Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mail And Wire Fraud? If you want to be our Potus then you have to set an example and not act like a cheese ball bait and switch used car lot. If you want to be our Potus then you probably shouldn't be committing felonies and if you do then you are putting a target on your back. Their is no way our President is ever going to go after bad guys because he is a bad guy himself. Potential Mail And Wire fraud criminal charges is definitely not a good situation. As much as I wanted him to win the election I cant overlook behavior that is not acceptable for Joe Blow off the street. So if Joe Blow off the street gets indicted and charged criminally for mail and wire fraud then why should our Potus be exempt? That is an obvious dumb question because all of our Presidents have been criminals to one extent or another. You cant be a charlatan and act like a clown as our Potus with bogus Trump University and then have all of your media hoars like Sean Hannity and AJ talk about how the dishonest press or deep state is out to get you. I want to hear AJ talk about Trump University and how our Potus stiffed his contractors for millions of dollars over the years, then I will feel better about his so called anti fraud and corruption media empire. These aren't witch hunts, these allegations by NY States attorney general appear to be  egregious violations of the law. This type of crime hurts people the most, the working folks who just wanted to learn a little bit about Real Estate and were naïve enough to think that Trump would show up and be a man of his word. So they shelled out a lot of their hard earned money and even upgraded to the higher levels of this obvious scam. Let me tell you something you cant call out crooked Hillary and then be a crook yourself. Wire fraud and mass mailings via snail mail, people do time for this kind of thing all the time. I payed a heavy price for my crimes, I got a DWI 6 years ago and I still am not driving, I am trying to save up to pay off the fine. Our Potus lost respect for Nicole Richie for getting a DWI but its ok for him to steal poor peoples money under the phony guise of trying to help them succeed in life? I don't really care overall because today I am serene and humble and soon I wont be writing anymore about our Politicians lack of character because I am going to have something much better to do. I am grateful and humble and sober, that is the only thing that really matters. I just shared and feel more spiritually fit then ever because I am surrounded by people that are humble servants. I don't have a gf or a job and I still am not driving but that is gods will and plan for me at moment, at least for today. I would much rather be working somewhere and soon I will be because that is just how the program rolls. I am not out for gold stars or pats on the back. I am honored to share my experience strength and hope whenever I am asked and this is in order for me to stay sober myself. Its not about what's in it for me but rather what's in it for we. I feel that we should eliminate all political positions especially the President. We are going to be bogged down in more political scandals from now on so everybody should just step down and resign from their political positions because its all egocentric narcissism anyway Our Potus is a flat out mobster- his maphia connected judges, lawyers and leos s seem to have kept him out of jail thus far. The more I do due diligence on Trump University the worse it appears to get. I completely overlooked this fraudulent scam before the election because our Potus sold me up and down the river with how great of a president he would be. And I couldn't deal with Hillary because of her past alleged criminal activity specifically the Arkansides and drug running. Trump really isn't a nice guy like he portrays himself in the book that he wrote recently. He is not really a good writer either, it was so dumbed down and rudimentary, at least Oreilly had a ghost writer from what I gather. The thing that upsets me the most is his lack of remorse and empathy for the victims. This is a tell tale sign of how the mind of a criminal works. The Trump University scam was so blatant that they had no choice but to pursue civil suits for starters which isn't an easy thing to do. After settling for 25 million dollars Nolo Contendere he was making racist comments about that Mexican and also that is why he more then likely fired  Preet Bharara because he was working anti corruption cases and he had his number. No remorse whatsoever, he also basically stated that he wants to get Trump U off the ground again and the reason why people didn't succeed in real estate after wasting thier money on his course was  because they didn't try hard enough. This is exactly what network marketing scams like Herbal Life claim as to why nobody ever appears to make any money. They are cut from the same exact cloth, unfortunately he is now our Commander in Chief. We cant have a system where everybody can get bought. Our system is so slimy, Pat Bondi accepted donations from Trump and quite possibly had her back off a real Trump Univ. investigation? As Attorny General of a state where you are representing the people you have a legal and moral obligation and a job to do regardless of how much somebody pays you or who you are friends with.     

Big Pharmas Dirty Hooks Bought and paid for junk science quack that is making up things about our Potus- People can have symptoms of certain behavioral disorders but overall the APA is a total and complete scam that really makes up names for disorders as they go along- How does one explain such an exponential increase in the number of bi-polar, adhd and social anxiety diagnosis etc.. the past 30 years? Do you think this came out of nowhere or is it part of an international criminal syndicate that is in deep cahoots with big pharma? Yale Univ. Skull And Bones weirdo's where they came out with a psychological profile of a ghost that never even existed how much lower can our country really go lets be honest? Their needs to be major class action lawsuits waged initiated by We The People because lets face it how much faith can we have in  any politician? They are less then worthless and will sell us out and down the river for a buck any day of the week- Schizophrenia is probably the only mental illness that I believe may be real. I watched Scientology's opening day ceremony on Sunday, it was very good. A two hour special about this cult that practices mind control and intimidation tactics. The only positive aspect of Scientology is their belief that medication is not needed. Other then that they are a bunch of weirdo's and freaks in the same league as the Skull And Bone Pirates from Yale University. These psychiatrists have infiltrated our country like wildfire and they are completely out of control. They came over from the Nazi regime. I never met a headshrinker that didn't need a headshrinker themselves. Seriously how do these people sleep at night if they do nothing but write scripts and administer zero therapy? Real therapy is talk therapy and DBT/CBT mindful based solutions because everything else is big pharms dirty hooks that have done a lot more harm then good. I would love to wage war on Scientology- Hubbard was a meek and pathetic clown who's policy was to aggressively go after their enemies or suppressive people- We The People should burn down this church of Satan much sooner rather then later- 

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

See Something Say Something AJ was the one who taught me that Islamic Jihad was an egregious fraud with their phony and fake false flags and tears. So now why is he doing an about face with his new Potus? Maybe Ariana Grande isn't a good enough actress to pull off stage shows that look like real grief and phony tears- These people are so phony its so pathetic that Jones now all of the sudden is talking about radical Muslims and that Manchester was supposed to be real. Maybe Jones is cointelpro after all and not the real deal- Kevin Barrett and VT seem to think so. I like Jones but I cant take his Bill Oreilly tactics anymore because I put up with that for way too many years. Fox News Hannity these people are so transparent- I don't think that there ever was a deep state, this is what Gordon Duff seems to think. There is no good vs evil JFK would have saved the world bs etc because he was just as much of a criminal as the rest of them. Mobster family, all of these Illuminati families are tied together in some way shape and form. Its all a stage show and these alternative media types have done nothing but pull our strings and waste our time. I remember Stew Webb stated unequivocally that all of the establishments past crimes would  get adjudicated much sooner rather then later so what ever happened to that Mr I have a lot of juice and had a bw helo shot down? Unfortunately we have some crisis actors that portray themselves as  real deal investigators that claim that they knew all about 9-11 in advance etc.. I don't think we have any real investigators unfortunately, maybe William Cooper was. I believe that these so called real deal investigators are nothing more then crisis actors themselves that were put in place by the cia a long time ago and now they are acting like real hero's. I just want AJ to be a little bit more consistent that's all, I am not asking for perfection. If Islamic Jihad is a bunch of bull shit that had the FBI JTTF stage stateside events with mentally retarded patsies and this was stated by AJ then why is he talking about it now as if it were still something that was supposed to be real? Jones even travelled to London to investigate the 7-7 bombings to put his false flag seal of approval on it. I looked up to AJ as the modern day John Oneill at that time and even gave him credit for having brass balls. I do want to watch Dick Wolfs new show about the NYPD FBI but this radical Muslim bs is old news and its really bad news. It doesn't work anymore so please find another bogey man myth to blame things on to perpetuate your Racketeering operations. See something Say something you people are still working off of that same script because that one is very old and died a long time ago as well. So if our Potus is really in bed with Israel that means that when he claims that he wants to scrub Islamic Jihad and ISIS off the earth that means that he needs to get rid of his own guys because ISIS stands for Israel Secret Intelligence Service and this was even confirmed by Dr P- Ariana is buds with Kim Kardashian another reality tv show super star what a surprise that is. When is Hollywood going to speak out against  all of the phony bs that they try to pass off as real news? These neo-cons are scary looking- John Bolton- Dov Zakheim our country is in bad shape if we continue down this path- Henry Kissinger was appointed by W and company to do a special investigation on the 9-11 attacks and was instrumental in the investigations conclusion imagine that. Wolfgang Halbig appears to be a real investigator so there is hope for us after all- He spoke out against AJ and I actually defended Jones for at least talking about Sandy Hook for what he said was one last time. Why only one last time, if you are real then you talk until you get the job done? Getting the job done means putting pressure on real criminals by continuing to talk about it. So AJ I am now asking you to prove to us that you are real and take off the gloves because we are tired of fake tears. Give Wolf the respect that he deserves as a real investigator by bringing the SHES shooting back into the spotlight.

