Friday, December 29, 2017

Warrior Poet Full Of Sonets

So what do I tell people when they ask me what I do for a living? Tell them the truth- ok- I will tell them that I am a warrior poet full of sonets full of piss and vinegar and grateful for a Scottish warrior that is finally in the White House who not only declared war against the fake news but is also cleaning house and that is why the globalists are now running for the exits. What did you think about PBS and their Secret History Of Isis? Old news, fake news bad guy bogey man myths- Lets talk about real news and what is coming down the pipe line. So you have all of this intel on the bad guys what are you really going to do with it? Unfortunately not much because too many important people would go to jail. So drug running out of Afghanistan and money laundering what's up with that? Nothing because look what happened in the 80s with drug and gun running- Ollie North and the cia black ops teams, now Ollie is a stand up guy at Fox news. It's all smoke and mirrors, everything is an illusion. Think about it maybe the so called real news is really fake news? Alex Jones stated that our Potus sent out some teams to knock the shit out of the Mexican drug cartels what do you think about that? MS-13- We would be able to take out a lot more scums of the earth then that if they really let us. Like who else- The pedophile garbage and human trafficking rings- They would all be eliminated forever  if certain people would get out of the way. Like who are you referring to? A good magician never reveals his secret sauce. Lets not forget that Task Force 129 has a masters degree in kicking ass and taking names- The latest executive order makes a lot of sense- clamping down on globalist off shore money laundering 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Touchdowns For America

What do you think about that Pompano Beach charity that appears to be a fraud?- It looks like between 2013-16 the organization donated only half a penny to two cents of every dollar to breast cancer research? Its like the scam within the scam, even if a larger portion was donated it still wouldn't be going to the right places. What do you mean by that? They don't want a cure for cancer because they make too much money on chemo and  actually seem to be giving people cancer. This way they can keep the patients/victims on their medical system racketeering plan with no real end game in sight. The Truth About Cancer- Ty Bollinger- Big Pharma once again taking advantage of peoples inherent benevolence. Most of these big charities just keep the gravy train going. So when so and so has to raise a lot of money for cancer research to qualify for a marathon one needs to keep in mind that the entire cancer industry appears to be a scam.
  You seem to feel a lot better about our President elect you were pretty down on him for a while, ie- Trump University and apparently not paying his contractors? He was taken advantage of with Trump University because he wasn't as hands on as he should have been. The way to do it is to hire top notch professional instructors not boiler room bait and switch used car salesmen. The way to do it right is to let these people see some light at the end of the tunnel not just a worthless paper diploma and a cardboard cut out caricature of the head shed. In other words people need jobs lined up after they pay a lot of money for a school, this is what will separate the real pros from the charlatans. I realized this a few years ago, everybody seems to pay a lot of money for school but it doesn't seem to get them anywhere. Then I noticed how much money the hedge funds and private equity firms were making on student loan debt. As far as not paying his contractors he will do what ever it takes to win,  if he doesn't think you did a good enough job not only are you getting fired but your not getting paid. There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to win the election.
   What do you think about Bonos interview in Rolling Stone, he doesn't seem to like or trust our President? I am surprised by that because Bono is a super spiritual man with great talent. Unfortunately he seems to admire the establishment, ie- Hillary and George W- He even visited Bush W. on his ranch. I don't get it because even if one is a liberal with a big heart who would want you know who to be President at this current moment? Uranium 1- The Clinton Foundation- How come somebody of influence and power like Bono doesn't talk about these realities? Only Fox News from what I can see. I also think that it's a great idea that he Tweets, this gives him a way to defend himself as well as to have a connection to We The People.. He makes us feel good to be Americans, like we can accomplish our dreams because he is and always was about success. Why do you think he is friends with Belichick- There is a saying, stick with the winners, nobody wants to be on the losing side. So far he and we are winning, Wall Street meeting Main Street, he is doing what he was born and made to do, he is also going to help us become successful. Its perception vs reality, even if he is a little off the mark in some minor ways the reality is that he is a strong and competent leader that will go all the way to score many touchdowns for America and that is why we voted for him.                                      

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


"In mythology, the one who journeys to the gate of the underworld is advised to bring some change in order to pay the price of passage"pp-258- Our depressions, jealousies, narcissism, and failures are not at odds with the spiritual life. Indeed they are essential to it-p-263- (Care Of The Soul)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Future Of Peace So do we have real enemies? Yes- Tell me more- No- Is it true that man is not bellicose by nature? Yes- On Killing- Man has to be trained to kill and it goes against our real nature. Remember Planet Of The Apes- Ape didn't kill ape they didn't have that much respect for man. However we didn't really evolve from apes- That story is about as fraudulent as the Titanic's official version. The problem is that war creates pain and anguish especially when they kill your battle buddy and then one is expected to not want to wipe out the entire village after that. The secret is to avoid war to begin with because nobody really ever wins we have already proven that. What about our Potus's Peace through Strength motto?- Yes- that works- I just saw this new book called The Future of War- Lawrence Freedman, I might check it out- AI- full battle rattle- The entire 9 yards for the next 50 years. I  am going to write a book called The Future Of Peace. What other books do you want to check out? They have an e-book that seems to blow the cover off of the spinning globe blue marble scam- So what do they tell the truth about? Nothing- These people were born to lie, infact it is embedded in their DNA- They don't lie about a few things here and there they lie about absolutely everything form A-Z. Infact the rabbit hole goes so deep its tough to even wrap ones head around it. Like what else do they lie about? Basically every official story that comes out is a hoax from jump street set up way in advance by cia- Even the investigators are in on it, its quite pathetic to say the least. So what does cia really do? Lets see manipulate, spy and lie, I am trying to think about what else they do and I cant think of anything else they really do besides that. Everything is controlled, every phone call, every voice inflection, they are nothing more then professional actors on the payroll.
    Do you think things will change or turn around with the new administration? I am not sure but don't be fooled by some of these so called geniuses that took companies public from nothing. Many of these people are cia so their money really was effortless meaning that they were never really rocket scientist and wizards or that talented to begin with. Like who are you referring to? Buffet- Gates the usual suspects, the ones that everybody falls over and runs to their seminars' and treats them like the messiahs or the second comings of how to make lots of doe and how to continue to make it. Buffet may be real but Mr. Death Panel- Gates is part of the George Soros crowd- They want to eliminate the worlds population. So how does the flat plane affect the rocket scientists and astrophysicists of this world? It affect everything, that is why they don't want to let that cat out of the bag. So what do they really teach in school? Not much that is real apparently, the only real professors get lambasted,  ridiculed and eventually fired look what they did to James Tracey. Are you surprised that his lawsuit was dismissed? No- The intelligentsia is controlled by the special interest groups that ultimately control everything. They hire cia puppets like our former Potus to say that global warming and Sandy Hook are and were real. The cia recruits young, they are always watching, somebody like Obama was an easy target because he is an attractive and intelligent man of color. This is one of the reasons why people like Jamie Fox said  that he was our lord and savior. The truth is that he was never that strong and probably never got in a fight at the playground to prove his mental and physical toughness. He never had a real father figure either,  he just took lessons from the actor mentors that told him what to say and do and how to play the game. Kind of what Karl Rove did for George W- So how come they all seem to take the easier softer  route- smoke and mirrors, easy money and pernicious usury? Because hard work is a myth, the people who say that hard work is and was the secret to their success are the biggest liars of all- Its how to play the game because look what happened to Gordon Gekkos dad-  "He worked like an elephant pushing electric supplies and then dropped dead at 49 with a heart attack and tax bills". The secret to success is to work smart and the way to work smart is to play the game.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Vision Quest

("The soul needs an intense, full bodied spiritual life as much as and in the same way that the body needs food. It can be dangerous- It's  easy to go crazy in the life of the spirit, warring against those who disagree, proselytizing for our own personal attachments rather then expressing our own soulfulness, or taking narcissistic satisfactions in our beliefs rather than finding meaning and pleasure in spirituality that is available to everyone")pp-228- Care Of The Soul

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Quote Of The Day

(Any nation that trades away its prosperity for security will end up losing both-) Potus Trump-

