Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ball Of Flames I read Gordon Duffs latest article and he stated that criminal Halliburton supplied unfiltered polluted water from the Euphrates to the Army troops. I believe that I may have read something about that in some the the latest books that I read but this is off the chain. When are people going to go to jail? When are people going to get charged for war crimes for a bs war with no WMDs and a phony preemptive scam that was planned years in advance by the neo-cons? If it wasn't bad enough that they make more money gaged by the amount of money that they spend they couldn't even provide decent water to the soldiers? The Memorial Day Propaganda on the tv was  ridiculous, it was  all red, white and blue jingoism and nobody is being allowed to speak out about real crimes against humanity by these greedy bullies and thugs. How many soldiers are still sick and have died form Gulf War Syndrome from 1990? A war that didn't last very long but had irrevocable effects by their burning tar pits and noxious fumes. Agent Orange these people should have burned in hell a long time ago. This Comey Trump dog and pony show is nothing more then that a reality tv distraction from what really went down with their dirty wars. If you are going to go to war then at least treat our soldiers with respect and dignity. Dr. Preston James states that their is a conspiracy to try to wipe out all of our soldiers. If this is really true then they are going to see the wrath of holy hell reign down on them each and every one of them. Who ever is either directly or indirectly responsible for these types of egregious crimes against humanity will end up in places they should have been a long time ago. It will be real shock and awe with thunderous roars and stars and stripes. How many families were ruined by these neo-cons who are still protecting and running the dope that is coming out of Afghanistan? This dope is killing a lot of our people as well so for this reason alone people need to not only burn in hell but also get charged with serious RICO crimes. How many of our soldiers were forced to take vaccines which ended up wiping them out? If what VTs Gordon Duff says is true that he has all of their dirt then these predators can run but cant hide and they will eventually all go down in a ball of flames    

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