Stone Cold Sober

I am stone cold sober and I cant recite the National Anthem backwards- Did the police really use this to determine if Tiger Woods was under the influence? If that is one of the prerequisites for determining sobriety then the system is definitely gamed  

Chasing Ghosts In The Land Of The Devil

Our Potus no longer inspires me, the Memorial Day ceremony was somewhat worth watching but right now my ranking went from a 9 to a a four. His son in law has a face of an angel but is he really? Senior Presidential advisor at 35 years old with a shady family background. When I was using drugs I had big brother all over me, probations officers, the whole 9 yards. That is because I am a drug addict/alcoholic and always have been, this means that I am allergic to alcohol in any form. So when I engaged in that behavior my life was horrible and I eventually went to jail. It was wrong and not morally ok for me to use drugs as an alcoholic, that is why people were all over me like dogs chasing after cats. If Our Potus didn't do anything shady then why all of these allegations they must be coming from somewhere? Is it really a Democratically fueled and funded revenge based witch hunt like his son stated? I want to see him succeed but that means doing his best to try to help us succeed. I hate politicians, Chasing Ghosts in the land of the devil. Paul Rieckoff spoke out against the Iraq War but John Kerry didn't seem to really want to listen. He could have used that to help get elected in 2004 but the fix was already in, 4 more years of W and company. If their was no evidence of WMDs and it was all made up and fabricated bs then how come nobody ever got in trouble? I watched the Memorial Day ceremony, all of these Patriotic soldiers how come they aren't speaking out? I would never want to fight and die for a bunch of Free Mason con artists who made a fortune off of other peoples pain and suffering. I wouldn't be drinking the cool aide talking about how great our country is because they are a bunch of criminals. If  I had my leg blown off in Iraq I would wage war on Rumsfeld, I don't see any politicians letting the warriors speak their mind. Politically correct bs, Rieckoff had to give a watered down version of the situation on the ground in Iraq, something that would pass big army's pc propaganda standards. These neo cons have blood on their hands for at least 3 wars but nobody ever got in trouble. They are running dope out of Afghanistan and they invaded Iraq for no legitimate reason whatsoever and now a lot of soldiers are either dead or ruined for life. Depleted Uranium when is our Potus going to go for the jugular, I don't think he has the character or the intestinal fortitude. He just wants to increase the military budget by 10% and talk about how evil Islamic Jihad, N. Korea, Iran and Syria are. Its not our warriors rite of passage to fight and die for a bunch of blood sucking Illuminati criminals. If they fought it should have been for legitimate reasons because the Bin Laden story doesn't seem to quite add up. If our Potus was a real Patriot he would have volunteered after his New York Military Academy experience. Instead he became a shameless self promoter where the lights camera and action were always on him. I regret not enlisting first or at least going into the Reserves to get me better situated as an Officer. I wasted my time trying to go out into the real world, sales bull shit, entrepreneurial ventures, it basically ruined my life. I needed a career and the military should have been it. Our Potus was too busy trying to buy into a football team and hanging out with Felix Sater- It would make my skin crawl and make me feel very uncomfortable and slimy to hang out with a bunch of blood sucking criminal mobsters who were never out for the greater good. 

Friday, May 26, 2017

"Bring Em On"

Paul Rieckhoff is a very good writer. He wrote Chasing Ghosts about the Iraqi quagmire. He graduated from Amherst and became an Infantry Officer before the Invasion. He knew all about guerilla warfare and what they were doing wrong maybe that is why he did well at Amherst, he is a smart guy. W created more cowboy havoc after his Mission Accomplished speech with "Bring Em On." Why would our Potus act like John Wayne with his double and triple diamond secret service and bw security details? I would never get any sleep if I thought that I might be responsible for one soldiers death needlessly and unnecessarily. When I got that DWI I felt horrible about myself because I was putting innocent peoples lives at risk. If I killed somebody I pretty much would rather be dead myself, do you think our Presidents have ever felt that way? Most are extreme narcissists who view our soldiers deaths as nothing more then collateral damage. Rieckhoff taught his men to focus on the 10 meter targets not the 200 yarders because they needed to eliminate those threats first because they were the ones that would kill them first. I view alcoholism and recovery as very similar to war because this disease tries to take you out in so many different ways it would make most peoples head spin. When people take their eye off the ball for only a little while they go back out and then it is off to the races. Unless an intervention takes place it usually gets ugly. The longer one stayed sober or dry the worse it gets when you back out. The good news is that when people are sober they don't go back out, and real relapses should not be a surprise and they usually just don't come out of nowhere. The problem is that with alcoholism and alcohol when you know somebody went back out or needs the program you can safely share your experience and hope they get into or back into the rooms. Unless one gets sober its not a question of if they may die its just a question of when. With  booze its usually a slow, torturous, miserable and agonizing death but not with this new dope. With alcohol you usually don't have to worry about people dying today or tomorrow although you do have to worry about them killing somebody else like I could have done in a car. With this new dope however when you see somebody that  might very well be for the last time. Chances are the next few times they use they will either die or come pretty close to it especially if they were abstinent for a few. This is because their bodies wont be able to handle the amount they inject or snort because they have been clean and this carfentanil and gray death kills people with only  milliscule amounts the size of a grain of rice. I don't think Big Army should get involved with if a soldier gets married or not to an Iraqi girl. In the book the Company Commander shot down a squad leaders marriage plans. They shouldn't be involved with peoples private lives as long as its not interfering with OPSEC- Operational Security- I don't have a problem with the Chelsey Mannings of this world or the DEVGRU Warrior Princess types. Rieckoff has a lot to be proud of, his guys were stealing and he called them out on this-  His theory was ("Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent- Adam Smith)  We cant live in a lawless land and as Americans we have to be better then this and set an example. Whatever I stole in my life went right down on my 5 step-   

