of York came crumbling down in a devastating pile of ash and dust what really happened on that fateful day? After reading the updated edition of The New Pearl Harbor I have gained some new insight. The crime of the century wasn't Russia allegedly meddling in the US election but rather a day like no other, a beautiful Autumn day with perfect weather conditions. How could something so awful happen on a day that was so good looking? The late great Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote the Grand Chessboard in 1997 in his attempt to explain what economic and military imperialism was supposed to be all about. Three years later the neo-cons created the PNAC plan which mentioned a Pearl Harbor type event. The Zbig felt that we needed to not only dominate in the air, on the ground and within the sea but in outer space as well because that is where real power can be derived. This way a Pax Americana or American peace can be established. "If we suspect foul play but keep silent out of fear, we can say farewell to any pretense to being the land of the free and home of the brave''. And, infact, to being a democracy. We may simply have to go down roads where we don't want to go" pp-160- Griffin wrote a brilliant book, especially the updated edition. For me once certain facts were acknowledged there was never any real vacillation between a theory of incompetence vs the conviction of  collusion and complicity across the board. David Ray Griffin presents so much smoking gun evidence that one would realistically have to be in on it so to speak in order to buy into the official so called 9-11 investigation. It is almost cartoonish how they went about trying to cover up their tracks. Especially W's See Spot Run Dick And Jane reaction with the kids when he was told about planes that hit the towers. Their are a lot of actors involved so this would make it difficult to ever have a real investigation. Some actors may be even good enough to be willing to testify under oath and some may even seem to be credible. I don't trust Robert Mueller that is why  am not buying into how above board and what a stand up represantive of the Bureau he was  supposed to be. John Oneill was the man to talk to but unfortunately he is no longer around. Mueller stated that the initial 1 month investigation was the most exhaustive in the FBI's  history? One month and only a pittance budget for the crime of the century, that appears to be a little suspicious? And then to have the neo-cons that planned it to have them actually conduct the investigation and then proceed to seal it off how much more ridiculous can these people really get? Until as Americans we take the power away from the alphabets and the criminals above them who were the masterminds to begin with we will never be able to adjudicate the real crime of the century. Some investigators point the finger at Israel and Saudi Arabia because that takes the heat of the Pax Americanas who have much more culpability across the board. I am not talking about Stand Downs and letting it happen either. I am talking about the wizard of OZ sitting behind the curtain with wheel barrels full of cash to do what ever they want when ever they please. Creating reality because they are history's actors. And when ever some heat comes crashing down on  them that is when they can decide to create another version of reality and then proceed to write the script from a different angle. Either way its all a game and we are the pawns.  Its their form of entertainment creating history since all of the actors are on their payroll. Its a Sisyphean task to go after the real chess players of our world. For normal people it's a deep dark and ugly rabbit hole but for the real king makers and writers of The Grand Chessboard its all fun and games and money making. The only way the Free Mason hoax black magic way. The Grassy Knoll meet The New Pearl Harbor- This one will go down in the history books for its brilliant insight.   

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