Monday, December 4, 2017

Next Level Of Karmic Dimensions

There are at least two things to talk about at the dinner table, ie- politics and religion- Make that three things politics- religion and war- I believe that there has been some mis- conceptions about religion and that is why it is so corrupted. How can you have pedophilia in the house of god? A lot of these places are money pits that are not on the up and up and that is the biggest sin of all. Theosophy- After much research and soul searching I have come to the conclusion that there is an afterlife. Dr Bruce Goldberg, I watched him on Lilou Maces channel- We have some deep spiritual individuals in our universe. Dr Goldberg states that he is one of the few spiritual mentors out there that help people get in touch with various parallel Universes- He talked about the space time continuum and compared it to being in a helo above the freeway looking down on the past- present- and future-He teaches empowerment and not co-dependency- I now believe that there are various planes and various dimensions and planes within each of those various planes- states there are 7 planes of Being.      
  Considering we all co-create on a flat plane with a firmament above us  this should put things in perspective. So from what I gather there is no heaven and hell perse but rather Astral Planes depending on ones spiritual karma- The so called bad or evil people end up on the lower Astral plane which is like a purgatory because their souls have moved on but they end up getting stuck on the lowest frequency. So they suffer on the lowest karmic debt Astral plane level with no way to satiate their ego driven desires. The more spiritually advanced end up moving around and co-create with the more enlightened that are more closely linked to ones own soul or consciousness. This way the soul never stays stagnant since we all should be seeking our next level of newly awakened truth. 
   I convinced myself that I needed Adderall for low grade depression but this was because I will always find a way to get high without a spiritual reprieve on a daily basis. I ended up having an obe(outer body experience) where I lost track of time and space. It didn't help me with my depression, infact it made it much worse and this is when I ended up drinking my own pee inadvertently. This is because Adderall in doses that are too many totally mess up ones Neuromotor capacity, at least for me, it was if I was drunk. I could barely walk and was passed out on the floor for days on end. So this speed freak drug didn't tweak me out instead it gave me an obe where I lost track of time and space. But I was really on the lower Astral plane of bad karma because my alcoholism never worked very well with narcotic drugs or any drug for that matter. I couldn't walk so I peed in a water bottle and then drank it because I was so thirsty later on, I thought it was my water bottle but I  didn't swallow- That is where drugs took me- Dr Goldberg stated that trip drugs are no good if one wants to get in touch with various parallel universes- Their goes my ibogaine theory although that may work for heroin addicts to rewire their brain- I had a bad karmic debt experience with benzos or xanie bars Mr Lucifer himself, I swore that is where I was that night and actually met him- I felt pretty close to checking out during that xanie bar mr devil himself withdrawal scenario- So the god judged us all  during the flood or with the forbidden fruit scenario is more or less a myth and or a mis-conception-   In other words we are all gods and goddesses as long as we humbly asked to get in touch with the divine- god speaks through us as opposed to one of those final judgment constantly reprimanding guilt trips filled up and fueled up with false pride- bad karma- low self esteem and superego- Mother earth is a female- so there goes the perpetual male version of god theory 

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