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Toe The Party Line

If I signed up to try out to be a cop or a security operator and then proceeded to make the team I would resign and blow the whistle if I found out that I would have to go along with staged bull shit and fake tears. I would blow the whistle so loud it would be shouted out from across the rooftops. This is not because I make believe that I am holier then thou either. I curse sometimes, I am a drug addict/alcoholic in recovery, I wasn't always a saint and I will be the first one to admit this. Its just that staged bull shit with fake and fraudulent tears is cowardly and goes against everything that you are supposed to be standing for. These so called terrorist events are so pathetic and phony how do these so called security operators live with themselves? How are we supposed to take any of these clowns seriously if and when something really does happen? How much money do these so called terrorism and security experts get paid to give their expertise after one of these alleged bombings at a concert in the UK? What are they going to tell their children and grandchildren, that they are cowards who never blew the whistle and just lived their life as John Averageman and toed the company and party line? Those security people marching in Manchester with their yellow vests on, such a blatant and obvious fraud. At least they can put on their resume that they were on the ground in Manchester, now they may get picked up by another high speed security  firm. These people have cried wolf so many times the only thing we can pretty much guarantee is that when something bad allegedly happens it more then likely wont be the truth. They have so many people on their payroll as well, these people are pathetic to say the least. Usually they have on line trolls and even bad actors that infiltrate certain circles and they say something like "what do you mean how can you say that horrible tragedy was bull shit because I have a friend of a friend or a third cousin that actually died." What happened to Alex Jones,now that Trump is our Potus nothing is a false flag anymore? If that is the case then that means that Jones isn't legit and his sole purpose was to get our Potus elected and now he is going to toe the party line. Let me tell you something if Jones and his bud Potus don't start going after real bad guys by yelling out across our rooftops and with bull horns at the ready then that means that what everybody has been saying about him all along is true, that he really is a blowhard and a  fraud. I am not jumping to conclusions, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt as well as ample time to get situated and settled with his new Commander in Chief. Trump was elected because we are tired of bull shit but maybe he is part of the bull shit crowd himself, only time will tell. How and why did he not have one of his multitude of lawyers tell  him to stay out of an obstruction of justice impeding an investigation scenario? I did some things in my life that I regret but he is now our Potus you think that he would know better that is what his Army of lawyers are for. I give credit to Hannity for questioning the Seth Rich death but that man is such a partisan how much more obvious can he make it? If he questioned the death of that Muslim judge that was found floating in the Hudson River last month under suspicious circumstances then  I would have a lot more respect for him. I watched PBS Frontline about Thomas Drake, the NSA whistleblower and how the feds ruined his life for being a Patriot. Michael Hayden comes across as a bought and paid for carnival clown. He was a general, his outfit looks fake. I saw him in a previous program as well his face was twitching all over the place. His body language is shady but then again so is our entire security and intel apparatus and all of their bought and paid for pathetic crisis actors.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Our System Is Gamed I watched a little bit of the new AJ documentary last night. I never watched anything about Jones that wasn't on a pc so this was a unique experience. It was a propaganda hit piece that was difficult to watch. It portrayed Jones as a loony toon who definitely didn't have his act together. It was loud abrasive and took many things way out of context. One may be able to look at it as doing the same thing that he does to us but that is not entirely fair. Basically if anybody watched this documentary it would be difficult to come to the conclusion that Jones ever did anything good for our country. A lot of his critiques over the years have been somewhat accurate, ie- the fear porn that creates awareness and rage and but that is the actual intent. The intel that was on his show had me in such a rage that I wasn't seeing straight. I declared war on the Illuminati Globalists- People critique Jones for seemingly avoiding the Zionist agenda but are they really the bad guys? Preston James of VT last two articles substantiate that the Jesuit Superior General Black Pope of the Vatican is the head shed and is in charge of all of the evil in this world. Apparently everybody reports to him so there goes the Zionist bad guy myth. I watched Jones and wanted to wage war on this country especially after I witnessed Charlie Strange emotional reaction and how he was convinced that his son a Seal Team 6 member was taken out by Obama. This was Michael Stranges father, three months after the Bin Laden raid, Extortion 17 went down in very suspicious circumstances. If anybody is going to know if their is a cover up it would be a warriors father. Where else was I going to find that kind of intel so I am grateful for AJ and Infowars and try not to say bad things about him. He goes on rage filled tirades but so should more people unless of course you are getting all docile because off all of the pychotropics that you take. AJ is a capitalist and was probably making some money with gold as well as his other various products. I tried some of his products they are legit from what I gather. I wanted to get teams together to get ready for the civil war when AJ had me convinced that the globalists were going to launch a false flag and blame an American Patriot Movement. I was filled up with rage hate and indignation, a pure warriors soul. My character from Deep Cover Op Gone Bad was influenced by AJ"s in depth knowledge of how the dark spook world really works. He is a warrior and isn't afraid to speak his truth so people shouldn't get off on propaganda hit pieces as much as they do. VT appears to be the real deal as much as free intel can possibly be in my humble opinion. In other words where else can we get free intel the network news or Sean Hannity no I don't think so. They aren't selling anything and have a lot of very smart people that write for them. Even if the intel isn't always 100% its the best that their is without paying per month like a Stratfor subscription but even then how do we know if something is really legit? The only problem with VT is that if they provide intel that we cant get anywhere else and we definitely don't see it anywhere else then how do we know if its really legit?  That means that they may be able to game the system and have large egos by claiming to be the final authority and basically have a monopoly on everything intel wise. I want to see bad guys get arrested because our system is definitely gamed. All of those scandals the past two administrations and nobody ever got locked up or even fined for that matter? Our system is a complete joke because awareness doesn't mean a dam thing unless people within the system rise up and actually do something about it. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Adversarial Allegiance

As a journalist just like an expert witness your job is to provide information that is in the best interest of we the people. In other words whatever the truth is and nothing but to the best of ones ability. I was backing our Potus all the way on what I thought were unsubstantiated allegations of so called Russian collusion that I felt was just a witch hunt created by the deep state. It turns out that maybe these people aren't the deep state after all? Fox News and AJ Infowars basically had me on the Trump Train hook line and sinker. The consistent theme was that there was no evidence to support spurious claims of Russia meddling into the US election and that the deep state and bias anti Trump press had nothing better to do then to make up stories. That is why we need to eliminate all partisan news outlets and get rid of both parties. Its all divide and conquer, Fox News is a right wing Republican mouthpiece and so is Infowars despite Jones claims of being a libertarian. Sen Blumenthal believes that there is prima fascia evidence in regard to these allegations, this more or less means that in a court of law unless refuted there would be enough evidence to convict. Why would our Potus attempt to obstruct justice or try to impede an investigation that didn't even get off the ground yet because that is very suspicious right off the bat? Maybe MSNBC and Chris Mathews isn't that bad after all. He stated that Obama was trying to put out potential fires in the middle east specifically in Iran. VT claims that all intel agencies came to the conclusion that Iran wasn't building Nukes but nobody ever mentioned that in the Trump Train press so who really is the deep state because inquiring people want to know? I admire Fox News Patriotism but there is something called blind jingoism that is not fair and balanced and this goes against what journalistic integrity is supposed to be based on. Bill Oreilly is abhorrent, these sexual harassment claims from a seasoned veteran that got paid millions and millions of dollars per year is a perfect example. He never did any real investigative journalism anyway so what does that really say about his character? If those sexual harassment claims weren't true then Oreilly could have buried these alleged victims in the court of law instead he settled not one or two of these cases but many more. These people have colossal egos and our Potus is no different. You cant make a deal with our intel agencies that much seems to be true. I don't stand being Apartheid and repression of the Palestinians either so I no longer condone our Potus"s cozy relationship with Israel. That country plays the victim card, this is not the truth. Israel is an aggressive war monger bellicose state that has a deep alliance with our American War Machine. I want to read that book American War Machine because it is all about Narco trafficking in Afghanistan and the heroin that is coming in from various channels specifically into the USA and has been for many years. The press has freedom but they need to stop  having  partisan Adversarial Allegiance contingent  on who is paying them just like our expert witnesses. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Dog And Pony Show At first I thought that if our Potus had anything to hide then he wouldn't have fired our FBI director but now I am not so sure. Some professionals are stating that this may be a potential obstruction of justice/impeding an investigation scenario. One thing is clear and that is I took our president off of a pedestal a short while ago. When ever I put somebody up on a pedestal I always seem to get let down. I no longer feel that our Potus is anti establishment or NWO infact in my humble opinion he may be just as much a part of the capital crony scene as the rest of them. I just don't see him ever going for the jugular with all of his campaign promises. What makes this potentially even worse is Comey"s potential replacement. Sen Lieberman a career politician doesn't that say it all about the sad state of affairs in our country? And then Mueller is he supposed to gain our trust and respect as an independent investigator for an impartial investigation? This man was brought in just a couple of weeks before 9-11 do you think that he came in with no advance warning or foreknowledge? Are we are supposed to not only feel sorry for him but then praise the way he handled it? Sorry but that train buzzed by years ago, these people are all part of the same cabal and if you think otherwise then its time to go back to network news with Lestor Holt and company. So is Lieberman one of Trumps Ashkenazi friends? The problem is that Trump is friends with everybody and his background no longer seems as lily white as I once thought. Seriously how are you supposed to go after the mob if you are a part of it and seemingly always has been? Felix Sater and company not so impressed to say the least. So now we know what our Potus means when he says "he is a friend of mine". I don't have that much faith in Alex Jones anymore either. He was granted a White House press pass but what is that really going to do? Its all a dog and pony show, their are record levels of dope coming in from Afghanistan and our Potus isn't strong enough to take people out and do anything about it. If I was Potus I would wage serious war against the cia, I wouldn't be part of the maphia myself with Shelly the Machine Adelson and co. and then make believe that I was out to take out real bad guys. The cia would be going up against some heavy hitters on our side if they continued to run all of that dope into this country because it is killing people at record numbers. The war in Afghanistan had everything to do with opium supplies and protecting the USA's future cash cow. How many American soldiers were killed or ruined for life because of this? I thought that we had a bunch of pissed off vets that were ready to wage war and take out the cia what ever happened? We are getting side tracked by a dog and pony show and a Potus who more then likely was never going to do anything about real bad guys anyway. If you are part of the in crowd and if you are a friend to everybody how was he realistically ever going to anything except lip service and make believe? He is pals with Larry Silverstein as well wow what a surprise that is.      