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dearth Of Wisdom

"Philosophy lies at the base of every life problem, but it takes soul to reflect on ones life with genuine philosophical seriousness" "We have many demanding academic programs in professional psychology and rigid requirements for the practice of psychotherapy, and yet there is undoubtedly a severe dearth of wisdom about the mysteries of the soul"pp- 207- (Care Of the Soul) I chased the wine of success- "We drank of success as of a wine which could never make us feel elated"- 12 and 12-pp-91-92- I went after profits in cars but ended up getting buried in junk instead. I watched American Greed and how Spencer Cox got taken advantage of by some con man scam artist that made believe that he was the second coming.  It turned out to be all smoke and mirrors to fill the charlatans ego. Spencer is probably the best Porsche mechanic in the country but ended up getting lured away by a flash in the pan scam. I wanted to make money on 9-11s but never did. I was a horrible buyer and had nothing but blind ambition. Lets put it this way in order to do it right one needs a team on their side that wants to help you win. If you ask Joe Blow off the street if he thinks that 9-11 is a good buy do you think he really cares if you get buried in it. Especially if he never bought 9-11s himself, infact he could be the guy who wants to see you sink this way you don't become a direct threat. And then if you have buyers working for you they only really care about numbers because the more they buy the more that they make. One needs to be their own sniper because the sell is always in the buy. Considering I was a bad buyer their went my only real chance of being successful. I wanted to shoot for the moon and the stars but ended up in the house that junk built instead. For every piece of junk that I owned for 1,200 I really should have owned it for $6-700 which meant I was buried before I even started. My dot-com had potential but just being a list provider didn't work out because I was really the middle man which went against the states rules. Either way I ended up broke and miserable chasing the wine of success back on a used car lot working for straight commission. I couldn't deal with failure and I lost focus on my primary purpose which was to not necessarily be a big shot. This is called big shotism and it is quite pernicious to say the least. Especially when one ends up with no money living out of their car with a wife that's having an affair and trying to figure out what to do next. Ambition is great as long as its tied in with a daily vigilance and a primary purpose which is an insurance against the pernicious dangers. This way one doesn't get lured in and away by temptation and the sweet wine of success.                                                                                                      

Wall Street Meets Main Street great article how its explained is very impressive-

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Take The Red Road- Part 2

Ravaged by opioids, Cherokee Tribe in Oklahoma Fights Big Pharma- New York Times Dec 17- First the white man brought in the alcohol and now the opiates. There is a story about a tribal leader named Broken Arrow- He was forced to uproot his family by the imperialistic white man and then coerced into Reservations. These spiritual warriors suffered deeply as a direct result of this and that is what has contributed to an alcoholism rate that far exceeds the Irish- I talked to one person a few years back who stated that the Irish don't have a high level of alcoholism in their genes. That is like saying the same thing about the Scots- Many people come across as purely ignorant and even if they knew the truth, still don't have the integrity to speak it. 
   So fast forward to 2017 now the white man has targeted the Native Americans for massive opiate addiction. A lot of opiate babies, broken hearts and broken dreams. So who is this white man that does all of these dirty things to their fellow man? The globalists, technocrats Kazarian Maphia all of the above. I would be more then a little pissed off if they came into my tribe and waged war on my people especially by killing Two Socks- Take The Red Road means that the so called cowboys  should have never been fighting and killing the Native Americans as occupiers and forcing them off their own land. Instead they could have cohabitated and learned a thing or two especially about Vision Quests and the Sweat Lodge ceremonies. McKeeson, Cardinal Health, Amerisource Bergan the same big players that the DEA is apparently afraid of are putting a lot of Native Americans into dark places by allegedly circumventing federal drug monitoring laws and reporting requirements. In other words they were expecting a buffer or a middle man, a checks and balances system. Instead these distributors sold directly to the pharmacies, the big pharma chains that fill our streets with pills and addicts. Today  just like in the 1980s with the crack epidemic, there is now an abundance of opiate babies. The Native Americans are suing in the Tribal Court- Does a Cherokee reservation even exist legally? The Trail of Tears- Forced cross country resettlement in 1839. The suit implicates the pharmacies as well.

Drain The Swamp

So what do you think about Ken Bucks book Drain The Swamp? So far so good- Sometimes its better to not ruffle any feathers especially when it comes down to pork barrel politics. Lets take a look at pg-47- "George Washington perhaps above all provided the model for the self sacrificing dutiful moral hero"- Alex Jones and at least one other individual stated that our Potus will possibly go down as maybe even better then good old  George what do you think about that? I talked to one of my sources who knew Washington and chewed some of the same dirt as the General and he stated that "He knew George and our Potus is no George Washington". Well that is your source what does your gut tell you? Too many times in this world we rely on what other people say or do to form opinions. Good point, he could be even better then Washington. How did your source chew the same dirt? Oh that's right he is one of those reincarnation types.
   What does your gut tell you about what Robert David Steele has to say that Eric Prince is not to be trusted and is actually part of the Deep State? My gut tells me that privatizing spying makes sense especially to drain the swamp and he is absolutely wrong, Prince is a Patriot at the highest point of the spiritual plane and absolutely can be trusted. This is just another perfect example of intel professionals that give their opinion and we are expected to take their word as final or consider it to be from the highest possible source. Those days are long gone, as Americans we have to form our own opinions. Steele has good intel however especially his (OSINT) business plans for the future. We have to take the cloak of National Security out of the equation and try to help the little guy to achieve their dreams.
   Why Washington is a swamp- "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of moral crises preserve their neutrality" JFK-pg-7- Do you want to see the Darkest Hour and maybe we can watch Churchill throw a few down? Maybe- if he got wiped out by that car history would  have been a lot different. I want to read Tom Ricks book about Churchill and Orwell, that one should be a classic, Ricks is a great writer-

Black Holes

"Ideally, money corrupts us all not literally, but in the alchemical sense. It darkens innocence and continually initiates us into the gritty realities of financial exchange. It brings us into the hand to hand combat in the sacred warfare of life". Care of the Soul-pg-195- Rumsfeld- missing trillions- not billions but trillions- No accountability-
 You go to war with the Army that you have- You go to trial with the lawyers that you have. If the Feds have an unlimited black hole unaccountable budget then how come they don't have the best lawyers to fight the Mckeesons of this world? Maybe because they don't want to hold anybody accountable, that is just part of the game. The DEA was intimidated to go to trial, that tells you what the problem is right there. Money doesn't necessarily mean that one is always getting the best. I have heard more stories that I can count about  people who complained that after a decent size retainer that their lawyers went MIA- So are the Feds and our intel agencies playing on the same team as big Pharma? Yes- that is the obvious answer- They control the agenda in the media as well as with the commercials. What separates a good lawyer from a great one is their willingness to go all the way to trial because they were born for days like that. They get bored with mundane plea bargains all the time. I can think of better ways to spend those missing trillions- Creating wealth and abundance not greed and avarice

Monday, December 18, 2017

Thieves In Suits

Mike Wallace: I'm not talking celebrity, vanity, CBS. I'm talking about when you're nearer the end of your life than the beginning. Now, what do you think you think about then? The future? In the future I'm going to do this? Become that? What future? No. What you think is "How will I be regarded in the end?" After I'm gone. Now, along the way I suppose I made some minor impact. I did Iran-Gate and the Ayatollah, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Saddam, Sadat, et cetera, et cetera. I showed them thieves in suits. I've spent a lifetime building all that. But history only remembers most what you did last. And should that be fronting a segment that allowed a tobacco giant to crash this network? Does it give someone at my time of life pause? (The Insider)  Christopher Plumber as Mike Wallace- The top cops within the DEA couldn't go after McKesson effectively because their lawyers were afraid to lose and were intimidated by their Ivy League brass- Just a small pittance of a fine that in aggregate only proves how meek and ineffectual they all are. At least the DEA guy gave it his best shot- Today we still have criminal cartels that are supplying our streets with pills that come directly from McKesson and this crisis isn't going away any time soon

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Plato And Pythagoras

How Plato And Pythagoras Can Save Your Life- Nick Kandaras-phd- Greek who was an addict turned to the Greek Mystics- his ancestors to get and stay sober and healthy-  Trans personal Psychology- The future of mental health- Metaphysical- It may help to  heed their spiritual wisdom and alchemy- Ultimate Reality and Individuation-Care of the Soul- "In entertainment and in politics we sometimes see persons of exceptional talent burst onto the public scene with irrepressible energy and imagination, just being themselves, they stagger us with their brilliance. A metaphor often used for their appearance on the scene is "meteoric" They flash, burn and streak across our timid world. We say these people have charisma, a word that means divine favor and gift. Their power is not from the ego. What we see in such people is a divine light burning in their personalities and in their actions"-pp-127- This is the combo of AJ and Infowars and our President elect- When I saw Jones in action a few years ago I was very impressed. I no longer feel that our Potus is full of bad ego- They both have the divine light and are highly spiritual. They have given our country a surge of adrenaline that has been very refreshing.  

