Thursday, December 7, 2017

Greatness Of The Tao When the greatness of the Tao is present, action arises from ones heart, When the greatness of the Tao is absent, action comes from the rules p-184 Excuses Begone- Today I would much rather be right then be happy- So what happens to any one of us if we lie to a Federal agent or commit perjury under oath? We get the rule of law thrown at us. Ms Clinton was playing by the same book as her husband- I did not have sexual relations with- In Ms Clintons case what did she say "I did not send information that was marked as classified- That is because classified info is rarely  marked classified-" I was always skeptical of listening to people who stated that Israel was the bad guy- AJ had an article that stated that George Soros doesn't want Israel to peacefully co-exist- I believe Alex Jones, there goes years of attempts of investigative journalists that have demonized Israel- I also don't think we have been fighting Israel's wars- If anything we have been fighting the USAs wars and now Potus Trump wants to finally end the cia's destabilization programs of perpetual wars in the Middle East. He wants to promote world peace, peace through strength so people should stop lying and making up stories about him.     

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