Breath And Bleed- Red White And Blue

Col. Ted Westhusing was a proud old school warrior, a West Point grad and professor. He sincerely believed in what it meant to breath and bleed red white and blue. He was a man of honor, as proud and pure as they come. He couldn't wait to serve his country in Iraq after he received his marching orders. His soul was so pure that he couldn't relate to the new modern day battlefield of business and profit and loss power points. Westhusing didn't go down in a hail of gunfire and greed but rather from a bullet that appeared to be from his own hands. He received an anonymous letter from somebody who knew the intricacies of the USIS contractor way of doing things. It insinuated that he was just as corrupt as these so called for profit hired guns. That was the beginning of the end for Westhusing. Up until that point he was very enthusiastic and thought that he could really make a difference. He even had e-mails that went back and fourth to David Petaraus. He started to become a little sullen when the realities set in that no matter how hard he tried the Iraqi people were never going to get up to speed. Not only that they were corrupt on every level. It apparently became too much to bear when he realized that he was fighting a losing war. Not only were the for profit hired guns corrupt but so were the Iraqis that he was trying to train. If people that were supposed to be on his team weren't on the up and up then how was he supposed to really make a difference in that war torn dilapidated country known as Iraq? It may have been suicide because their was a suicide note that allegedly matched his hand writing but maybe not. There was and still is speculation about an Arkanside for that poor soul. T. Christian Miller wrote a great book Blood Money.  This was Iraqs state of affairs in 2007, a few years before the war  supposedly ended and a little while before Condy Rice came in with her battlefield plan of a counter insurgency strategy of clear- build- hold. Basically it means that if Iraqs evil vibes can take down somebody as proud and pure as Westhusing then what does that say about the average soldier? Maybe it didn't take down the average soldiers because they didn't care as much as Westhusing. He took everything personally, it wasn't just a job it was a way of life for this man, the warrior ethos that dates back long before the Gladiators. Iraq became much worse after the American invasion. No electricity, food shortages, insurgencies, a lot more violence, no democracy, people stated that they were  much better off with Sadam. This war was never about restoring some semblance of a democracy, that would be as naïve as stating that the civil war was about slavery. Its the chaos and destabilization business people made a fortune. Contracts went unfulfilled eerily reminisint of Hillary's plan of Haiti after the earthquake. Because It doesn't matter if the work is ever completed as long as you get paid in advance, that is the only thing that matters. (Pocket Change- In the final days of the American occupation, the United States blasted money across Iraq like a leaf blower. The coalition asked the federal bank for a 2.4 billion dollar delivery.(Just when you think you've seen it all read one e-mail. C-130 cargo planes shipped $2,401,600,000 in pallets of shrink wrapped $100 dollar bills called cash paks. The shipment weighed 28 tons and took up as much room as 74 washing washings. It was supposedly the largest one time cash transfer in the history of the Federal Reserve Bank- pg-192) Blood Money

Friday, May 19, 2017

Hail Of Gunfire And Greed

Thou shalt not judge the capitalists who made a killing in the Wild West known as Iraq. Custer Battles earned a contract at the Airport with no experience to back them and on their last legs of financial stability. These two men were granted a contract over two seasoned established contracting firms and it only grew from there. They had the green light from the CPA with no accountability or without any checks and balances system. The investigators who got suspicious were shunned and blocked from access to their various compounds. The FBI didn't seem like they could do anything  because if they were working for the Coalition then it seemed like they were out of USA's jurisdiction. One guy stated that these two men Custer and Battles were "as holes who were in way over their head." That one airport contract from a company with zero track record behind it had one man state that it was reminisint of a boilerplate joke that a fifth grader could put together. This led to multiple multi million dollar  lucrative contracts. The pace of the war was relentless and when Uncle Sam called these for profit war mongers needed to deliver. Even if this meant hiring foreign nationals who didn't speak any English or have any training in the Iraqi dialect. Expansion and insurgencies reigned supreme in the lawless land known as Iraq. So the FBI couldn't do much but eventually in 2005 a lawyer was able to get  multi million dollar fines levied against the company.(up to 10,000,000) If the business plan is that the more one spends the more you make that made it much easier to invoice products at 5 times more then what they actually paid. Because if the higher ups get the balance sheet the only thing that mattered is that there was a lot of money that was spent. So 20 million here and there is great news, but nobody ever went to jail. I don't judge because I am a capitalist and I would have been in way over my head in their position as well. I would have went to Iraq wanting to seek vengeance on Islamic Jihad not to make money but I may have went down in a hail of gunfire and greed just like Custer Battles. If they wanted contracts delivered I would have did the best I could but in their particular scenario they  more or less stated "if we delivered the trucks and they were inoperable then so be it." There were broken down inoperable trucks and zero checks and balances and no UCMJ for any of these contracting firms in the beginning. Cooking ones books like Enron and WorldCom the Wild West of Iraq was no different then our corporate world. Its like how is the FBI ever going to investigate the cpa or cia there is no real difference between the two of them only one letter. In our hypocritical world of the land of the unfree and home of the slaves nothing makes any sense. They sentence a Secret Service agent to 20 years for sexting teens and a federal prosecutor was actually pushing for life? Are you serious we have greed mongers gone wild that rip off the American taxpayers and a Federal Agent gets the book thrown at him for sexting? Their is a huge difference between engaging in the act and fantasying regardless of the intent. So basically this Secret Service Agent did what was equivalent to what many of those perverts did in To Catch A Predator with Chris Hanson how come those people didn't get multiple years? Infact it was worse because in Hanson's sting the perverted perps actually showed up to meet the young girls. This Secret Service Agent was offered no chance for rehabilitation on his first offense are you kidding me? Why is their such a double standard between the Slick Willies of this world  and our Federal Agents? The Feds seem like it's their job to protect the real slime balls and predators that never seem to go to jail that much seems very obvious. So its ok for our politically connected  predators to engage in pedophilia and the real act of  sexual relations with minors but nobody ever goes to prison? Am I condoning the Secret Service Agent's actions no he is a reprehensible pervert but 20 years and a federal prosecutor was pushing for life this country is so screwed up I believe that it may be way beyond repair. How come weirdo perv sext king Anthony Weiner isn't going to be sentenced to 20 years? What will he get 2 years max if anything at all? I am sure that he will appeal the sentence anyway but why the double standard? Our politicians are so smarmy they make my skin crawl. They should at least be honest about who and what they are. If they basically stated that they were really gangsters into money laundering, kickbacks and extortion, power and corruption I would have a lot more respect for them. Do you think the heavy hitters in the maphia made believe that they were anything other then what they were? They didn't carry themselves like our modern day politicians that (ACT) that they are out for our greater good? Teflon Don, Genovese, Gambino, Lucky Luciano, Al Capone, they were real men who weren't con artists deceiving the public about their politics and bull shit like the rest of them. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Sober Team Ideas

27 years is a fair sentence for Kenny Chatman. The FBI Agents who worked on this case deserve a lot of respect. I first heard about this unscrupulous individual in late 2015 when I was in an IOP program. This is gods work and peoples lives are at stake so this is the first of many steps in the right direction. In my humble opinion people should have better jobs lined up for them besides boiler room call centers coming out of detox. In other words my goal would be to actually help addicts find jobs, actually place them with various employers. Many people are set up to fail, I have seen this first hand. I have watched this for many months. It is a hard enough struggle as it is to get sober so we don't need obstacles that set us up for failure. Lets take a look at a system where the only solid employment one can get coming out of detox or rehab is a call center. Some of these places are legit but most are not especially in South Fla. South Fla is the fraud capital of the United States. So you have liaisons that not only place clients into various sober homes but then they get commission for placing their new recruit into an environment which isn't exactly on the up and up. What does that say about the industry in general that maybe the entire thing is a charade and a con? Fla is a slave labor non Union right to starve state and this needs to change. The higher ups don't seem to care because it has always been about them. Look at our elected officials that should say it all. Do you think these people care if we live well below the poverty line for the rest of our life. $8-9 dollars per hour minimum wage jobs sorry but you people are criminals and are beyond greedy. People cant survive on this and they know it, so why don't they make some changes? There needs to be better fits out there for newly sober addicts besides tech jobs and server positions. These positions are even hard to get because there are so many addicts looking for employment that the demand far exceeds the supply. My business plan would be to have potential sober clients take advantage of chiropractor and massage therapy as a recruitment tool to get them into ones sober home. This is legitimate  because there has already been many studies to substantiate the beneficial effects of a MBS- Mind Body Spirit program to help mitigate symptoms of anxiety and depression. We can throw a little Yoga and Thai Chi into the mix as well. Mindfulness Based therapy sessions should be part of the curriculum as well as K-9 and equine therapy. So basically this is just transferring the various high end rehabs curriculum over to the sober homes, this was my idea 5 years ago when I created mysoberteam. As well as helping clients find jobs and placing them they would be able to utilize the cutting edge tools of MBS that can only be found in high end treatment facilities. This would help us to feel good about ourselves to not only get sober but this will help us to actually stay sober. Especially if this means finding a career that one can feel good about working as a humble servant. When self esteem is enhanced this tends to lead to a higher recovery rate. People that criticize rehabs for their luxury amenities tend to label them as escapes from reality and worthless vacations however many of these people aren't living in reality themselves. I have felt first hand the benefits of chiropractor, massage therapy, healer within mediation sessions and acupuncture. Most addicts and alcoholics have had difficult lives one way or another regardless of their socio economic background. Things usually weren't that great before we picked up the drink or drug and  for the most part it only went down hill from there. Trauma and coping skills are what MBS can bring to the table. If an addict is stuck in rehab and not sure what their next move is going to be doesn't it make sense for them to go to a sober home facility that actually sets them up to succeed? Better Jobs, better coping skills and a healthier environment. We need to something because right now too many people have already lost their life. And last night I saw this new drug Gray Death on the news the list goes on.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Runaway Jury