FBI Is A Fraud The FBI is supposed to work for "We The People" not cover up crime scenes and obstruct justice specifically mass shootings. Mike Adams talks about how the FBI did  bogus hair analysis and committed forensic science fraud and much more. "When you play politics with the law you are sliding on a slippery slope". I heard that line on Law and Order SVU- So we cant even have a mass shooting in this country without realizing how fraudulent they all are especially the investigations where they always make it apparent that there is a lot more to the story. Whether it be a second shooter or a shooter that never even existed is this what our country has come down to? We have a bunch of gangsters in pin stripe suits that are given the green light to investigate crimes that they were actually in collusion with. Potus Trump is going to turn the tables on these political hacks that apparently run the FBI- politicians with an agenda working for what is supposed to be an ethical LEA- how much worse can you get then that?

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Science Frauds Mike Adams says that Global Warming is a con job and this has been used by the establishment to basically manipulate people out of money. He also claims to be a real Scientist and did an actual study himself. He has his own labs and does a lot of interesting things to discredit the main stream news media. He states that the co2 emissions poison narrative is fraudulent and that NASA manipulated data to fit their agenda. The biggest Scientific fraud in world history, John Coleman seems to think its a scam as well. Adams explained how Scientists have sold  themselves out due to grant money so they would then be able to continue to perpetuate their continued existence. Adams continued by stating that any critic of the Scientific establishment has been branded a heretic and cut off from continued and So the establishment frauds have now apparently renamed Global Warming to Climate Change

Take The Red Road

Care of the soul- care vs cure- Its better to focus on ongoing care as opposed to some kind of miracle cure. Guidance by Renaissance doctors and Romantic poets- "The essence of each person originates as a star in the heavens"-pp-19

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

County Opioid Tales Shock Congress

What do you think about how the Palm Beach County Opioid tales have shocked Congress? Dave Aronberg is doing a very good job as Task Force leader and State Attorney. He explained the Fla shuffle and how everybody is getting rich and how in many cases this isn't really in the best interest of many of the sober home clients. Labs, telemarketers, sober home owners etc.. That is why it makes sense to initiate Potus Trumps insurance crackdown as far as not making it so easy to go back to rehab multiple times over. Aronberg stated that their are a surge of unscrupulous individuals that prey on addicts. This just sets up a system of rampant abuse and  recurrence rates that are in many cases  doing a lot more harm then good. What about supply and demand in a capitalist system aren't you supposed to make money off of other peoples misery and pain and suffering? Only if it helps, how many times does somebody have to go back to rehab? Just because somebody has a recurrence doesn't mean they have to go back to a 30 day rehab. The only thing they are going to tell you when you back is what one was already supposed to know before they left the last one. Aftercare- meetings therapy etc its tough to do it alone without a solid support system and aftercare program. In many cases instead of another rehab the streets are the best answer for an addict, this way they can make the decision if they haven't already if they want to live or die.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Care Of The Soul- Thomas Moore So what do you think about going back to the moon and maybe Mars and beyond? I think that's great but I am wondering why Ms Whitson couldn't stay in space just one more day to make it official.
   In the studies of alchemy Jung stated that the work begins and ends with Mercury. "Mercury is the God of fictions and fabrications, of trickery, thievery, and sleight of hand" Isn't that what the Free Masons are all about? More or less, the Occult- but some where along the way their are deep spiritual lessons to be learned. I wouldn't mind checking out the underworld-  DUMBS- (deep underground military bases) and much more. What else would you like to check out- The book Care of the Soul- So far I  read the intro- it is very good- Thomas Moore wrote this in the intro- ("In the modern world we separate religion and psychology, spiritual practice and therapy. There is considerable interest in healing this split, but if it is going to be bridged they need to be merged as one. This new paradigm shift suggests the end of psychology as we once have known it altogether because it is essentially modern, secular and ego centered. A new idea, a new language, and new traditions must be developed on which to base our theory and practice xv") The 24 hour book stated that psychotherapy is essentially selfish where as AA is altruistic as opposed to self help based, this is where the fellowship comes into place. It merges everything into one so it is the best of every world even if one is secular. Many people would state that AA is selfish because one goes there to stay sober themselves first and foremost. That is true because when the jet plane crashes and burns one has to take off the oxygen mask at  high altitude to save themselves first before they can help somebody else. It is survival based as well as spiritual but what could be better then trying to help somebody else in order to stay alive themselves. That is why it works so well. That is why many young people are going to have their lives completely transformed as a direct result of this drug- opiate epidemic.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Georgia Guidestones

The ego is a formidibale foe- I used to be a zealot but ended up getting drunk. Today I am not sure what is right or wrong many times when I go off on some of my writing diatribes- It appears that the ego has to be in check for spiritual growth to move forward- I have complained about the state of affairs in the nation and I was never that happy. That is why it would be good for me to look at the positive side of things. The news networks have let me down especially Ted Turner and his Georgia Guidestones- His scud studs and baby incubator stories in the first gulf war combined with Anderson Cooper and his blue and green screens. The nail in the coffin for me was the latest about the alleged Russian hack- I actually gave them the benefit of the doubt only to find out what thier true colors were once again. It doesnt appear that they have anything solid to base thier investigation on and  that is why Judge Jeanne stated that Mueller and company should be taken out in cuffs-          
   Evolution is an intergration of matter and a concomitant dissapation of motion or at least its supposed to be. The Origin Of Species and gravity dont appear to be holding up against critical scrutiny. This basically means that we are supposed to be happy, at peace and not at war with each other- Global Warming and climate change doesnt appear to hold up that well either- A massive population reduction plan based off something that seems to be questionable      
     Was the Pearl Harbor stand down related to the Blue marble scam?  Dec.7- 41- Day of infamy- Dec-7-72- Blue Marble cgi con job        

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017

Consecrated Warrior Souls Potus Trump is about to start kicking ass- Alex Jones explains how big changes are on the horizon. Lawrence Taylor stated- "we play like a bunch of crazed dogs" that is why he is  one of the best linebackers of all time. AJ plays geopolitics like a crazed dog, that is why I like him so much. I have never witnessed  anything close to his level of passion and enthusiasm. It all started for me when I was researching the Extortion 17 helo disaster, my life hasn't really been the same since. At that time I knew our country had a horrible war plan for Iraq and Afghanistan and I also knew that they were covering up the Warren commission. AJ has taken me to the next level of awareness and now he is standing behind our commander in Chief 110%. AJ explains how things really work, I admire his zest and crazed dog stars and stripes mentality. Here was a man that was criticizing  the war plans of the establishment as well. I was so grateful to find somebody of his knowledge and intellect on the internet, it wasn't news it was war and lets face it that is what life is. Then he brought on Dr P and that is when I learned about the 9-11 con job, I was completely blown away. I just couldn't believe that they kept sending our troops on multiple rotations for a war that they said would be over right away. After the multiple warnings from  the real leaders the establishment just blew them off which is the height of narcissistic arrogance. As I look back I can see that was the plan all along, they knew that those wars would be interminable. So how many lies have they gotten away with so far and how many lives have they ruined? 
     Their were no WMD's- if you or I made up that kind of lie by fabricating bogus intel we would be in prison multiple times over. I don't consider myself an expert on military history or strategy for that matter I just have been able to feel things on a visceral level. I realized this while in college while writing papers about Von Clausewitz- I was writing with the passion of the fallen warriors who's soul have passed through me. That is why I can write about Buddha and really feel it as well as feel like Macarthur depending on how the spirit moves me. That is why my Air Force Officer teacher said Stephen you write as if you were really there, in many ways I was. He thought that I was a wanna be and he was right in many ways I am. I am a wanna be who feels things and I know when things are right or wrong. Their are many fallen warriors  that are looking down as consecrated souls and they are going to make sure that they didn't go down for nothing. That is why it was divine intervention that our Potus was elected. He is a no nonsense Patriot and a top notch executive in the business world. We should be grateful for people like Alex Jones, people like him come around only once in a lifetime, he is doing his very best to help unite our country as one. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Day Of Infamy

