Monday, June 5, 2017

Fraud Vitiates Everything

Unfortunately there are many people out there that are as phony as a 4 dollar bill. Oreilly is one of these people, even though he came across as a no spin zone straight shooter. I read Killing The Rising Sun but I don't believe in a lot of what I read. If Oreilly isn't going to take a risk and at least challenge the Warren Commission final Report then in my humble opinion although he never acted like it deep down he is a milquetoast. If you combine this with his sexual harassment allegations then this pretty much sums up his overall character. If he is going to sell out for one book then why not do it for them all? I am not going to do any research on it but the USS Indianapolis sinking is one event that I would question. I think that Oreilly has done a lot of good with his books but for me I want the truth and nothing but. He even said it himself that most people in this day and age don't know anything about World War 2 so for them even if they read one book on it then this would be a step in the right direction. In the Sober World News Ketamine aka Special K on the street is being used to treat depression as well as for opiate addiction. As much as I believe in this program I have an issue with Dr Gold specifically this quote- "To be sure SSRIs have been life savers for millions of people suffering from MDD- Major Depressive Disorder-largely because of their impressive safety profile, limited side effects and documented efficacy" Really am I supposed to believe him just because he is an MD? How many people in this day and age are committing suicide after going on anti depressants with no history of suicide ideation? In the sober world as addicts and alcoholics we have to be rigorously honest otherwise we don't have a very good chance of ever getting and staying sober. However MDs and the Oreillys of this world can basically do and say whatever they want as long as they are getting paid enough and we are just supposed to buy their bull shit? Antidepressants are having negative side effects on people and in many cases are doing and have done a lot more harm then good. Why are all of these Veterans committing suicide, many of them haven't even been exposed to direct combat but still have anxiety and depression symptoms and these drug cocktails are making them much worse then the way they were before. MDs get paid a lot of money to write the scripts about how safe vaccines are and they have the controlled mainstream media and a plethora of medical journals who back up their claims. "Tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are" Santiago- Our Potus has an associate who is a real moral reprobate. If you are going to be a criminal mobster then at least man up and pick a side. That means that you stay on the dark criminal side and then at least try to be proud of who and what you are. That is why I don't have any respect for criminal mobsters that are turned into rat informants. Felix Sater not only was a mobster he started to work for the feds undercover as a criminal informant and took down some perps. He ran a penny stock boiler room pump and dump scam and also stabbed somebody in the face and ended up doing time for this. What could be worse then being a rat when you are a mobster? People sell out all the time to save their own skin but what does that say about the company that they keep? I am telling you straight out to pick a side and let the bad guys know that you are coming after them and then at least you will gain their respect. Their is no ambiguity, I want all of the criminal violent mobsters to go down and this also includes Shelly The Machine Adelson- Infowars AJ they are all hooked in with the AIPAC JINSA crowd, Roger Stone I don't think that any of them are really out for our greater good anymore. I think Gordon Duff may have a shot at taking down these two faced Janus Principle Free Mason mobsters. Joe Pistone AKA-Donny Broscoe wasn't a rat because he was a fed that infiltrated from the right side of the law. As much as he developed a bond with the mobsters he had the moral high ground going into it so although it hurt him deeply and messed up his head at least he can sleep at night knowing that he was out for the greater good and was just doing his job as a fed who swore an oath to the US Constitution. So our Potus states that Global Warming may be a hoax, I am stating that he is a hoax. Trump University was premeditated and their was plenty of motive. People ponied up in many cases was their life savings $35,000- for what a con game charade?  He has no remorse about this either and now he wants to run our country and expects me to blindly follow no I don't think so. The FBI needs to recruit people from the right side of the law to infiltrate, this is why I don't have as much respect for the White Collar FBI Agent- If you are a criminal and then become a fed this means that you always had the mind of a criminal that more then likely was never out for anybody's greater good. One can rehabilitate but it is not easy. I was watching a special on the sad state of affairs within the prison system yesterday, these people don't have a chance. That is because they have all of the wrong people in all of the wrong places that are running the show

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