Expert Witnesses are supposed to be impartial. Psychology Today has a huge article about this- Paranoid Schizophrenic murder- on meds off meds disorder in remission etc...."Courts have affirmed time and time again that an expert witness duty is not to side that retains him or her but to the truth finding mission of the court"pp-74 Unfortunately according to this article which seems to be legitimate many expert witnesses seem to have "adversarial allegiance" depending on who's side is paying them. Many are referred to as hired guns like Park Dietz. As one of the highest profile forensic psychiatrists in the country he reportedly was paid $100,000 for his work on the trial of Andrea Yates who drowned her five children. Michael Welner a forensic psychiatrist charged the federal government $500,000 to produce a 200 page report on the mental competency of Elizabeth Smarts kidnapper. I am wondering how much Yale University's Psychiatric Dept got paid to produce  Adam Lanzas psychological profile? One thing is clear there seems to be  big dollars involved when it comes to high profile trials and tribulations. Run Away Jury- in my humble opinion many of these juries are rigged in advance. Its all entertainment for many especially the trials that have us glued to the news 24/7. Whether its Teflon Don or Sammy the Bull many people find great comfort in mobsters and lawyers, criminals, cops and thieves. I believe that OJ'S trial was not all that they said it was. Expert Witness Work- "People who do this have to work extra hard not to get caught up in the easy narcissism that can come the way of expert witnesses"pp-76

Naked And Afraid People tend to give more credence to an MD as opposed to a holistic chiropractor or herbalist. This Doctor states that antidepressants have proven themselves to create behavior patterns which are out of character. Also a legitimate study showed that so called normal healthy people who took meds had a much higher rate of developing Akathisia which can lead to suicide. People who are on antidepressants get this from the withdrawal effects as well. The problem is that we have a bunch of money hungry predators who now have dug their claws deeply into the recovery based community. When people are alcoholics and drug addicts they have a much higher likelihood of not only abusing pychotropics but also feeling psychosomatic once they run out of their pills. This makes big pharma the biggest drug dealers on earth happy because they have a constant supply of orders coming in to their pharmacy. So business is booming and there appears to be  a lot of shekels being made. This is taking advantage of peoples vulnerable state, especially coming up with a 60 % dual diagnosis comorbid rate. This is a criminal enterprise so now we at least have many MDs that are writing about this, they are the ones who may have a shot to make a dent into the medical establishment. When drug addicts are off their meds not only does this lead to major withdrawal symptoms, this sometimes creates fear and panic. Actually our brains homeostasis was being disrupted from day 1 because we never should have been on these drugs to begin with. The withdrawals are horrific. This is because of the shrinks who all basically are giving everybody the impression that there is something the matter with you and that is why you need the meds. This makes  people feel Naked And Afraid when they are off their meds. This is the mind control that these criminals have instilled on a vulnerable populace. And whenever there is a violent act that is committed like a school shooting this is usually a cia false flag with no real victims however  the focus always heads toward the assailant who either needed meds or was off his meds but definitely had a mental condition that wasn't being addressed properly.  cia has their hooks so deeply embedded in this entire scenario, these people are bad actors and con artists. People in recovery should be encouraged to not be on any meds and they need to run for the hills from all of these junk science fraudulent quacks.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Trump Train I find myself somewhat agreeing with Anne Coulter. I never wrote about it before not that anybody reads my blogs anyway but this nepotism scenario is a little obvious. I am ok with hiring his daughter but his son in law? What kind of experience does Jared Kushner have to back up his new found responsibilities? How much more blatant can our Potus make it? This guy is way too young to handle all of these diplomatic envoy relations. Also We The People want to see him talk, to get up on the podium and tell us who you are and what you are all about. I don't know Ivanka but I could see her possibly ending up like her mother. In other words if I remember correctly our Potus stated that one of the reasons that he couldn't deal with Ivanna anymore was because she became power mad and out of control. Power corrupts absolutely in ways that make most normal peoples head spin. Maybe Chris Mathews is right about that dynamic duo marriage couple of Jared and Ivanka but maybe he isn't. Maybe she is a nice, humble down to earth girl who isn't out to railroad and steamroll people as well as to fly off the handle all the time. Unfortunately I have been around too many Sharon Stone types in Casino as far as women that basically prove themselves to be mentally unfit and emotionally unstable. VT had a great article about our Potus convicted Rico perp bud Felix Sater who ended up being an informant for the FBI to squash out his criminal activity but still ended up as a Managing Director of a huge Investment Operation. He concealed the fact that he was convicted of Racketeering to Bayrock Capital which is a felony (Martin Act) according to NY Law and Anne Dieners VT article. This from a guy who allegedly stabbed somebody in the face as well from somebody who was involved with a Ponzi punk penny stock pump and dump scam along the same lines as Jordan Belfort. I am not impressed with many aspects thus far in reference to the Trump Train but I am still not giving up hope. I am reading Blood Money, it just reiterates what I already read multiple times already about  the greed and avarice in Iraq. How are things different today, they are not. The more these war mongers spend the more they make meanwhile I am stuck looking for a job at Dunkin Donuts. Halliburton did a great job feeding the troops and the workers deserve a lot of respect but the higher ups deserve to go to jail. These convoys they set up in a warzone, these truckers had no means to defend themselves in a hostile land and they were totally ill equipped. Their minions were sent in specifically to spend as much money as possible, that is a premeditated business plan that to most people makes zero sense. They were sent in to make as much money as possible but the trucks were still ill equipped for ambushes and kidnap scenarios. Kellogg Brown & Root or KBR was known as burn and loot in the 60's and guess who spoke out against these contractors during the Vietnam War? Our Former Secretary of Defense as a young Republican- Donny Boy Rumsfeld who had no problem sending our troops out to war with just the equipment and Army that they had. These Young Republicans like the ones in the CPA are Jared Kushner squared and multiple times over. Our Potus should have a seasoned war vet doing that job, somebody who has been on the front lines themselves as well as somebody who has seen a lot of real carnage.  

Monday, May 15, 2017

Johnson & Johnson A Criminal Enterprise Criminals- predators- cockroaches and thieves- Johnson & Johnson needed to pull another rabbit out of their Free Mason hat with their new drug Risperdal- They needed to replace their other so called miracle drug Haldol- This drug has caused so much damage to peoples mind and bodies and this damage is irrevocable. This is what these predators are all about, it doesn't matter how many lawsuits are waged, because the damage has  already been done. False Diagnosis, these frauds need any excuse for their massive prescription writing. That junk science quack in rehab tried to get me on Risperdal, I more or less told him to go fuck himself because these people are cunning and ruthless. I want them to call me up or better yet show up mano A mano and tell me that I need Risperdal- I will put them in the ground where they should have been a long time ago, hell is too good of a place for these people. These quacks don't even seem to be Americans which means they should be deported out of this country. Its all a joke but these hoax lowlifes who even insinuated that I needed meds need to make amends because they are all deeply disturbed. These drugs are deleterious to society in general and many people need to go to jail pure and simple. Huffington post has earned my respect with this multi page report about  Johnson & Johnsons criminal enterprise. Also when I am disturbed it doesn't necessarily mean that there is something the matter with me because many things about our current world are flat out disturbing.
 J & J settled with about 2 -3 billion dollars worth of verdicts settlements and legal fees after selling around 30 billion dollars worth of drugs worldwide- Upper level executives need to do a lot of time in prison because they withheld information about this drugs horrendous side effects while they marketed it to the elderly and small children. Old people and little children- ruthless predators who all seem to be cut from the same cloth.   