So was Pearl Harbor a False Flag? Yes- Would you care to elaborate- No- Do politicians love war- Yes- What do you mean by that? I don't care to elaborate- What do you think about bw spies going after the bad guy spies in our intel apparatus? I think that is a great idea. I would much rather be a good guy soldier of the apocalypse rather then a Secret Service Agent or a bad guy spy working for the establishment's Deep State Swamp. Why is that? Because Soldiers of the apopolypse have a lot more firepower and also if it's the Secret Service s job  to go after counterfeit currency then how come they haven't clamped down on the illegal FED? The Founding Fathers never intended to have all of those federal taxes wasn't the Revolutionary War supposed to be about egregious taxes imposed by the arrogant Brits? So what are you saying this is the Second Revolutionary War? Yes- And the Minute Men did a great job as hired guns so nobody should ever question the Patriotism of a soldier of the apocalypse- So the Deep State swamp are now grasping at straws, do they have a chance of surviving? Not as long as the soldier of the apopolypse rock and roll mercenaries are in charge of counter spying, its all about spy warfare anyway right? It shouldn't be that way, people who swore an oath should be going after really bad  guys not making up stories about the good guys. Whoever is bad or good is a relative term anyway  because it all depends on who's side your on isn't that the way its always been?  Our country is going to see peace on earth, warfare as we once knew it will soon cease to exist.
     Speaking of founding fathers Benjamin Rush was one of the first leaders to recognize alcoholism as a formidable foe. He was also considered to be one of the founders of psychiatry, as opposed to William James who was a spiritual leader philosopher and considered to be the founder of phycology. He was also  considered by Bill W to be one of the co-founders of AA  specifically in reference to  the spiritual experience side of things. Varieties of Religious Experience- a must read

Greatness Of The Tao When the greatness of the Tao is present, action arises from ones heart, When the greatness of the Tao is absent, action comes from the rules p-184 Excuses Begone- Today I would much rather be right then be happy- So what happens to any one of us if we lie to a Federal agent or commit perjury under oath? We get the rule of law thrown at us. Ms Clinton was playing by the same book as her husband- I did not have sexual relations with- In Ms Clintons case what did she say "I did not send information that was marked as classified- That is because classified info is rarely  marked classified-" I was always skeptical of listening to people who stated that Israel was the bad guy- AJ had an article that stated that George Soros doesn't want Israel to peacefully co-exist- I believe Alex Jones, there goes years of attempts of investigative journalists that have demonized Israel- I also don't think we have been fighting Israel's wars- If anything we have been fighting the USAs wars and now Potus Trump wants to finally end the cia's destabilization programs of perpetual wars in the Middle East. He wants to promote world peace, peace through strength so people should stop lying and making up stories about him.     

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Establishment Frauds Elon Musk is a fraud and so is his illustrious Space X program- When you have people on your payroll making believe that they are holier then thou acting like they have some kind of secret sauce that is a problem. Musk appears to believe in his own press, the only problem is that his cgi spies and lies and Mars goals don't seem to add up because Eric Dubay has 200 proofs- That is what is needed to eviscerate the opposition because we never bring a knife to a gunfight- I am talking about a highly intelligent and spiritually evolved person who breaks down the NASA myth and actually tears it to shreds. So what does it mean when you have people interviewing for Space X and the interviewers make believe that they are the hottest shots on the block? Like working at google, the employees at Enron and WorldCom found out what kind of company they worked for when they were asked to pack their bags.
  So what does Spaxe X really do because inquiring people want to know? When establishment news feeds are finally outed and forced to make things official this is when they will become officially history. As in dis-credited and never to be trusted again. The reason that they have been covering things up for so for long is because they are the ones that have been used to making things official as in the final authority but that is no longer the case. Close enough for government work? I declared war on these frauds when I knew for certain  that they put out a hit on our President over 5o years ago.
   The LAPD just said that 28 big name celebrities are being investigated for Hollywood sex crimes.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

FBI- Stonewallers

Spiritual Advice

Part 3- Excuses Begone- Wayne Dyer "If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place-Lao- Tzu- "Our Most Important problems cannot be solved they must be outgrown"Carl Jung-pp.-147 (If we view the world as friendly we will get friendly back)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Next Level Of Karmic Dimensions

There are at least two things to talk about at the dinner table, ie- politics and religion- Make that three things politics- religion and war- I believe that there has been some mis- conceptions about religion and that is why it is so corrupted. How can you have pedophilia in the house of god? A lot of these places are money pits that are not on the up and up and that is the biggest sin of all. Theosophy- After much research and soul searching I have come to the conclusion that there is an afterlife. Dr Bruce Goldberg, I watched him on Lilou Maces channel- We have some deep spiritual individuals in our universe. Dr Goldberg states that he is one of the few spiritual mentors out there that help people get in touch with various parallel Universes- He talked about the space time continuum and compared it to being in a helo above the freeway looking down on the past- present- and future-He teaches empowerment and not co-dependency- I now believe that there are various planes and various dimensions and planes within each of those various planes- states there are 7 planes of Being.      
  Considering we all co-create on a flat plane with a firmament above us  this should put things in perspective. So from what I gather there is no heaven and hell perse but rather Astral Planes depending on ones spiritual karma- The so called bad or evil people end up on the lower Astral plane which is like a purgatory because their souls have moved on but they end up getting stuck on the lowest frequency. So they suffer on the lowest karmic debt Astral plane level with no way to satiate their ego driven desires. The more spiritually advanced end up moving around and co-create with the more enlightened that are more closely linked to ones own soul or consciousness. This way the soul never stays stagnant since we all should be seeking our next level of newly awakened truth. 
   I convinced myself that I needed Adderall for low grade depression but this was because I will always find a way to get high without a spiritual reprieve on a daily basis. I ended up having an obe(outer body experience) where I lost track of time and space. It didn't help me with my depression, infact it made it much worse and this is when I ended up drinking my own pee inadvertently. This is because Adderall in doses that are too many totally mess up ones Neuromotor capacity, at least for me, it was if I was drunk. I could barely walk and was passed out on the floor for days on end. So this speed freak drug didn't tweak me out instead it gave me an obe where I lost track of time and space. But I was really on the lower Astral plane of bad karma because my alcoholism never worked very well with narcotic drugs or any drug for that matter. I couldn't walk so I peed in a water bottle and then drank it because I was so thirsty later on, I thought it was my water bottle but I  didn't swallow- That is where drugs took me- Dr Goldberg stated that trip drugs are no good if one wants to get in touch with various parallel universes- Their goes my ibogaine theory although that may work for heroin addicts to rewire their brain- I had a bad karmic debt experience with benzos or xanie bars Mr Lucifer himself, I swore that is where I was that night and actually met him- I felt pretty close to checking out during that xanie bar mr devil himself withdrawal scenario- So the god judged us all  during the flood or with the forbidden fruit scenario is more or less a myth and or a mis-conception-   In other words we are all gods and goddesses as long as we humbly asked to get in touch with the divine- god speaks through us as opposed to one of those final judgment constantly reprimanding guilt trips filled up and fueled up with false pride- bad karma- low self esteem and superego- Mother earth is a female- so there goes the perpetual male version of god theory 

