Thursday, June 22, 2017

No More Grand Poobah Why is everybody saying mean things about Megyn Kelly- I would like to see some of her critics go up on that stage and try to do what she does. I don't think that Jones was accurate with his assessment that she was a hypocrite who lied about not doing a hit piece. She has courage for interviewing Jones, a controversial figure on her new show what has anybody else ever done? Nobody else will ever get their own show so its easy to criticize somebody when you are sitting on the sidelines. She is good looking and smart, a former prosecutor, you cant pass the bar without being very sharp. She asked pertinent questions and did a good job so why are people whining and complaining? People should be built up for success rather then failure. In this shadenfruede cruel world that we currently live in people seem like they would like to do nothing more then to kick people when they are down, what does that really say about human nature in general? What other main stream media stars had the courage to interview Alex Jones, I rest my case. AJ says things that have been taboo in main stream media for many years so maybe this should now start to change. Jones stated that our government allowed 9-11 to happen but what  he should have said was that they also planned it years in advance. He stated that kids probably died in the SHES shooting but it looked like a drill- he knows that kids didn't really die so why placate the bull shitters and attempt to play devils advocate? He went as far as his gatekeepers allowed him to but unfortunately this wasn't far enough. People should do a little due diligence on their own before lambasting AJ for being unstable or cruel for stating the kind of things that he does. He may be a provocateur but he is also a patriot and its a good thing that he is friendly with our Potus. What msm probably understands by now is that we the people can think for ourselves so whatever op-ed hit piece that is written can and will be checked by multiple sources. There is no msm Grand Poobah final authority anymore. Megyn Kelly initiated this by allowing a so called conspiracy theorist into the arena so to speak. So the cia/msm labels real investigators as nut job fringe conspiracy theorists instead of just professional investigators or investigative journalists that should say it all. Dr P. Dr James Fetzer, Dr Kevin Barett, Dr James Tracey, Dr Preston James and Wolfgang Halbig, they all cant be whack job fringe conspiracy theorists. So the cat is now out of the bag. Megyn Kelly should be praised for her efforts for allowing this to happen    

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