Addicted To Rehab

Flas Trend magazine had a huge article on Greed And Corruption in the substance abuse treatment industry. It was a good article however its important to touch on the positive aspects because I believe that most people only read about the cons and the scams. A sober living environment can be beneficial to a client by being part of a sober community and having peer support. Its basically like the old saying of knowing thy neighbor as far as helping and sharing. The only way to is through so when people have a bad day we can feel comfortable about venting without fear of reprisal or harsh criticism. This is what life is about, so when I hear stories about people that have been kicked out of sober homes just because they had a conflagration with their housemate this means that house has horrific management. Most of these place have horrible management, that is why the solid places will reign supreme in the years to come. Communal atmospheres in general are known to make people happier as opposed to seclusion an one up manship where many people not only don't  know thy neighbor but many have an inner desire to keep up with the Joneses. I have been homeless in jail and in many institutions/rehabs, I never wanted to be rich but successful yes that was always my goal. Today being successful is being sober and the rest will fall into place. I graduated from college I don't want to scrub floors or shine shoes but if there is a job opening I will take it because its all about service, that is The Secret. I would rather not work for a Leisure Suit Larry but real work has never been beneath me. I can understand why neighbors especially in Delray have had enough with sober homes because they have seen a lot of carnage and they are directly affected. Even though I wasn't sober myself when I  lived in Delray I used to say that Delray is not the sober capital of the USA its the not so sober relapse capital. The California sober recovery model has been around for years and seems to have the best approach on  how a sober home should be run. In an unregulated industry there is still no way to track success rates in the sober house world but that should be the next step. Many of these rehabs have follow up centers that call people to see if they are still dry, clean, abstinent or sober but sober homes don't . I don't know how accurate those statistics are but from what I gather the general consensus is that there is  about a 80- 90% recidivisms/relapse rate within the first year when people get out of their 30 day rehab. Insurance companies try to cover 90 day centers to instill the recovery regimen into people to give clients a better chance of getting sober once they leave but these long term results have still been less then impressive. Its up to the client, people generally fail because they don't plug into a recovery group right away, this disease is ruthless and takes no prisoners. When clients have the ability to live in a good sober home that is stable and with solid management they should be humble and grateful because this can make the difference between life and death. No God no peace- know God know peace- Thy will not mine be done 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

FBI And Unrealistic Goals Jung had premonitions, he envisioned WW-1- He was a legend who had symptoms of in what todays world would be diagnosed as schizophrenic. Synchronicity is another aspect of his resume. This blog is very interesting. They have professionals who believe that the APA and the DSM are all fraudulent. I wonder what Jung would say about that? I don't know but if you have professionals that state that they were able to get people to admit that there is no real evidence to support that mental illness exists to the extent they claim or that the chemical imbalance myth is even valid then I believe that people should start to listen The people that pull all of the strings know how to make people crazy that is what it comes down to- These string pullers are hooked into Big Pharma and Wall Street where fear and greed dominate everybody's soul. Andy Grove from Intel wrote Only The Paranoid Survive, the upper level executives live and die by this creed. So they make everybody else jump through hoops with their mind games and then have fraudulent charlatan psychiatrists pull rabbits out of their hat all under the phony guise of mental illness and the massive prescription writing of psychotropic drugs both narcotic and non narcotic. Now these frauds have their hooks deeply embedded into the treatment center recovery industry where they claim a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate for addicts and alcoholics. This means that they are still pushing or I should say actually increasing their myth of a chemical imbalance of depression or bi-polar which I don't  think ever existed in the first place. Basically they are stating that the mental illness is what lead to ones alcoholism and drug addiction. A lot of mood stabilizers and maladaptive behavior by actors who went through Camp Perry training on how to appear mentally f ed up with intermittent outbursts of vituperative rage. Intermittent Explosive Disorder and every other disorder they made up all because they are the ones who really need the help. Only The Paranoid Survive in their Orwellian dystopia of subterfuge and betrayal. Psychology Today had another good article on what motivates people. It appears that when people are put under a lot of pressure and given unrealistic objectives  this is what leads to fraud. "Research shows that if goals are unrealistic, but you can achieve them by cheating, then people will cheat. They will commit fraud to obtain the incentive"p-56- And if one gives you an altruistic goal something like raising money for a fundraiser offering commission doesn't seem to help either. People feel much better when working for a common good for the betterment of society and sometimes actually do worse when offered cash incentives to reach that goal. The article basically states that the Wells Fargo fraud may have been committed by the employees because the sales objectives were unrealistic. This more then likely created a lot of boiler room pressure which led to the fraud. When you have Leisure Suit Larry's at the top of the food chain who make all of the rules this is what we get as a result. A bunch of criminals who destroy any sense of honor and decency that people inherently have. We have devious little children that run things like Yale University Phcyiatric Dept. where they created a psychiatric evaluation of a cartoon character that never even existed. Now we have a capital crony HSBC money laundering political appointee that was fired as the FBI Director- I hope it leads to better places because the FBI should have been disbanded years ago. JE Hoover had all of the dirt on the politicians so they could never oust him but the mob owned him and had all of his dirt so he could never go after the mob. Only The Paranoid Survive in a world where the mob still today even more then ever runs and owns everything.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Love Bombing By Trained Operatives

Religious people often say "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". Spiritual warriors on the other hand don't buy into that innocent and naïve view of the world. Spiritual warriors state- "These people know exactly what they do and that is exactly why they are doing it". Psychology Today had an article on Poison and toxic people. These are the people that are usually the top dogs in many organizations, companies, etc.. Trained operatives know how to assault people and take them out by exposing their weaknesses. These are the people that usually make it up the chain of command regardless of who they screw over to get there. The two faced Janus Principle politicians who run  the drugs and then tell us to just say no. When watching the show Survivor this tells us all that we need to know. Anybody that is a direct threat usually becomes the number one target. The strongest individuals need to be taken down and out because that will leave room for the trained rogue operatives. "The number of toxic leaders is growing because these people get a further boost when organizations define competence as technical skills and exclude human values-p-57" Toxic people are usually smiles on top of the table while they are really f ing you underneath. The problem with this article is that they made it sound like these people had mental problems only without even realizing it and they didn't focus enough on the trained operatives who do this on a routine basis and know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. Many people look up to wealth and power and try to emulate this maladaptive behavior. Others start to mimic this behavior themselves at home or in the workplace since they are exposed to it so often. Toxic people are cunning baffling and powerful- They send in good looking girls to love bomb you only to have them put you through the wringer once they have their hooks deeply clawed in. Then everything becomes your fault. This tactic works especially well when one is already weak at the knees. These people are relentless and tactical. These operatives use gas lighting ploys to make it appear that one is losing their mind. These rogue operatives are usually on top of the food chain and they are horrible to be around. Toxic behavior usually becomes the fixed way of operating. Its maladaptive and cost companies billions of dollars because of the turnover rates. The reason for this is because most people are normal and nice and they become deeply effected by poison or toxic people so they usually end up quitting and  moving on. Or they cant concentrate or do their job effectively due to the toxic individual or individuals so they get fired. I experienced this so many times over the years, my self esteem took a major nose dive due to the number of times that I got fired. It sometimes becomes hard to concentrate when exposed to such toxic people at home and then to have to deal with them at work as well only compounds the problem. Drugs then become an effective coping mechanism. Many of these upper level decision makers aren't the sharpest tools in the shed otherwise they wouldn't allow such high turnover rates due to toxic people. Harvard Business School stated that one toxic person can cost the team $12,500 in turnover costs, more than a company gains in profit from hiring a superstar talent. Predatory cults love bomb, this is a deceptive ploy that is very effective. Whether its to take somebody out or to brainwash or blackmail love bombing is one of the cruelest mind games of all. That is because the target actually thinks that they are really in love while the trained operative is nothing more then well a trained operative. This usually includes plenty of good acting skills and a plethora of drama to boot. The reason why love bombing is so effective is because the operative knows their target the best therefore can pray on their insecurities. They know exactly what buttons to push to create the most effective reaction- "Agent Provocateurs"- These operatives sometimes come in with cover as having Border Line Personality Disorder and or heavy alcoholism. That is why I don't buy into the APA and all of their diagnostic charts and mood stabilizers. I believe that most of this is just a creation of the cia and their MK Ultra program- The white coats(doctors) blue coats(cops) and (black coats)(the morgue) Without possessing effective coping skills or spiritual tools there is one thing that is pretty much a guarantee when under the control of a trained nefarious operative. That is a visit with all three of these coats. There is nothing worse then a pernicious and toxic operative. "The word toxic comes from the Latin word toxikon which means arrow poison- "In a literal sense, the term means to kill (or poison) in a targeted" way:-p-57

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Magic Mushrooms/Pychology Today