Real Investigations Are On The Horizon Alex Jones called out the Globalists- He stated that they would be signing their own warrant if they try anything shady in reference to our Potus(-I’m going to tell every one of you globalists and your minions: You’re going to be held accountable, and if you don’t have the fear of God, you better have the fear of man. Or you better start reading some history books, because let me tell you something right now: You kill our elected Julius Caesar when he’s delivered victory after victory like it’s messianic in just 11 months; you kill, or you remove this president illegally with all your crap with your dying media propping it up in the face of all of the evidence because you’ve got some unconstitutional, mad dog, rogue government snake out of the swamp, your swamp team; you pull that, you’ve signed your own warrant. Know that.”  Alex Jones) Those are serious words from a man that I trust and respect. That is because I now realize that Russia Gate- Piss Gate any every other faux gate is more then likely a hoax.
   The Media needs to be held accountable, I remember Sen Blumenthal making it sound like their was prima fascia evidence against Potus Trump- I now believe that the Democrats are the deep state Swamp.  Our Potus has done a great job in less then I year- He got rid of the TPP and Trump rally's on Wall Street, The GDP is way up there over 3%- Consumer confidence breaks another record and hits a 17 year high. He is only getting warmed up, that is because he cares and wants to help the little guys get ahead after years of abuse by the Technocratic elite. He stated that the FBI is a joke and he is right- How can you have a partisan LEA that is supposed to represent the best of the best. They aren't- they have James Comey and Loretta Lynch con jobs and Slick Willys on the Tarmac working secret deals making believe they were only making small talk. Then Holder tweets out his two cents about how the FBI isn't a joke, here is a guy who needed to brainwash us about guns and then came into the state of Ct and proceeded to rob it blind with a faux school shooting with his partner in crime Obama- Phony charities, gun control legislation, big pharma kickbacks, mental health awareness scams, The Chicago mob crowd- Gun control their house of cards is going to implode like a ton of bricks along with Elon Musk and his Space X program- How can we allow NASA to continue to perpetuate phony  cgi spies and lies, pernicious usury and counterfeit currency all at the American tax payers expense, that says it all.  Everything is a fraud and our Potus is going to put the clamps down on all of this and that is why they are now running scared. They know that they are going to be toast unless they try something drastic-  Global Warming carbon tax scams, Clinton Foundation money laundering, vaccine health risks along with 77 dead holistic doctors, cover ups at the CDC,. Real Investigations are going to be taking place

Friday, December 1, 2017

Quote Of The Day

It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma- Winston Churchill- Supposedly he knew all about ww2 on the way and warned everybody about the Furor

Thursday, November 30, 2017

In Valor There is Hope So do you really believe in this depopulation agenda, Bill Gates, Ted Turner? First one must know thyself and that is when they can know thy enemy-  There is no better friend and no worse enemy then a United States Marine so its important to keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Those are profound quotes can you elaborate? What more needs to be said Bill Gates wants to apparently wipe out the worlds population- Ted Turner Georgia Guide stones- They are going to be going up against a formidable foe. Are you convinced that you have what it takes? Never doubt thyself- Once we surrendered to win we made sure that we were on the winning team. In our world nobody likes to lose. This is what is needed to go fight the forces of spiritual entropy, there is a chance that these forces of darkness will go down without firing one single round. This means that the forces of light are united as one so there is a spiritual force field that is really protecting us all. There is a chance that it will get ugly but that is why we train year round just waiting for that one split second of chaos- This means that there are no meds to dull our wits or bad influences in any form. The enemy is trying to make us all weak, vaccines, false diagnosis, psychotropics, set ups anything to get the edge because they know deep down how weak they really are. What do you mean? What kind of person wants to wipe out the human population-  Who said the real enemy is humanity itself- Bertrand Schneider? One would think the Rico perps who own the media would start exposing their agenda. That is why our Potus was elected, it was divine intervention. The days of the liars, cowards predators and thieves are over, that is why so many people were arrested so far taking advantage of vulnerable drug addicts with their lucrative profit centers. This is also why the establishment puppets are starting to drop like flies. This is only the beginning of a house of cards that is all going to come crumbling down just like the Twin Towers- The same way the Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean. That is what In Valor There is Hope means- Feel free to come up with your own definition

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bill Clinton Rape

These partisan news anchors are pathetic like Wuan Williams on Fox- They can never say anything that is true because then they wouldn't be towing the party line- This only shows how many paid actors we have on every news channel- They cant give credit to anything that doesn't fall into their Democratic agenda- Our first lady is doing a great job and so is our Potus- Fake news slanted way to the left- I am no longer going to listen to any critics because they are mostly all full of fraud- The Clintons- I'm Suzanne Coleman- After having an affair with Bill Clinton I became pregnant, Then my body was found with a gun shot wound to the back of my head. It was ruled a suicide and no autopsy was allowed. I was 7 months pregnant- Is this true or is this fake news? Clintons War On Women- Hillary 2 face Janus principle fraud-  She actually had the audacity to get on the victims of rape should be believed band wagon meanwhile her husband appears to be a vicious and violent rapist-  If that wasn't bad enough we have to continually look at these people in the media because they refuse to go away as if anything they say can be legit or actually be believable- MSNBC partisan anchor Thomas Roberts minimized Slick Willys vicious and violent rape allegations by calling it "alleged misconduct"- Made up Russian Dossier to discredit our Potus- Establishment puppet Matt Lauer fired for being a two faced fraud- Allegedly leaking confidential Potus comments that were meant for a  behind closed door conversation- Infowars and AJ seems to be the only one doing their job exposing these people for who and they really are- 50 employees get fired for refusing to take their flu shot only proves how down these big pharma criminals have taken this country- People get worse not better by this how much more evidence needs to be produced-My chiro told me everything that I need to know- Big changes are on the way- people will be going away to prison 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

On The Brink

Bogus Intel- Lies fraud- sending American soldiers to die for bull shit fake WMDs- Many soldiers are now ruined for life and nobody is doing anything about it- "There were two choices- unleash "shock and awe" on the evildoer or face the risk of nuclear attack from a boat in New York Harbor or a missile over London and more mass graves in Iraq"pp-4 Tyler Drumheller- People seem to be ok with a govt that pathologically lies because they know that they will never face any real consequences- 9-11 total fraud bs cover story that makes zero sense- cia bs guy who is trying to make the 9-11 official story look legit only shows how many actors we have in our intel apparatus- That was the guy who looked like a hero by blowing the whistle on cia torture program- So now he comes out protecting the official 9-11 version as if anybody is really going to believe or listen to him- Kirakou or whatever his name is- These establishment frauds knew years in advance that they would be waging war on Mesopotamia- They didn't set it up to win because that is what real leaders do- They set it up to be as long and miserable as possible therefore causing major American casualties- What other reason can be given for why they disbanded the Republican guard? So it appears evident that they didn't care how many of our soldiers got blown up and are now ruined for life- They knew that the longer the war the more contracts and money would be  made- Criminality at the highest levels- High Speed lucrative overseas contracts with high returns at the expense of the soldier just doing his job for god and country- If that wasn't bad enough they made believe that they were blind sided on 9-11 so they weren't prepared- Their will be final judgment- It isn't looking that great for these frauds who went along with this

Home Made Rocket Fraud This is the dumbest attempt I have seen as far as somebody that is allegedly attempting to prove that our earth isn't round. This is more like a publicity stunt and that is the reason he has no solid financial backers. Why would he need to go 1 mile high in a scrap metal homemade rocket? That's what a little over 5,000 feet? Jets go higher then Mt Everest which is over 28,000 feet. Jets can go as high as 40,000 feet- When we look out of the window do we see any semblance of a curve or at least the beginning of one? How much more proof do we need? If this guy was for real he would be launched way up there in a real rocket and he would be allowed to take real pics- Not one with a go-pro lens that shows a fake Free Mason curve- One would be allowed to go way beyond the Stratosphere and  just under the Van Allen belt before they would get incinerated to a crisp by radiation. So how come no real pics of the earth?- Only photo shop pics with no stars around it where the Blue Marble has continuously changed and evolved over the years with various photo shop and cgi styles

Monday, November 27, 2017

Soldiers Of The Apocalypse

So how are you going to route out the den of Vipers and Thieves- Task Force 129 are rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse. The only time we ever really feel at peace is when we are at war so we were born for days like these. We are modern day gladiators and Praetorian Guards who have over watch protection details over the American people- People call us crazy that is because we know that in some ways that we are- We are anti establishment and we never bring a knife to a gunfight. So Bush and his cronies were into god he talked about it all the time, he was the Manichean Candidate what do you have to say about that? George W wasn't as horrible as some say he was, he had a lot of admirable qualities. What were his biggest flaws? For starters one can never win a war based on fraud because that is where you lose the moral high ground right off the bat and never lie to a warrior because that isn't good karma- These Vipers and Thieves lie about everything. If we really got hit on 9-11 the way they say that we did we would have turned most of the Middle East into a parking lot. That is the real neo-colonial imperialistic hegemony that these leaders crave. What do you mean elaborate? First of all we would have occupied Iraq and told the truth about why were going in- for oil profits and Halliburton contracts- That way we could all enjoy the Spoils Of War even while losing some of our men. To The Victor Go The Spoils- This means don't lie to the American people and ask them if its ok to go to war first and have them make the decision based off of transparency and irrefutable proof. These people are so crooked- WMDs- Put it this way either way we should have surrounded that country and went in with colossal and overwhelming force- These people aren't capable of thinking like a warrior because they have been lying about everything their entire lives- They fake everything, deaths, counterfeit currency, pernicious usury- the blue marble, I tell you what we are about to blow them all out of the water.  
   Even to have rumors that may or may not be true about Satanism and pedophile rings is repugnant. The fact that it is potentially somewhat believable means that these establishment frauds have something inherently flawed within their character and they need to be routed out just like Andrew Jackson stated. Do you think JFK knew that we weren't capable of really going to the moon? That is a good question, I know that he wanted to because he knew that man had infinite potential. Is it true that he may have been a Luciafarian Free Mason just like the rest of them? Maybe- The only thing I know for sure is that he was trying to take out the same demons we are trying to take out and that is why he didn't last too long. What about the Sandy Hook Vampires? Vampires don't have the morale high ground either because they hide in the dark, they aren't going to last very long going up against even one of our soldiers of the apocalypse- These people are twisted- Obama fraud and Hillary- AJ stated that some of the bw guys stated that Hillary was the devil herself and exemplified manifestations of BPD- I believe every word of it. It was Satanism to have American soldiers drive around without ROES just waiting to get blown up in Iraq. We are supposed to have restraint but not hesitant that is how one wins a war. If one American goes down we are supposed to by code of honor try and take out at least a few bad guys with us. We never shoot at innocent civilians though- That is bad karma and weakness- Only insurgents that plant ieds and overall scumbags that are trying to kill us. What do you have to say about Iraq being a sovereign country and nobody was really a scumbag and that we weren't supposed to kill any of them? They are correct- We never should have went in because it was all based on fraud and lies. What does it mean to be in this world but not off this world? We are fraud eliminators and see through things that many other people either cant or choose to not even look. I don't know if that is the way it was meant to be but while other people outside of our circle talk about fantasy football we kind of laugh. We talk about preserving democracy and putting people in places they should have been long before that is a big difference.                                                                                       

Fed And Space X- Fraud The Federal Reserve is a fraud and so is Elon Musk and his Space X program- He looks fake and is fake- He tries to come across as some kind of super genius multi billionaire  that can send us into space with intergalactic travel when the truth is he is a wanna be nouveau riche- We never even got past low level earth orbit- I find Frauds that are arrogant to be the biggest jokes of all- Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out."
- Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)

Sea To Shining Sea

Who Lives Who Dies Who tells your story- Ingrid Michaelson- I never read much Shakespeare but I believe that Bill W is Shakespearian- His story reverberates and has sent a ripple affect from sea to shining sea- If there was a devil he seemed the boss Universal and he certainly had me- pg-11 AA- I resisted the thought of a Czar of the heavens however loving his sway may be- I have since talked to scores of men who felt the same way-pg-12- William James- founder of American modern day psychology-was a co-founder of AA

Memes Vs Faith

 Memetic Programing- Excuses Begone- This is the Virus of the mind that transmits and can affect others- Wayne Dyer explains that we have the power of Source within us. Universal power and frequency of Source energy vs Memetic programing or memes- Memes are a place where we take meds to dull our wits-  Source is where we are already sharp enough. Memes sometimes help you get where you are going - Source is where we have already arrived. Memes are a place where you go out on a binge when somebody sets you off- Source is a place where it doesn't upset you. Memes are a place where we learn how to manage our cravings- Source is where our cravings left long before.   Memes are when we are constantly trying to dig ourselves out of a hole- Source is where we are already whole enough. Memes are a place where they tell you to don't drink and don't think because you are not the center of the Universe- Source is when we realize that we really are the Divine Intelligence and  the sun and moon revolve around us. Memes are a place that make us feel guilty for not working at McDonalds- Source is when we understand that we are capable of a lot more.  Memes is a place where the Superego constantly judges, reprimands and criticizes- Source is where we are perfect just the way that we are. Memes are a place of self discovery actual recovery begins when we are connected to Source. Source is a place where we would be at peace if we were taken out tomorrow- Memes are where we would be upset because  they didn't let us finish the game. Source is a place where we know that god has our six  so there is no need to worry about anybody taking us out. Memes are a place where we have a constant supply of self centered fear- Source is when we have nothing but faith. Memes are a place where we constantly need more even when our accounts are full- Source is when we are at peace even when our accounts are nill. Memes are a place where we may take offense when they tell us that our dog has a repugnant odor. Source is when we apologize and just give our dog a bath. Memes are where they tell us that we are not that important so be humble and put your tail between your legs. Source is where we feel that we really may be king of the world. Memes are a place where they tell us that dogs aren't that special- Source is when we explain what dog spelled backwards is.  Memes are where we get our asses kicked up and down and all around so we may submit but still continue to fight to the bitter end. Source is when we have already surrendered because there is no fight left in us. Memes are a place where we are so unhappy and convinced that the world is about to end- Source is when we know for certain that this is where life really begins  

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Report From Iron Mountain "Todays ruling elite, those who influence and interest transends national borders almost without exception defy the common good" Peter asked what he thinks about these idiots that curse at the 12 step meetings? Wait a minute arent you supposed to be patient and tolerant of peoples current therapuutic condition please modify your tone? OK what do you think about those morons who curse at the 12 step meetings? Well if somebody cant refrain from cursing in the house of god for one hour this should tell you what their problem is right off the bat. Wait a minute what if they dont believe in god and they are just dumping thier feelings out on the table arent you supposed to be kind and let them do this? Their is a reason why the rules state please refrain from the use of profanity- If somebody wants to curse then they can dump it on thier sponsor or therapist one on one or in a group therapy setting because many people dont want to hear that garbage- Its called being mindful- That is the difference beteween therapy which is therapuutic and spiritaulity- This is where one is supposed to change- That is what having a spiritual awakening is all about- 
  What do you tell people who dont believe you that meds do more harm then good? I dont tell them anything because they probally wont believe me anyway, I just share my experience with what meds did to me and if they dont listen then that isnt my issue    

Clinton Foundation Arkanside? Another Clinton Arkanside? Charles Ortel was on AJ yesterday, he stated that the latest filings in regard to  the Clinton Foundation were subpar. This lawyer ends up dead who just happened to be involved with the Super Pacs- She talked about how her foundation is on the cutting edge with helping people in this Opiate epidemic as President of earth 2-
    "The mighty words of an orator fall on deaf ears" Todays-24 Hours A Day