As heroin related deaths skyrocket it is time to bring in the trippers better known as the Magic Mushrooms. Psychology Today has a grand slam article on Psilocybin- This psychedelic drug seems to be as miraculous as Ibogaine- The success rates seem to hover around 80% where as Ibogaine seems to be 90% or so as far as rewiring the brains circuitry- Success rates are determined by ones ability to abstain from their drug or drugs of choice. That is why they use Ketamine for depression. The cia has been testing this kind of thing for years. I don't have a problem with controlled tests in a safe environment however Dr Cameron's MK Ultra is a different story. The argument against the use of these drugs due to safety and efficacy concerns to help arrest the disease of addiction is not a valid one. National Geographic just had a special on this and my friend was in it. This was corroborated by the professionals in this Psychology Today article. Nobody dies when there are real professionals with years of experience that administer these types of transformative experiences. One just needs to do the follow up therapy and recovery otherwise the chances for long term success are greatly diminished. Infact one man in this article was able to go back to moderation after his trip but I would never recommend this. Some people might be able to however in my humble opinion abstinence for life one day at a time is the only way to go otherwise one should feel free to go back out and test the waters with much caution and plenty of warning labels. When I was in rehab I saw what a huge market nicotine cessation would be. My Magic Mushroom/Ibogaine sanctuary would help cleanse people off of everything all at once. Some rehabs don't let you drink caffeine but still let you smoke like a chimney. How many places actually encourage nicotine cessation? A drug is a drug so if you can abstain from heroin you might as well get off of the cigarettes as well. The article stated that Bill W may have tripped with the Belladonna cure/ treatment in 1934 in Towns hospital when he first got sober. He may have had the white light experience which only led to his trips in the 50s. He stated that he experienced "an essential all rightness of the universe." It looks like he wanted to bring the trips to the AA folks but was repudiated just like he seemingly was shunned when he started recommending orthomolecular therapy or vitamin enhancement/ Niacin therapy for depression. It makes sense how the trip works for people that are suffering with addiction. The program talks about ego deflation and becoming humble and grateful and without these essential traits chances of sobriety become very low. When one trips it puts ones ego back in check and this then becomes one of the transformative experiences. It appears to be quite similar to many peoples experience during  the fourth and fifth steps- A catharsis and cleansing of the soul that seems to be very similar to a sweat lodge as well. We need to get back to Indian type eastern holistic remedies for addiction and get away from medication and the quack junk science field of psychiatry. I experienced the sweat lodge in my long term rehab in 2011, it was quite intense. This is the type of spirituality that they talk about in the program, becoming less egocentric and at one with the universe. Tripping creates peace, inner confidence and in many cases extreme emotional experiences that lead to forgiveness of all former resentments. This sounds a lot better then electric shock therapy where one forgets their past. The only way to is through that is why one must be able to face up and remember the demons of their past. That is why I loath psychotropics and big pharma in general but feel very confident with this type of therapy as a replacement. The reason why tripping seems to work is that it creates pathways in the brain that talk to each other that normally don't thus the reason for such cathartic results. Getting right sized with ego deflation, getting a new lease on life, becoming more mindful all sound like positive attributes to me. That sounds much better then high pressure institutionalized mind games that many of these rehabs play. The first thing we have to do is get rid of big pharma and all of the shrinks and then proceed to administer magic mushrooms to all suffering alcoholics and drug addicts who also happen to smoke like chimneys as well. I could use a trip because I still have a lot of rage and hate. So the big question then becomes if one trips in sobriety will  that be considered a relapse? It depends on who you ask but as far as I am concerned  as long as its only a one shot or two shot deal and not an every week or monthly experience. Even if it is I feel that it will  probably be more beneficial and clinically effective then antidepressants that can do more harm then good and in many cases already have. I am never going to trip however I would recommend getting these tripping sanctuaries off the ground expeditiously to help save more people from this deadly disease of addiction.  

Friday, May 5, 2017

Monte Bank

I was hoping that our Potus will pull out one of his Trump cards and ask Monte a question or two- Monte- Select any two of four cards turned face up and bet that one of them will be matched before the other as cards are dealt one at a time from the pack-  Better known as Monte Bank or Monte Frank the scam artist lawyer that is indirectly threatening Wolfgang- We have card game subterfuge Free Mason politicians and attorneys, I pretty much hate them all. We have people like Judge Jeanine who tell it the way it is but nobody ever gets locked up. She stated that Hillary should stay in the woods, she also called out the Clinton Foundation as a money laundering operation- That is Racketeering and many other illegal activities. So how come only the small frys get pressure from the feds? Now she wants to come out of the woods and declare her position as Queen of the Democratic party- Margret Thatcher type royalty but I don't know if Ms Hatcher was involved in cocaine trafficking with her husband in Mena Arkansas- Why don't these people just retire because they already have millions if not billions of dollars. Just Say No and now a public health emergency finally declared in Fla for opiates. Apparently all of that cocaine coming in during the 80s wasn't Pablo Escobar after all so why don't these media outlets start telling it the way it is. If Judge Jeanine can call out the Clinton Foundation I don't see why she cant go one step further. I am convinced that all of these scandals are just entertainment because alternative media always makes a big deal out of them but nobody ever gets arrested. Its hard to explain to the average person what its like to get handcuffs put on you and to have your freedom taken away. If you didn't have a therapist before you probably will need one after. I remember one guy in jail just violated his probation and was incarcerated with me. He basically had to be carted off to the Gucci gown section of jail. That is the psyche ward where people are considered a threat to either themselves or others. A lot of people feel like offing themselves in jail but very few people are homicidal. Anyway the Gucci gown section of jail is where they med you up and make you  docile and also make sure that you don't off yourself. I never went to the Gucci gown section of jail but I was still very depressed. I was so depressed that I used drugs as soon as I was transferred from Putnam County- The problem is that as much as I wanted to stay clean I couldn't because I needed to reconnect to a power greater then myself- This took another 5 years of basic misery in between stints of binge drug use. Towards the end it was marijuana maintenance every day for holistic measures. What a con job that is. Weed is never going to work for a drug addict/alcoholic. People who are getting clean off of heroin are going to find this out the hard way if they decide to test the waters just like I did. Its interesting because every time you check in to either a jail, detox or rehab facility they ask you at least ten different ways if you feel like offing yourself. I remember one guy say I didn't feel like it before but now I do since you keep bringing this up so many dam times. Everybody has liability and they need to protect themselves, they are just doing their jobs. I like Judge Jeanine so much better then Judge Judy- Judge Judy is so rude and mean to people, seriously you don't have to be a witch to do your job effectively. That is why Judge Jeanine was DA of Westchester County- She is a straight shooter and has seen it all. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Unit- Corps- God- Country

You don't have to wear a badge to have honor. It is always a good thing to have a good lawyer. What separates a good lawyer from being a great lawyer is his/her willingness to go all the way to trial. I thought that I may be going upstate for my violations of probation- I don't recommend being a drug addict in the system who cant stay sober. I ran out of paid lawyers so I basically was just relying on public pretenders and jailbird lawyers. The term public pretender is not my own creation, I heard it in the rooms. It means public defenders who already have a plethora of cases on their plate and you are just a number. I must have been shuffled around at least 10 different times going back and fourth to court while in jail. Going to court for me over the years was emotionally and mentally draining enough but going while you are still in jail makes it ten times worse. Chains, Good Humor vans surrounded by a cacophony of shouts by inmates who act like animals and who's voices reverabate across the chambers at a rapid fire pace. If hell had a name it definitely would be my experience going back and fourth to court in shackles. Going back to jail is pretty much where I felt like dying anyway. I remember one man tell me that his entire experience in jail he just thought about ways how to effectively off himself. Anyway Wolfgang has honor and that is why he needs to team up with a fire breathing demon chaser lawyer, Bruce Cutler comes to mind. I am talking about lawyers who fear nobody or no one and who actually come alive when live rounds start flying down range. These Rico predators who plastered pictures of little children all over CNN need to burn in hell along with those freaks that are still hiding underneath those underground tunnels. Why did Wolfgang have to shut down his site and what happened to James Tracy's site Memory Hole blog because inquiring people want to know? James Tracy is very intelligent and his site was one of my go to sights the past few years. I check out Yahoo and I see things like important info must see- Then its Mark Zuckerbergs wife is actually worth more then him. How pathetic can these people get is that really worth anybody's attention? According to Zuckerberg we are all dumb f ers and he supports The Gates Foundation from what I gather- So there was a lawyer Drew Pinsky, he actually had live rounds flying into his office and his secretary mysteriously ended up dead. This seems like some kind of cover up but I am not sure yet. That is why Wolfgang needs a fire breathing demon chaser as a lawyer. Lt. Kaffee was good but he was still too young. Wolfgang needs a lawyer that knows how to work the system just as well as the opposition. Everybody is a lawyer including our former Potus that is why I don't think that this case will ever go anywhere. Everybody is an expert at  gaming the system, Monte Frank is great at this. At least Wolfgang can go to sleep at night knowing that he doesn't have a badge but at least he has honor. Unlike those other slime balls who staged a school shooting and then made believe that little children were murdered. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