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

NewsWeek False Flag JFK False Flags made it to Newsweek this may be a historic moment, Peter asked  his dad what he thought about this? The JFK files are shedding light on US warfare operations for the first time in an establishment outlet like Newsweek this is definitely newsworthy. This is the same Newsweek that for over 50 years had smoke and mirrors in regard to the JFK assassination and now for the first time they are showing the world a little bit of what is to come. What do you mean this is only the beginning of a major intel dump to the American people? Yes, it is going to come upon us with thunderous roars and stars and stripes. These docs showed how our cross dressing gambling addict named JE Hoover who didn't do that much except spy on everybody and that he wanted to convince the world right away that Oswald was the lone shooter. What do you think the chances were that JE didn't know anything about the massive conspiracy ahead of time? 
   Slim to none-Even though I was very young  I knew the entire thing was bs a few years after it happened? How did you know this? First of all how is anybody going to have open shots on our President in a motorcade without a stand down of our intelligence agencies especially within our Secret Service? We trained for years with executive protection and dignitary protection details, our Ambassadors were in some pretty rough spots in the Middle East and not once did anybody come close to talking any of them out. This is what we pride ourselves on so when JFK was taken out this was definitely a cover up of massive and epic proportions. The biggest White Wash in American history, these criminals should hang themselves in disgrace or better yet we should take out the ones that are still alive who  are unequivocally culpable. What happened to Thou Shall Not Kill? Sometimes one has to do what they have to do in the rough and tumble world of intel operations.
  How does this correlate with the 9-11 False Flag- Stand Down-? The problem is that these neo-cons did such a horrible job in Iraq and what they did to our soldiers is unconsciable. They sent them into a hornets nest on purpose with no cover or protection, only the Ambassadors and dignitaries got this isn't that the way it always is? Having them drive around in unarmored Humvees with no ROE's was criminality at the highest of all levels. Now many of them have no limbs and have serious PTSD and substance abuse issues, depression and a major suicide epidemic all because of the Rumsfeld's of this world. You go to war with what you have making believe that they were blindsided and that they didn't know about it years in advance. The PNAC plan, at least they could have sent our guys into that warzone prepared. The other thing is that nobody is going to come close to taking out our current Potus- That is why he has the best detail known to man, you cant leave it up to the Secret Service look at what they did to JFK- Lets put it this way in todays world we have details that are set up in more of an offensive capacity with Delta operators for starters. That is why I never listened to AJ when he stated that our Potus was at a high level threat risk assessment.
   Speaking of AJ what do you think about how these media outlets make him out to be a tin foil hat and do parodies of him? They are jealous and imitation is the highest form of flattery, they know that they don't have the brass balls of the real AJ- He has guts and those other outlets don't because they would never even come close to having the courage to divulge what he has over the years. He never made believe that he was the final authority on anything intel wise either, this makes him even more human and humble. Instead of speaking truth to power they just criticize. In other words if somebody was a straight shooter they would state "AJ- he is pretty smart and gets a lot of great intel, I don't care if he is hooked in to Stratfor or not if he is that is even better because he knows what he is talking about. He gave us vaccine intel, GMOs told us about Fluoride in the water what have these other cowards done, I rest my case." 

The End Game Prophecy

We don't live in a Totalitarian regime so nobody should ever be censored for what he/she writes. These tech companies like google are basically like the NSA and cia and they don't do a dam thing for National Security. These cia fronts and their are many more where they came from are not doing anybody any favors. What do these companies really do, they have full time employees who just scroll the web and figure out what they want to allow or not. This isn't that much different then the bullies that are into price fixing which was made illegal by the Sherman Antitrust Act- Bully behemoths that have the capital to squash out the small fries who are trying to utilize their First Amendment right.
   That is why our Potus is a breath of fresh air- I disagree with Neil Cavuto and all of his establishment critiques of our President. First of all we elected Potus Trump because we are tired of people like Neil Cavuto and we like it when our Potus Tweets what he feels and its even better when its off the cuff and without a filter, extemporaneous and from the heart this is the real American way. That is why I also respect Judge Jeanne, she gets clocked at 119 and owns up to it. She is real and so is our Potus. That is why I didn't really want to try to defend my DWI case- I was so disgusted with myself, the fact that I was so irresponsible, I wanted to plead guilty because I was guilty- I sat in jail for 6.5 months- AJ explains how George Soros has his hooks into running many of these phony fronts especially Snopes- AJ is right on the money because I used Snopes  for unequivocal intel based on credible evidence and received back nothing except smoke and mirrors. This needs to be eliminated, they are holding themselves up to a standard that is supposed to be objective and utilized as an impartial investigative journalism tool but they are nothing of the sort just because they have Soros backing them. This is what our country has come to- End Game prophecy- AI- Mad Scientists and Eugenicists.


Excuses Begone

Excuses Begone- Charles Ortel stated that the Clinton Foundation is a disgrace- 100 billion dollar criminal conspiracy that runs into both parties. The Bush cronies- Huckabee- So let me get this straight we have a bunch of talking heads that get paid big money to continue to lie to us over and over again which is abuse. So their wallets become so fat that they then need an illegal offshore money laundering outlet like the Clinton Scam- Ortel has an impressive resume- Harvard MBA- forensic accountant- He basically compares the Madoff scam which ran around 40 billion and this was considered to be the largest Ponzi scam of all time. Madoff made his criminal enterprise look enticing and he promoted it as an exclusive big boys club where one needed a lot of doe just to get in. Madoffs marketing ploy was attraction rather then promotion which made people even more determined to get in and become a part of however as Harry Markopoulos stated even Mickey Mantle never came close to those kind of returns. This should have sent red flags up all over the place but the SEC signed off on it stating that it was clean, even the hedge funds that were used as big money feeder funds for this criminal enterprise were given a free pass. When their is big money to be made even the least corrupted can turn over to the dark side.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Monday, November 20, 2017

Inmates Run The Asylum Charles Ortel is apparently doing more then the FBI in regards to the Clinton Crime Family Scam- These politicians make me sick- Disaster capitalism at its finest- Lets all line up and listen to the inmates who run the asylum and take our meds and vaccines- Apparently Gordon Duffs wife wants us to take vaccines- Vaxxed- Most of these people have seriously let me down at one time or another- It is obvious to me that VT is a partisan outlet that is slanted way to the left but still has their hooks planted into the Rockefellers and Brzezinski's of this world- Mass Eugenics and survival of the weakest- Corrupt To Their Core- We all must listen to the people wearing the white coats and especially the main stream media outlets and all of their talking heads- So these people who have claimed to become seriously ill and who have had family members die due to vaccines over the years are they all crisis actors as well? I now believe that everything is one big scam- Why would Gordons wife tell us to be good little boys and girls and line up to get our vaccines?  RFK Junior has some good information on what these do to children and their families- So basically we have crisis actors that are just creating drama like Dr William Thompson- Now he is going to update his initial findings to suit big Pharmas agenda showing how he really isn't all that credible after all. That is the way these whistle blowing schemes are set fourth in the very beginning. They come out and look like real hero's only to be refuted by so called experts and then all of the intel just sits around Congress and it's guaranteed to never go anywhere substantive. The same for the Clinton Foundation Scam and pretty much every other potentially big scandal. Our Potus is supposed to be a bad guy who meddled in the election and then they hire a Partisan corrupt to their core former FBI Director- Forget about Uranium 1 Mueller came on board 1 weeks before 9-11- They had it all set up with Kissinger and company to head the 9-11 Commission's investigation. Until we take the power away from the inmates who run the asylum we are guaranteed to continue to get what we get. 60 Minutes Voyager Scam- Everybody is an actor and everything is a joke- The guy even admitted that the Voyager was put together by tinfoil.