American Pain/American Greed

Chris and Jeff George were two of the dumbest criminals out there. One of them was busted for selling Steroids but then they decided to get into the pill mill business. These two brothers definitely had sociopathic tendencies and  may have even been flat out sociopaths- People were od-ing in the parking lot outside of their pill mills and they couldn't care a less. They had a doctor write the scrips for them and they both made a fortune. The wife of one of these punks  was a  former stripper. She told it like it was. She ended up getting like two years but at least she felt genuine remorse and she also seemed like a decent girl overall. She basically stated that money made her x- husband a monster and that he didn't care about anybody but himself- She basically stated that her x- husband was an entitled narcissistic punk from day 1-  The FBI eventually wired them and you should have heard the things that came out of their mouth- Some people got hit by a train and many were dying all over the place. They had special Appalachia flights that were booked to go down to their pill mills. Roxicodone seemed to be their drug of choice to push. When somebody od'd and died one of them stated- I bought my Lambo a few years ago if I end up doing something dumb now am I going to blame the dealership? These punks had no empathy whatsoever and the only time they actually cared was when the Feds came in and finally put the clamps down with a raid. I stayed up till 3 am watching it because I was very interested to see how the raid went down. This was one of the bigger busts out there. This was the catalyst to shut down all of the other dirty pill mills. They were upset for just getting caught and for no other apparent reason. They were brought up in Wellington in relative luxury but their father didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. Put it this way if you have your act together then you find out what your children are getting themselves into and then do the due diligence on it. Otherwise what good are you as a father- If your children are on their way to multiple years in prison shouldn't you at least be smart enough to know what they were doing before it was too late? Forget about those punks, I am talking about saving some addicts that ended up dying as a result of the easy streets of Roxys at that time. They both ended up getting over 10 years. Its a bad situation because their are many good feds who know that squashing out one necessary demon only opened the market for full fledge heroin addiction which is now killing more people then ever. Its not an exercise in futility but its more like wackamole- You have to keep slaying demons until eventually they are all buried down below never to be seen or heard from again and where they should have been all along. Sociopaths don't care about the damage that they create, they only care about getting caught and acknowledging that their lifestyle is going to change in a big way.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Devils Chessboard

I am trying to remember a few of the Dons over the years. There was Teflon Don, Sammy the Bull, Gambino, Don Corleone, Traficante, Genovese, of course Donny Broscoe. I don't think Donny was made but he had Al Pacino's Leftys respect that is for sure. Lets see who else- The Big Trin I have no idea a few others. I am reading The Devils Chessboard- Allan Dulles cia all the way- establishment elitist- His wife was a client of Carl Yung and so was his mistress. McCarthyism was a focal point but nobody could cross Dulles without eventually losing. McCarthy drank himself to death at 48 years old-  I don't hate the cia anymore because they seem to have a way to bring order at of chaos- One can make a little noise but if you make too much noise then you end up with cement shoes. You have to have respect for the mob. Roy Cohen was mentioned in the book- He was our current Dons mentor- Attorney, he had a lot of power even as a 26 year old lawyer. Ike was intimidated by the Ivy League establishment Farm types. I didn't know how sickly Ike was- Apparently he didn't see direct combat either. He felt much more at home in the Army as opposed to his role as the Commander In Chief- McCarthy had Scotty McLeod come in and fire the best and the brightest over the Red Scare- It seemed like a complete waste of time to me- Why fire people that are the best that you have for no legit reason over some paranoid Red Scare? I see similarities in todays political world with all of this Russia noise and alleged hacking scenario- The Don is buds with the big time players like Shelly Adelson, not a small time salesman like Shelly The Machine Levine from Glen Gary Glen Ross- The big time players are the real deal and go way back to the Bugsy Siegel days. There is a big difference between Shelly the Machine Levine- Jack Lemons character and Shelly Adelson- Some people need to steal the Glen Gary Leads in order to survive while others just know how to make millions and millions of dollars with relative ease. We are in good hands with our current mobster situation. These people love America just as much if not more then other hard core Patriots. Watching Blue Bloods seems a bit too innocent for me. For starters Tom Sellecks character seems a bit too into himself. Then on an episode one of the cops made a big deal about pressuring/threatening somebody to testify under oath. Seriously pressuring somebody to tell the truth under oath is much different then trying to coerce somebody to perjure themselves. We should have more people threaten people to testify under oath. I actually hate the deep dark and dirty cia. Allen Dulles was such a weirdo. His son was a war hero and got badly wounded in Korea. He eventually subjected his own son to MK Ultra programming. Seriously they were using humans as guinea pigs with programs that had zero empirical track record for success. This is why I loath the quack field of psychiatry. These Nazis are still in the system today, infact they never left and it appears that they have only increased in strength. What kind of man would subject their own son to something like that? Those sleep rooms that they had and Dr Cameron, what a pathetic excuse for a doctor. I would have taken these people out a long time ago. This is a man that became head of the APA-  No punishment for all of the secret programs and damage that they did to innocent victims? In the 70s the cia eventually settled for a lawsuit settlement for under 1 million dollars. How much is ruining a human life worth? How many billions of dollars should these criminals been sued for and only under 1 million in yesterdays dollars. These criminals should have been sentenced to life in prison bare minimum. These are the people that are running big Pharma today and they love to prescribe a lot of meds. People get so docile from all of the meds that they are taking because they know that if people knew the full true story and motives of the string pullers that these people would be hunted down to the ends of the earth. I don't know if our Potus is going to be able to drain the swamp either. If I were Potus these MK Ultra freaks would be firebombed expeditiously- Task Force 129 all the way. Dulles son hated his father with a passion. He knew what he was doing to him wasn't right. He wasn't sure exactly what it was he just knew. He was much better off at a Jungian sanctuary in Europe, that is where he should have been all along. He didn't even want to come back to the states until after he found out that his father was dead. Now lets get rid of the rest of them. I would have a laundry list of charges against these people- Depraved indifference, murder, malicious intent- the list goes on- How many people died as a direct and indirect result of our cia secret programs? Murder is definitely a fair charge under the circumstances  

Eliminate The Predators The worst thing we ever did in this country is to anoint politicians. Gov Scott oversaw the largest health care fraud in US history and never went to jail. His company paid 1.7 billion dollars in fines and now he may want to run for the US Senate. I had a few legally registered weapons and eventually got convicted of a class e- felony and lost out on many job opportunities as a result of this. This upset my equilibrium and definitely contributed to my ongoing lack of sobriety. I wasn't swinging for the moon or the stars, I just wanted a job that paid a wage and not even a decent one. I am humble, down to earth and always have been and there has never been a question about my work ethic. So nobody died with the Zika virus but Scott declared a public health emergency as a result but now people are dying all over the place of heroin ods and our politicians don't do a dam thing? I doubt that they would do that many great things with the funding anyway if one considers the overall track record of politicians/ business people in general. That is why these people got into politics to begin with- Me first what's in it for me myself and I-  I would find out where this fentanyl is coming from and I would shut down the supply. I would marshal the resources the right way and this includes more publicly funded treatment center beds. When addicts are out on the street this makes them much more susceptible to body snatching and brokering. It becomes a vicious cycle. Getting sober is hard enough under the best of circumstances, that is why one needs to eliminate the predators that pray on the sick and vulnerable. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Gamers Of The System

If people want to help make America great again they need to stop punishing people for trying to better themselves. This student loan scam is blatant and obvious. Private Equity firms and hedge funds are all over these innocent students like vultures, sharks and piranhas. Then to add insult to injury these Universities are not even guaranteeing anybody a job after they graduate. So then when the higher ups ask you what you are going to do with your life you usually say I don't know I guess I should go back to school. After you graduate you usually have well over 100k in debt with no job in sight. The system is being gamed, people shouldn't be given slave labor salaries either when teaching as well. Are you serious, people get their Masters and then they start to teach at a Private school and then they only get like 20k a year. The parents of the students pay more then that for tuition each year so why are they giving the teachers such paltry sums? The system needs to get rid of these vultures and they need to start making it easier to get a job once you work hard in school. People used to ask me what I was going to do with a history degree. I had no idea but at least I learned a lot in school. I learned about the Rober Barons who are still gaming the system today. Fox News yesterday stated that the student loan debt was well over 1 trillion dollars. You shouldn't have to work 80 hours a week just to die of a heart attack either. Universities need to have real recruiters come in and place people not bs artists who just take up space and make believe that you may get a job if you apply. Stop hurting people before they even get out of the starting gate. I doubt things will ever change. Our Potus is a big time gamer himself, Trump University, not paying his contractors, he is even impressed by the Nasa astronauts. Then when you have a real professor try to teach you something like James Tracey they just fire you and shut down your blog. Pathetic to say the least. My business plans consist of training schools that guarantee people a job if they graduate. People wont mind paying for a school or a certification as long as they see light at the end of the tunnel. These gamers of the system get off on other peoples pain and suffering while they laugh all the way to the bank. The problem is that most places have horrible management. Not only do they not pay you they have the worst people running these places, these people aren't even making it themselves. When the system is corrupted from top to bottom this is what we  get as a result. Insurance Fraud, False Flags, FBI Directors/ Agents who are politicians instead of LEOS of the Supreme Law of the Land. Its all a joke and the only thing we get is cartoon character distractions from N. Korea instead of real leaders who know how to make a change. Also they should up the punishment for drug dealers who are caught selling dope within a certain yard radius of either a sober home or a rehab facility. These predators are taking advantage of peoples illness and they should be punished even more harshly then if somebody were caught selling drugs near a school zone