The Wine Of Success

"We drank of  success as of a wine which could never make us feel elated"pg-19 As Bill Sees It- Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity- It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow- Melody Beattie- Cultivating Gratitude - The Foundation for attracting abundance- Health And Wellness- Nov. issue- Gratitude is the wine of success because I could never fill up the hole in  my soul called alcoholism- I need to find it in the immaterial. I am grateful when watching these gambling addicts on Nat Geo- They have very similar problems- This one guy was a wanna be mobster clown- He was a bookie that collected- He said things like why do I do this "because I am a money hungry son of a bitch" He almost bragged about hurting people who didn't pay up- Three Dimensional individual who is a capitalist which is ok but what a low level line of work- In the gambling world their is a code- "Only The money matters" He stated that the next time the judge sees him he is going to get letters not numbers meaning "Life"   
  Apparently 0ver 90% of the gambling bets are placed illegally and off shore. San Hose- Costa Rica- Gambling addicts have mid brain issues the same way that alcoholics and drug addicts have. Law and Order SVU had a program that had Rollins that is a gambling addict, an excellent and accurate depiction. A detective sworn to uphold the letter of the law with underground gambling issues that threatened her career. I was told by a reliable source that gambling addictions are hell on earth, it is not as in the mainstream or in the spot light as our drug epidemic but I can relate. Rollins had an emotional trigger that set her off on a gambling binge. We need to fill our souls with the spiritual otherwise it will never work meaning sobriety. What is the definition of sobriety? Psychic change where we still have the emotional pangs and triggers but deal with them head on with various support groups combined with a connection to Source along with metaphysical outlets. Dirty doctor front page of Palm Beach Post- DEA undercover bust- "It was unconscionable that a doctor authorized to prescribe drugs to wean addicts off opioids would be part of the problem and not the solution" Palm Beach Post-  The solution would be to have patients monitored more closely which is not an easy thing to do. Its pretty simple addicts who are on meds cant be their own medicine man/women. The doctors cant dispense these meds and then expect the addict to take these responsibly on their own volition, many would say this is hand holding but what other solution is their? We are drug addicts- hello big Pharma criminals-  Addicts  need to have the meds administered to them  in a controlled environment in a sober community until they get spiritually grounded and off all medication. This is because if an alcoholic is prescribed Xanax to detox then when one drinks on these pills this can and will lead to death quickly. The same premise holds true for Suboxone for heroin withdrawal-

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Task Force 129

Peter asked how the operators of Task Force 129 were picked? Choosing from the best of the best isn't always easy and choosing who is better then the other is never easy as well. So who is tougher and more equipped Force Recon or Delta operators? Of course Seal Team and Rangers- Cia sad sog teams they are the best teams known to man and then picking individuals out of the best Teams is not an easy task. The reason for this is because on any given day or minute another individual from the same exact unit can prove he would fit right in to Task Force 129. Its like saying who is better the Yankees or the Redsox or who is the best UFC fighter. Speaking of which the NFL is not exactly doing favors for the players long term health but that is another story al together. They could use some better sports psychologists as well because that one guy made a Tweet that was obvious to me that he was really a defensive and not an offensive player.
   Oliver Stone had it right on the money with Any Given Sunday- Think about how much abuse these guys are doing to their bodies. They crash into each other at well over 100 mph on any given Sunday and then sometimes even suit up on a Thursday 4 days later. How many of these players are using more then Toradal? They are warriors but they should get out after 5 years tops. These greed monger owners don't care about them. For example I was checking out the woman sitting next to Jerry Jones in the booth last week. She reminded me exactly of Cameron Diaz character, miserable and dollar hungry. The only thing that matters is the W's and not how you play the game. How many of these people do you think really care about the players long term mental, physical and spiritual health? 
   Speaking of spiritual you mentioned that God is part of us and really is us what happened to being obsequious to a power greater then oneself? Instead of trying to figure god out let us try to figure him in instead. Once we turn our life over and make a decision the process then becomes that much easier. For example some people have the god complex that is not what I am referring to. These people would never get sober because they are filled up and fueled up with too much ego. Ego is ok as long as its healthy and not self will run riot. Once we get out of the drivers seat this is when heaven on earth has a chance of becoming a reality. What do you mean I thought life was supposed to be struggle, hell, stress hormones survival of the fittest and heaven is the place we go after we endure it all? That is the big misconception that keeps people in ugly places. That is why in order to get into the fourth and fifth dimension we have to become a nobody, pure selflessness and pure consciousness. This three dimensional world with kaleidoscopes and tunnel vision is what is causing all of our diseases and addictions?     
   What is with the new paradigm shift in the recovery world where  people are using drugs and alcohol all over the place? The merging of psychotherapy and AA is probably the best thing we have ever seen up until this point in time. That is because the longer one goes to therapy the longer the seeds get planted, this is the only way to eventually get to the fourth and fifth dimension meaning permanent sobriety. So its ok to use drugs during the therapeutic process? Sure why not Ibogaine trips- magic mushrooms pure evaluation and heaven on earth. We now live in a judgment free zone where everybody is an individual but we still can connect with each other as one through the collective conscience regardless of what recovery group we belong to. Can the average person off the street get to go visit  the fourth and fifth dimension, we don't all have to be a drug addict and alcoholic right? Right, that is why Dr Scott Peck had a waiting list of clients that wanted to get some of his secret sauce. Dr Peck is a protégé of the great man Dr Carl Jung- One of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century. I just read an article that stated Dr Jung allegedly raped one of his clients what's with that? I don't know about that but Dr Peck stated that it is actually healthy to sleep with your clients once they get spiritually grounded. In this world it is not healthy to deny ones sexuality and or affinity toward each other. 

Phamakeia- End Of Times Prophecy

Peter stated " So there really is a world wide conspiracy and death cult that wants to wipe out the human population"? I always thought that some of the guys in my unit were kind of on the fringe you know conspiracy theorists that were overly paranoid." Lets put it this way we have been fighting these demons for years, it is true lets look at Pharmakeia- This was an end of times prophecy that is in the right here and the right now- In the state of Fla Opiate deaths are way up especially Fentanyl however prescription drugs are killing more people then any of them. Opiate deaths are up 35% Cocaine is way up there on the list even ahead of heroin however prescription drugs accounted for 61% of all the narcotics found in drug related deaths in 2016 when alcohol was excluded. Benzos, Oxy's there is no difference between these drugs and the illegal drugs that are found out on the street. These are some serious drug dealers that write these prescriptions but when good factions of the DEA come in and put the clamps down this is when the chronic pain patients many of whom have already morphed into hard core addicts have no choice but to find their drugs out on the street. It is a class 3 felony to be found in possession of a drug that's not prescribed but what's the difference there is none. Infact most  of these doctors are even more perfidious then the drug dealer out on the street who just need to make a dollar just like the doctor. In many cases they are both trying to feed their own habit and this is when many of the dealers end up in jail with an intent to distribute charge, this is when the big money is made . Incarcerations of drug dealers many of whom are hooked as well  just like the addict who are just caught up in the system. Without a spiritual awakening the chances of these people ever getting sober are less then average that is why many of them unfortunately end up dead or end up killing an innocent person with a DWI when they are not doing their time. The system loves to incarcerate people because many of these prisons are private and for profit and the more people coming in and out the more the cash register starts to sing. Even when they aren't private big dollars are still being made.
  This is criminal because many of these chronic pain patients really need the drugs for legitimate injuries but when the doctors cut them off many end up seeking these drugs illegally on line or out on the street or then move on up to heroin and fentanyl thus the vicious cycle continues. The end of times Illuminati bankers are killing holistic doctors as well, up to 77 so far. Really tell me more Peter stated? Holistic doctors know a lot whether it be about GCMAF- CBD oil or just how to treat peoples pain without writing a prescription that is why many are ending up dead. Who is killing them? Lowlifes and degenerates that work for the cia and the mobsters who do you think? How do we take these people out? Well for starters our teams have the morale high ground and we don't resort to their level. We have Tier One operators and pychotronics  just like they do but we don't kill people or threaten like these low level thugs. For example these degenerates threatened Wolfgang Halbig's grandchildren just because he is investigating the SHES school shooting, as a National School safety expert he is more then qualified to do this.
   We have quality intel from the inside so when these people go down it is going to an implosion of epic proportions, shock and awe in the likes this country have never seen before, filled up and fueled up with stars and stripes and thunderous roars. For now we just neutralize however, we let them know that what they are doing is not acceptable while we try to prevent out right attacks, threats and assassination attempts. We cant get these lowlife thugs on attempted murder or  murder charges because many of these Illuminati perps are sitting on the bench. It is such a corrupt system that most people wouldn't be able to wrap their head around it. Even if you told them most people still wouldn't believe it and that is exactly the way they like it and that is why it is set it this way.  We finally have a Potus that is on the right side so right now they are getting desperate. For example their are 77 holistic dead doctors one would think that the Rico perps who own mainstream media would cover this story. And then the pedophiles Franklin Cover Up- These people are less then human without a soul. Like I stated their is such a thing as Karma and we don't kill because we are not like them but these demons are going to face a world of hurt in their next life.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Great Quote

"Dream of a world in which differences do not produce divisions, individual expression does not produce separation, and the greatness of the Whole is reflected in the greatness of its parts"-205- Communion With God